Showing posts with label Atlus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlus. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena / Persona 4 Arena (PSN/PS3)

First thing's first. I would like to thank the two people who made this review possible. The first person, Isako Tsuburai of Arc System Works has been more helpful to me than any other PR I've ever worked with. This Japanese PR has gone out of their way numerous times to help me with my inquiries pertaining to various Arc System Works releases. Without their help I would have gotten nowhere fast. Thank you Isako! You have been a godsend. Secondly I'd like to thank Alex Armour of Atlus for providing the code for review purposes. Without Alex following through with the code this review, once again would have not been a possibility. Both representatives are definitely awesome in my book, and I hope to continue working with them in the future. It's not often that you'll find such high ranked gaming PRs who are willing to work with smaller journalistic outlets such as the one I provide. I definitely find myself very fortunate in those respects.

Without further delay though I am here to get a job done, and that's what I intend on doing. I hope that you enjoy reading the following review of "Persona 4 Arena", and that it's an informative experience that will help you in your decision on whether, or not the game is worth the asking price.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Rock of Ages (XBLA): "Epic Boulder Rolling Fun Spanning The Ages"

I consider myself both lucky, and blessed for having the chance to review Atlus's/ACE Team's new game, 'Rock of Ages'. I recently decided to step up my game in the reviewing business, and seek out the approval of XBLA developers. I'm always up for broadening my horizens when it comes to reviewing, and doing just XBLIG titles wasn't satisfying my desire to expand my gaming knowledge further. When I contacted ACE Team about reviewing this game they accepted my request, and were truly friendly about it. Getting to know developers such as that, even if it is only through brief messages makes what I do worth the while. To be 100% honest though, I had no clue what 'Rock of Ages' was truly about when I made the request. I had a vague idea after watching the youtube trailer, but the trailer doesn't do the game justice. It's much better than the short footage you get to see in the video. I'd go so far as to say that ACE Team, and Atlus have created one of the best games I have ever played. It was definitely a privilege to get to play through, and review this game.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Xbox 360 Impressions: "Catherine Demo"

I've been following Catherine since it was first released in Japan. To be 100% honest I had thought it was going to be an RPG type of game since it's developer is ATLUS. They are known for their release of many popular Japanese RPGs. I found out later, and a bit closer to the scheduled release for Catherine that it was going to be more of a puzzle type of game. The story was to be based on marital morals. When I saw the demo was available on the Xbox 360 today I was extremely excited. I wanted to try the demo out ever since I heard it was available on the Japanese PSN store. I downloaded the demo, and got started right away. I wanted to see if it was as good as I had hoped ...