Monday, July 25, 2011

SOUL(XBLIG): "A Creepy Journey to Heaven, or Hell"

SOUL is a creepy, and somewhat disturbing puzzle/maze game that was developed by KYDOS Studios. I sought out a review for this XBLIG title, because it was a video game with a horror twist. Aside from gaming I also love scary movies, and SOUL brings both forms of media together to make a terrifying yet satisfying experience. As a human soul you must make your way through several different mazes in order to reach heaven. Reaching that destination can become quite difficult at times. The challenging mazes in SOUL are brought to life with stunning visuals, and ambient sounds. You'll find that there's also a scary surprise that looms in the darkness of the game waiting for you ...

The controls in SOUL are extremely simple. The only thing you will use is the Left Thumbstick for movement. This may make the game sound easy, but be warned the controls are simple for a good reason. Navigating through the mazes in SOUL is a tedious task that must not be rushed. You'll find that bumping into any wall, or object in the game will get you an instant start over. The goal is to move the soul through the mazes to a not so obvious exit point.

There are three different difficulty settings in SOUL. The 'Wimp' setting is the easiest. I found 'Normal' to be hard enough. I ended up dying many times while trying to complete the game on normal. If you are glutton for punishment then you can try the 'Hard' difficulty setting. Each level/maze in the game features obstacles, and walls that you must pass by without touching. Some of the obstacles are dark creatures that move while others include such things as sewer water, and air duct vents. If you manage to make it though all of the levels then you will earn your place in heaven, but if you give up and quit you will find your place in hell.

I loved the details and features of this game. The freakish scare that pops up from time to time add some intensity to the already nerve racking gameplay. The hospital maze looked as if it were out of a horror movie, and the creepy sounds that occupied those levels will really make your skin crawl. I also liked the menu feature that told how many 'SOULS' made it to heaven, and how many made it to hell. The variety of mazes were both unique, and visually impressive. If you've seen the trailer that's only a small sample of the levels available in the full game. Do I recommend this game? Heck yes! For 80 msp ($1) you are getting a worthy challenge as well as one of the most unique horror related puzzle games for the Xbox 360. I'm definitely glad I was able to get a review code, and enjoy a playthrough of the game.

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