Friday, June 25, 2021

Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny | Nintendo Switch Review

They say if it's not broken then there's no need to fix it. I think this applies to NISA's latest entry in the Disgaea series. While 'Disgaea 6' does feature a new cast of leading characters, a new story, and some new features it remains mostly the same in the way of mechanics. With the exception of one mechanic gimmick that ties into the main character's design. The 'Super Resurrection' ...

Entering the scene as the game's protag we find a persistent low tier zombie named Zed who is hellbent on defeating the most powerful God of Destruction ever to plague the worlds. Alongside his putrid pug pal Cerberus, and a rag tag group of recruits he aims to do just that. Being the zombie that he is death is not an issue. With his special ability known as 'Super Reincarnation' dying only makes him stronger in that regard. The catch being that with each death he's transported to a new world where his gained stats and mana are reset, but his remaining strengths enhanced. It is through this rinse, and repeat cycle of battles, and losses that he goes forth with a heartfelt mission in mind ...

Like most of the Disgaea series this 6th entry starts off in the Netherworld. It begins with a story intro, and several tutorial sessions starring the main characters. Those characters being Zed, and Cerberus this time around. Almost immediately upon startup we find that the God of Destruction is doing what a God of Destruction does. Laying waste to worlds. We find in the midst of this destruction the lone zombie named Zed who has made it his mission to defeat this destructive force. It isn't initially made clear as to why Zed is so determined to best this particular baddie, but it is apparent he's been at it a good while. In his unlife and death cycle he has become rather powerful for a zombie, and somewhat crass. This is made evident in his approach and conquering of the Dark Assembly. Letting himself be known with an unbelievable grand entrance.

Episodes are the name of the game once again as Zed's adventure continues onward in the midst of his ongoing battle. Beginning with a hands-on tutorial hosted by Cerberus, and tour around all the vendors of the new fourth dimensional pocket netherworld we get to know of all that is at his disposal. There are staple vendors from past Disgaea entries returning in a similar function as before as well as a handful of newer additions. The Dark Assembly, which is a returning feature, is where you'll spend earned currency to put in votes for various game affecting features. Including character creations, color changes, name changes, Super Reincarnations, and class management. Character skill upgrades, and learned evilities, or special abilities/enhanced abilities show up for purchase in the Skill Shop which is also a returning vendor. If you fancy buying the latest gear, accessories, items or weapons the Rosen Queen General store is there for those needs. Along with all of this comes the main hub for episode stage playthroughs. The Dimension Portal. This opens up access to stages that forward the given story, and helps Zed to build up an army of recruits while amassing loot, currency, and mana to better prepare them for what's ahead. Also returning is the Item World in which you can go inside item's worlds, battle continuously, and increase that item's potential infinitely. Adding attributes, and bonus stats to otherwise base items. Whether it be weapons, gear, or single use items. 

As you continue to battle in the Item World or story stages the damage taken can be healed up back at the pocket netherworld's Hospital. For a price your party will be healed, and fallen party members resurrected. You'll even earn prizes for currency spent. Additionally Zed's party will see bonus opportunities in quests via the Quest vendor. A way to earn special items, and gear for completed errands, fetch question, and objectives met. Things you'll complete mindlessly as you continue to play. For those of you looking for character building between all the mayhem the pocket netherworld is also host to character specific dialogue driven events that can be partaken of between each outing. Simply talking to the resident NPCs will afford you a deeper understanding of ongoing character relationships. In the way of extras the pocket netherworld is also home to a Data vendor that houses all in-game info including the bestiary, glossary, history, and access to things like the soundtrack. There's even a cheat vendor with sliding scales that can be tweaked to increase XP, currency, and mana earnings among other things. Speeding up the grinding process.

Newer to the Disgaea experience is the Juice Bar. A way to turn grinding into stat boosts. Increasing party potential, and longevity well beyond the basic grinding efforts. Touted as one of the best added features in the Disgaea series. It's for those of you who enjoy the grind, and put hundreds of hours into gameplay. Something that's also newer is the Squad vendor where organized squads can be set to certain tasks for character/party benefits. These squad types are divided according to title including things like capture, interrogation, boot camp, channeling, relief, life support, and others. Each offering various bonuses in the way of mana boosts, recruitment efforts, and other things vital to making your party as efficient in battle as it can be.

In the way of gameplay, mechanics fairly much remain the same. You've got your turn based strategy setup where you draw out one party member at a time ordering them to move, attack, defend, special attack, use an item, or lift. Certain attacks open up different options depending upon character class, and will afford you different was to approach battle scenarios. Geo Symbols, and Geo Tiles also return opening up even more ways to capitalize on the game's returning Bonus meter. By destroying Geo Symbols on certain colored tiles you'll be able to convert all tiles to a similar color, and clear them in one fell swoop dealing massive damage to all characters sitting on those tiles. Your party included. Moving Geo Symbols also changes bonus effects for enemies, and your party depending upon their location in conjunction with where your party or the enemy is placed. Sometimes boosting stats, and sometimes negatively effecting stats. In regards to the lift mechanic this can be used to pick up, and toss other party members further forward, or higher up. It can also be used in the puzzle solving sense allowing you to position stacks of blocks as steps to reach higher out of reach locations.

Combos, and chains are a returning mechanic as well. By positioning your party in lines or surrounding enemy targets you can chain, and combo attacks increasing damage output substantially. Combos are achieved by surrounding the target from all sides, and chains by lining your party up in rows either vertically or horizontally in front of an enemy target. Needless to say, the mechanics will be familiar to those of you returning to Disgaea for this 6th adventure.

The Presentation ...

Disgaea 6 doesn't go too far out of it's way to create something entirely new, but what it does do is build upon, and liven up the presentation. Through a new cast of characters all done up in newly polished sprites the world in-game pops out at you. Everything from the attack cinematics to the art, and spoken dialogue enhances the experience well beyond previous entries. Making it seem more polished, and primed for a heck of a good time! 

Control-wise Disgaea 6 fits the Nintendo Switch perfectly. Even in handheld mode the game plays in an ease of access kind of way. It even looks amazing in handheld mode. The only real complication I found comes from the need to adjust where your characters are facing when you move them. This is done by holding 'Y' down on the highlighted character, and pressing one of four direction buttons. While this does somewhat complicate the strategy process it's in no way a deal breaker.

The Verdict ...

Disgaea 6 is a refreshing, and revitalizing take on a series that almost became stale by design. Through Zed, and all the other colorful characters we get to see a side of the Disgaea mythology that we haven't seen before. A view of the battle from a low tier denizen's perspective. A point of view that allows the underlings to rise to power, and outperform even the greatest of overlords. A story that resonates with, and mirrors our real world struggle against tyranny, and the continued fight for what's right despite all odds being stacked against those leading the rebellion. I think the story is highly relatable in that sense. Not only that, but the characters are all enjoyable to play as, and watch grow as they become their best. Even with a lot of the same returning features, and staple mechanics at play this particular entry shines above all others, in my personal opinion. I think in keeping it familiar, and offering such an amazing cast of characters and story NISA has helped this game to truly shine. It's one not to miss out on! I strongly recommend it!!!

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