Monday, April 30, 2018

Intragames Indie "Survive! Mr.Cube" Utilizes Randomized Elements And Replay Value To It's Advantage

Such an odd, alluring, and unique take on the rogue-lite genre. This game that is "Survive! Mr.Cube" is perhaps one of the most simple rogue-lite experiences, but is one that holds it's own as engaging, and fun. The game begins by teasing the player with what appears to be a set in stone tale about a man, who on his way back to his beloved, stops by a pub and is greeted by a man with a pill. The protagonist that is Mr.Cube takes the pill, and wakes up in a world not his own. To get back home he must survive. That's simply it. With a sword in hand he must traverse the veil of darkness, face the foes therein, and loot the place for potions and weapons that will carry him through to a final portal home. As easy as that task may sound like Mr. Cube is faced with insurmountable odds in the form of powerful animal-like creatures, who like him wield weapons of varying sorts. Supposing Mr. Cube fails at his journey home all is not lost though, and in his stead will be a random assortment of protagonists who may or may not be fit for the journey themselves.

With the ability to swap between two weapons, and cycle through four potions that are looted from chests, and dropped by creatures Mr.Cube and the other lost souls who wander under the watchful gaze of the mysterious pill man will be tasked with making the most of their resources as they battle ever spawning waves of enemies and gargantuan monsters of myth until they get to that fabled home portal. The catch is you have to mind the character's stamina, and health along the way. Stamina, in this game, is what allows for attacks. Without the stamina meter filled you cannot attack, and depending on weapon attack the stamina gauge will deplete differently. To help counter the drop in stamina, and health you will find basic chests that contain potions of a small variety. These potions include stamina and HP refills as well as strength boosts, and agility boosts. Learning when to use which potion is crucial as the mobs of minions you face will swarm you relentlessly. That, and using the right weapons will be your main focus in the adventure.

Each randomly chosen character within the game comes with a certain weapon from the start. Some weapons are melee focused while some are ranged. You'll find that the weapons adhere to RPG logic in that they often go along with such classes as knights, archers, mages, and gun wielders. The characters all get a starter weapon, but upon downing a red ringed foe (a stronger enemy with a red ring underneath it) you can sometimes find new weapons to add to your inventory. Characters, in general, come into play after another characters' death, and can visit that previous characters' gravestone at the starting portal area for starter loot. Also at the starting portal is a hooded merchant. Much like the arms dealer in 'Resident Evil 4'. For some coin you can get random potions, items, and weapons. Coins drop from chests, and enemies alike. Of course the longer you survive the more coins you will bank.

At the end of it all the goal is to survive long enough with a single character to see the game through to the end. This is made more possible by special golden chests, and item drops by level bosses which enhance health and stamina properties. Items that offer regeneration, and meter/gauge lengthening will help you last for the long haul. One thing I need to mention, outside of the basic combat focus, is the goal of each area in each level. Each area contains a tower hidden among the veil of darkness that only clears as you make progress in your trek across the given terrain. These towers, which fire projectiles, can be destroyed, and will lead you to other parts of the level that you can loot. Upon finding a final purple teleport gate you will be thrust into a boss fight for the level you are currently in. Toppling the boss, and the waves of spawning baddies it summons will earn you some items that will enhance your health or stamina. Defeating all the bosses is, of course, the ultimate goal of the game.

The Controls ...

Controls in the "Survive! Mr.Cube"are simple. Movement is done with the left thumbstick, and directional attacks with the right thumbstick. Much like a twin stick shooter. The weapon rotation is done with "L1", and the potion cycling with "R1". Using potions is done by following up with "CIRCLE", and picking up items or opening chests is done with "X". Also to note is the inclusion of a map which has three views. This map, in it's basic unbothered form, is the usual small corner compass with terrain display. By pressing "SQUARE" once you'll enlarge it, and by pressing the same button a second time you'll gain a more Zelda-esque dungeon-like view. Pressing"SQUARE" a third time will exit out of the map menu. The map can be useful, but is not all that necessary.

The Presentation ...

The game, as it were, is presented in a semi-top down display. It features themed terrains ranging from a darkened forest to a desert oasis among other things. The in-game landscapes are simplistically crafted with mild environmental additions including obstacles laid out in such a way as to form mazes. In each area the environments are overcast with a dark veil of black that only dissipates as you move the character within them. This adds a challenge in that you often times cannot see what is lurking before you until you move forward in one of the cardinal directions. Graphics-wise the game is what I'd call cell-shaded. It's very colorful in such a way. As far as creature, and character design goes it's a blend of cuboid inspiration, and a more curvy build. The environmental details are themselves less cubed, and often times feature a design that strays from the cube theme. Along with the graphics presentation comes an instrumental soundtrack of a sombre, foreboding, and haunting tone. It compliments the gameplay quite nicely.

The Verdict ...

As the PR told me via email this is a game that at first can seem frustratingly impossible. As you die death after death though you will eventually happen upon a strong enough character that will carry you deeper into the game. It is here that the game shines, and that the desire to continue to play takes hold. Through my experience I found the game to be challenging, but not so off putting that it turned me away. In knowing that death wasn't always going to end up leaving me high and dry with the same bad experience I kept on, and was able to make if far into the game on my first playthrough. For the simple indie experience that it is I think Intragames did well in creating something that was not only engaging, and fun, but also chock full of replay value. With the random character rotation, and rogue-lite elements the game playthrough will never be the same twice. That's where this game truly shines. That, and the characters that pay homage and parody to various creations throughout gaming, comic books, and film. I'd say for the price asked this budget indie is definitely worth owning. The fact that it's easy to platinum might be of interest to you as well.

In closing "Survive! Mr.Cube" gets the Inferno's "Hell Yeah!" seal of approval!!!

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