It's been two generations since the last port of "Under Defeat" ever hit consoles. This time around the military shoot 'em up from the not too distant past resurfaces once more in all it's glory with two new modes of play, and a revamped soundtrack to boot! All as the Union once again faces off against the Empire in heated military arcade action. Featuring it's own signature tilting mechanic, basic gun and bomb play, as well as an Options satellite for higher scoring you will pilot one of four distinctly different helicopter models as you take out military targets with extreme prejiduce.
Polished, and almost perfected this latest port of "Under Defeat" aims to be the definitive gaming package with all the bells and whistles expected from the fans and the shmup community. Not only do you get the usual screen customization options including screen rotation, and wallpapers, but you also get three modes to play in, each with their own practice mode as well as the option to change the soundtrack between four variations ranging for the original to the arranged, and new order. That, and a boosted soundtrack option for a more hardcore musical experience.
The game, itself, is feature rich with gameplay settings not only in the main menu, but also in each individual mode. Allowing for a player preferred setup throughout. Everything from the difficulty to ship stock, credits, and soundtrack can be tweaked to the player's liking. It is this custom tailored experience that allows the player to play as they'd like as they attempt to best the latest top leaderboard scores.
As far as modes are concerned you'll find the original arcade mode returning in it's former format with the previously mentioned adjustments including screen size options. New to this mode though is the ability to switch from the original control settings to a twin thumbstick setting that allows for better aiming accuracy. Something the game would have usually awkwardly automated. This of course also ties the helicopter's shot to the right thumbstick allowing for CIRCLE or the trigger button to release the limited stock of bombs.
Outside of the original arcade mode comes two new widescreen modes with updated character art, and graphics. These two modes include both New Order, and New Order Plus. With the New Order modes gameplay fills the screen, and is somewhat zoomed in. It also now features a progress bar, and instances of stationary multi-directional in flight fighting that adds a bit of a challenge to the original gameplay formula.
In the way of extra features each of the three modes comes complete with practice modes free of continuation penalty that can be used to perfect playthroughs. It is in these practice modes that previously played stages will become unlocked and available for selection. Additionally there exists a gallery mode for unlocking bonus art, and video content related to the game. An incentive for returning players to commit to the grind.
Mechanics-wise, Under Defeat is kind of basic. There's four different helicopters to choose from, and each with their own shot type. Along with the bullet types come bombs which are limited use screen clearing explosives meant to help you avoid the bullet hell, and an untimely death. Differing from the usual shmup standards Under Defeat also has it's own support satellite mechanic called an Option which takes on different bullet types based upon power-up collected. These shot types include cannon, rocket, and vulcan. Collecting the same power-ups in succession awards the player a bonus 5,000 points. In order to utilize the Options you will need to pause gunfire long enough for it to reboot, and reappear. It's a sort of cooldown that limits it's time onscreen. Lastly, the tilting mechanic acts as a multi-directional means to hit targets at all angles. This is one of Under defeat's unique features that sets it apart from other shmups.
Scoring in each stage factors in different variables including clearing percentage, ship stock, bombs remaining, and fuel used. It is the usual tally where bonus scoring is applied for added effort. Reaching a GAME OVER will allow you to input three initials. On the leaderboards, respective of their modes, will be both your initials and your PSN ID. That along with your final score, and time spent on the playthrough.
The Presentation ...
Visually Under Defeat is what you'd expect from a modern upgrade. The graphics are HD in nature, but remain fairly much inline with the original game's design. One truly off putting flaw remains though. There are special destructions effects in the game that often times cover-up approaching bullets and missiles. This was never fixed, and is still highly problematic given the game's dull color palette, and the tendency for some projectiles to be hidden by the smoke and explosions.
When it comes to the soundtrack having access to the original as well as the arranged, new order, and boosted is a plus. It adds a nice touch to an area of the experience that players of the original game felt was underwhelming at the time.
The Verdict ...
While this is definitely an upgrade from the former PS3 release of Under Defeat HD, it is still plagued by at least one issue that remains unaddressed. That issue being how the special effects masks bullet hell. That aside, there's plenty to enjoy once you train your eyes to spot the hard to see dangers. Three modes with three practice modes alongside them makes for the perfect setup to climb that leaderboard, and to earn the bragging rights for feats rendered. Mind you Under Defeat is no easy game, and it borders on being one of the harder bullet hell shooters, but it is still doable. If you fancy partaking of some polished shmup nostalgia you'll not want to pass this one up when it releases!!!
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