Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Inferno Hits It's 3 Million Views Milestone Mark On Google+

Today while updating my Google+ blog post view standings I realized I had finally broken past the three million views milestone. It is a true milestone for this blog, and is reflective of my collective efforts at keeping you guys in tune with the latest game related news and reviews. Unknown to some of you I had setup a Google+ page long ago when the service first started, and directly tied my blog posts to it. While my Google+ contains a select few photos of me, and images of some of my art it's main purpose has always been to mirror my efforts on the gaming side of things. That's exactly what it does. I didn't notice how popular the Google+ page had become until last year though. It's then that I was able to definitively prove my point to PR that my blogging efforts weren't in vain, and that they were substantial. I think I owe most of that exposure to the attached link that was placed on my Youtube channel as well as all my blog settings geared towards making my work search friendly. Regardless of which outlet I got the views from they are there, and I'm proud to say that with this milestone my efforts which have seemed futile to even me at times were proven efficient enough.

What does this mean for the Inferno? Well, it means I won't be giving up any time soon. As long as readers continue reading what I have to say, and keep clicking the links tied to my blogging efforts I'll be glad to continue doing what I do. My only issues at this point are convincing PR to look past my blog's humble facade, and getting them to see it for what it really is. As I said before PR need to realize that a blog's views come from multiple locations on the internet, much like any other website. This includes social media, profile sites like Google+, and even streaming sources such as Youtube. I know it's not easy to believe, but I am not fabricating my reach, and have even offered to provide PR screen captures of my Google+ page for numerical proof. I just wish some of them could look a little deeper, and see my efforts for what they are.

At the end of the day I'm sacrificing hours, days, and weeks of my life to dedicate to the reviews I bring to my audience. I bring this point up, because I like to think the PR I continue to work with understand why it is I aim to get most of my review material handed to me. I could easily buy some of the games to play, and review, but the fact is I enjoy the busy work that comes with having access to more games than I can afford. Games which I have promised to review, and with which I'm bound by that promise. I like being obligated to do a review in which the game is provided as it feels like proper work. It gives me a sense of priority, and a much needed distraction from the tribulations of daily life. Something I lack. I think with the effort I put into each, and every post it's more than a fair trade.

I'm gonna close in saying that I extend my offer once again to PR who care to hear me out. Whether it be indies, or retail games I'm up for a review so long as I'm not busy attending to something else that is wholly time consuming. At times I will be able to juggle multiple games, and items but it will not be every time. If you are willing to wait until the games I'm working on prior to yours are done then that's fine too. My only real limitations are with Steam/PC games, and mobile games which I cannot review. Sorry.

I want to take the time to also thank my audience here at the Inferno for your years of support. Without you none of this would have been made possible. Thank you! I hope you continue to visit whenever a review or article is posted! Your patronage is greatly appreciated. You are all Awesome!

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Looking forward to what you have to say. Keep it clean, and keep it real. I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping by!!!