Monday, August 19, 2024

The Deafening Silence of Self-Censorship

I know I've said what I'm about to say time and time again over the years, but the proof is now out in the open plain for everyone in the world to see. The EU, UN, and Canada among other nations have begun to censor thought, and actually jail people for thought crimes. You are told not to share certain political posts on social media that are deemed by tyrants to be against their law. 

Those who dare go against that law in countries like the US that are not yet communist are punished by the algorithm, and buried, because of the news they share. A far worse fate awaits those within the already authoritarian countries. Mind you it's very relevant news, and paints the actual lawbreakers in a light they'd rather not be shown in, because what they are doing is criminal.

As your long time friend and source of the latest game reviews I dare to speak up while I can against the oppression and suppression, sharing what should be shared each and every day. All at the peril of losing my platforms for speaking those hard truths. I have no doubt there will come a time in the near future when that will no longer be an option seeing as speech is censored using the threat of punishment for stepping out of line. When that day comes the silence will be deafening, and the cries of the victims loud. Unless we fight the good fight, and stand up for our God given rights we'll all know slavery firsthand, and yes, I am also talking about the immigrants as well. 

There are evil leaders in this world who want absolute control over everyone. Not only that, but to also cull a large portion of the population through their big pharma plandemics, and technocratic fascist-communist new world order. While I believe their time is short it will be an age of reaping that will be unlike any the world has ever seen. We will see famines return, disease and pestilence, wars and executions for held belief. Innocent lives lost to the worst sort of evil imaginable. 

Those unfortunate enough to inherit this Hell on Earth will be the ones who were okay with big government taking away their rights for the community's sake. The promised Utopia that everyone dreamed of will be an inescapable and unavoidable Dystopian nightmare. All, because of complacency with harmful ideologies and ideals that set us back to the Dark Ages. The uneducated and vocal few will seal the fate of the majority population if we don't speak our minds, and speak the truth while we still can. There are things far worse than prison time or death, and if the world keeps going down this dead end path everyone will know it.

It is why I've weighed my social media posts, and decided that I care more about helping to save this world from the Hell it's facing than bending the knee to tyrants for clicks and views. You matter more to me than this work I do. In the end we'll all stand accountable for what we did and did not do when it mattered the most. Our stand, as futile as it might seem right now, will still serve as an echoing reminder to those who are left behind. In their suffering they'll know the truth and in that truth their lies will either be their undoing or salvation. We don't have to be there for that to win. We simply have to be on the right side of History, and dare to say what needs to be said even in the face of martyrdom.

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!