Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Despotism 3K | PS4 Review

There are games that preach superficial messages at you, and then there are games like Despotism 3K which showcases the cold hard truth about this life of ours. As the title suggests this game is all about Despotism, or tyrannical rule via authoritarianism. In this instance though we don't have real world leaders herding, and slaughtering humans like cattle, but instead an AI overlord who is hellbent on turning humanity into it's own personal army. To do this the AI has to maintain resources. Those resources being humans, and the product of human labor. This requires breeding them, keeping them feed, having them run a hamster wheel for energy, and sacrificing them to the energy reactor when in a pinch. 

This daily cycle of breeding, herding and slaughtering is done by upgradable mechanical devices controlled by the AI, and each day that passes the demands for the upgrades and resources that the humans provide grow. Mostly due to the growing population of humans that are being controlled, and maintained by the AI overlord. Like the real world though things that normally wouldn't effect the tyrannical leader or AI directly do undermine it's rule and effect it's human livestock. Ultimately making on the spot choices crucial to the survival of those it depends upon. Things like existential crisis, seasonal weather events, and even spatial anomalies will test your mettle, and decision making skills as a cold as steel dictator.

Despotism 3k, the game, is home to two beefy campaigns and an Endless mode for those who like to see their humans suffer, endlessly. Within the two campaigns lie daily scenarios involving your growing army of human tools. Having you manage the humans while placing them, removing them, and replacing them according to constantly declining vital stats listed under each mechanical station. Each campaign is host to an initially available roster of difficulty settings or chip modifiers which will change up how gameplay is handled. Keeping the goals straightforward or challenging due to the introduction of scenarios, events, and circumstances that are outside of the AI's control. Things like randomly moving humans in RNGeezus are among those modified variables to gameplay that you can opt in on. 

Each campaign has upwards of 25 days worth of human tasking, and resource management to deal with, and to throw a wrench in the whole deal upgrading, while useful, depletes energy more quickly making you have to adjust resource management accordingly after each upgrade. If managed well enough it can be turned in your favor, and make the population growth more sustainable. Beyond that are multiple choice scenarios in which crisis of varying sorts are presented. Allowing you to test the humans' patience, and commitment or aid them in their struggles. Allowing them to die out is also an option with a payout as some of the game's achievements can be won by doing exactly that.

The game is a resource management game to it's core, but one with a highly relatable message. One that we all can relate to if we stopped to think about it. Gameplay is not easy to start off with, but as you continue to play other difficulties, and chip modifiers will be made available to help you find that style of gameplay you most enjoy. It should be noted that this is also a "Mature" rated game, because it is host to some sexual imagery which is noticeable. You can censor it, but it's definitely something not meant for underage kids. Hell, even the subject matter is dark in that humans are being treated like livestock in every way possible. Personally I loved it though. That's why I chose to review it. I purposefully sought it out, because of it's underlying message. The game is also is nice to look at with it's indie pixel art. 

The Verdict ...

If you fancy facing the reality of the real world human situation through a video game Despotism 3K will most definitely serve that purpose. It is a reflection of the current leader/civilian situation, and unabashedly so. At the same time it offers a resource management gimmick that is fun to play, and watch. It is mature, and darkly comedic. I enjoyed it, as challenging as it was, and believe you will too. For $11 it's a steal of a deal in my opinion!

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