Sunday, July 28, 2024

TimeMelters | PS5 Review

Time manipulation is tricky business as one Teagan MacPhee would find out. Destined to burn at the stake for witchcraft, but saved by her brother Edwin and a true witch named Amina, Teagan is thrust unwillingly into a time bending adventure where spell casting is the only means to change the course of history. 

It seems there's a dark puppeteer at play summoning an army of corrupted pawns that are being unleashed on the kingdom Teagan resides in. Through the help of Amina, a time mending centaur, and other characters of interest Teagan will not only try to save her brother from his ill gotten fate at the pyre, but also save the kingdom while simultaneously fulfilling Amina's goals.

As Teagan, freshly saved from certain death and possessed by Amina's spirit, you must help her come to terms with her role in the convoluted plot. Finding herself facing a clone of herself early on who mysteriously aides her in her journey she slowly but surely catches up to her role in future and past events as those very clones. Leading to events she didn't know she had a hand in. It is through silver chain spells imbued upon her by her ghostly host Amina that she is not only able to kill off corrupted pawns, but utilize her surroundings, and clone herself to help fend off larger waves of foes.

The further along in the path driven story Teagan goes the more spells she unlocks. This includes basic attacks like the spell strike and spell blast. That and a possession spell that causes inanimate objects like trees or moonstones to bend to her will and help provide a sort of tower defense against the armies of the dark puppeteer. Teagan can also summon spirits to aide in her attack and defensive efforts. By using an out of body experience spell she can even scan the area from above, and additionally perform spells as she could in her body. Helping locals as they attempt to flee harm or face it.

There are different corrupt threats to deal with along the way, and each must be dealt with in a certain way according to their path projection, abilities, and the available interactive objects that can be utilized to help stop their assault. This along with offensive spells dished out by Teagan, herself, are the only means to set right the course of time, and stop the threat that got Teagan and her brother Edwin into trouble in the first place.

As you progress through the acts, and map navigation from point to point guided by one of the supporting characters the narrative will unfold, and you will slowly, but surely come face to face with the truth of your situation, and your role in it. Narration is told from Teagan's perspective with supporting characters like Amina chiming in from time to time to add context via text and voice overs. Fully fleshing out this unique fantasy adventure.

The Presentation ...

TimeMelters is presented in a third person point of view with Teagan taking the lead throughout the journey. It is a well visualized modern 3D gameplay experience with plenty of special effects tied to the spiritual nature of it as well as the medieval fantasy aspect. Characters are brought to life through voiced narration, and constant textual/contextual conversations at pivotal moments in progression. Leaving you to micromanage the dual hands-on combat and tower defense mechanics in real time through spell casting. The music in the game is on the epic side of the scale, and almost cinematic by design. Lending a sort of film-like quality to the many battles and events.

The Verdict ...

TimeMelters is a fantasy epic that has likely gone under a lot of gamers' radars. It is a time bending, spell casting, action, and tower defense based experience held together by twists and turns involving Teagan MacPhee, her brother Edwin, and the other joining cast members. 

It is a well thought out, and well plotted game filled to the brim with mystery and intrigue. It's heavy on European folklore, and a sort of medieval fantasy that happens to coincide with historical trials like that of the Spanish Inquisition. Making for an interesting and entertaining adventure that will keep you invested to the end. I think it is quite the indie experience, and personally, I've not seen anything like it before. If you fancy something unique this might just be the game for you!

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