Showing posts with label XBLA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XBLA. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pinball FX2 (XBLA): "Star Wars Pinball"

In 1977 George Lucas brought to light one of the most highly, and significantly influential sci-fi film sagas ever to grace the entertainment industry. Through this cinematic creation George Lucas set the standard for how a sci-fi film should be created. Many new Star Wars related story archs spawned from this award winning film franchise following the success of the original trilogy's theatrical release, and are still being introduced to this day. Star Wars related merchandise, clothing, novels, and even video game spin-offs have come, and gone over the years. To say Star Wars was popular would be an obvious understatement. Even too this day Star Wars has one of the largest cult followings of any sci-fi related fiction. You likely won't find many people who havn't heard of the many characters that make up the Star Wars universe. Often times you'll even find tons of new internet, and store content relating to the original trilogy, and it's many successors. Recently news about a new Star Wars movie was also leaked.

It's no surprise that a pinball giant such as Zen Studios would pay homage to the greatness that is Star Wars as well. In fact that's the reason why I'm here typing up this review for you today. In an unexpected, and most Awesome turn of events Zen Studios partnered up with Lucas Films in order to bring to us faithful 'Pinball FX2' players an official set of Star Wars movie tribute tables. Through inside information I have found out that there will be a total of 10 Star Wars themed tables released over time. The first set will be a mixture of the old, and new Star Wars film related features. In the following paragraphs I will give you a brief history on each of the table's themes. I'll also do a descriptive breakdown on all the features that each table has to offer. Without further adieu, sit back, relax and prepare yourself for one hell of an interesting read!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Serious Sam Double D XXL (XBLA): "A Content Packed Indie With An XBLA Facade"

In 2011, prior to the release of "Serious Sam 3: BFE" it was announced through various media outlets that Croteam was partnering up with some indie developers on a promotional project. This project included three Serious Sam spin-offs from three different indie game developers. One of the developers would be releasing a Serious Sam title as a "runner" type of game for mobile devices. It would be called "Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!". Another game that was scheduled for release was a turn based Serious Sam RPG titled, "Serious Sam: The Random Encounter". As of now I do not know whether, or not either of these games ever seen the light of day. One thing is for certain though, "Serious Sam 3: BFE" was released before the indie spin-offs were. The third, and final indie spin-off I'm here to review today will be released on the 20th of this month. It's a 2D sides-crolling platformer by the ever popular XBLIG developer, "Mommy's Best Games", and "Devolver Digital". The game is not entirely unique though since it was previously released as a STEAM title. With that being said though, "Mommy's Best Games" did go out of their way to add some additional content for the gamers.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Special Forces: Team X (XBLA): "An Impressive Mashup Of Various Shooter Genres"

Atari, and Zombie Studios have worked together to bring us what could be best described as a third person cover based shooter. The game itself seems to borrow what's great from other popular shooter titles, and make a unique experience with the well known game mechanics. There's definitely a hint of games like "Borderlands", "Call of Duty", and even a tiny fraction of "HALO" thrown into the mix. If I had to compare it to any shooter series though it would definitely be more like that of the "Gears of War" series. The cover-to-cover combat is definitely the game's more prominent feature, and focal point. While the game definitely borrows some ideas it still stands alone as a unique gaming experience.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Skulls of the Shogun (XBLA): "The Arcade Game That Could Have Been An Indie"

You guys have heard me complain about PRs in the past, and having to deal with them, so I will not got into a rant about dealing with 17Bit. I will however say that thanks to my good friend WOLFZKRIEGER I was able to gain a code for this latest XBLA title. 17Bit totally ignored me, so they will not be getting any credit from me. If it weren't for my friend you would not be reading this following review from me. As such my thanks goes out to my friend WOLFZKRIEGER for being so generous. I hope that one day I can share a code with him as well. With all of that aside let us delve deep into the world of the interesting XBLA strategy hybrid that is "Skulls of the Shogun"!

Friday, January 4, 2013

We Made It!!! It's 2013!!!

Greetings to all my readers! I realize I'm a little late in delivering my new years greeting, but I figured it's the best way to let you know my plans for this year. As most of you know I mentioned back in December 2012 that I would possibly be doing PSN reviews as well as the usual Xbox 360 reviews since I got a new PS3 for Christmas. I still plan on following through with that, but at the current time there are no noteworthy PS3, or PSN games being released. In fact I'd go so far as to say the selection of new games for the PS3 pales in comparison to that of Microsoft's Xbox 360. Hopefully things will pick up soon though, because I want to try out delivering some of those PS3/PSN reviews.

Friday, December 21, 2012

OtakuDante's "Top 10 Xbox 360 Games of 2012"

This year has been a virtual roller coaster ride for the video game industry. Some developers hit home runs with their games while others failed miserably at their attempts to impress the gamers. I'm here today to give much deserved praise to the games that have truly impressed me this year. With each game nominated (by me, in somewhat numerical order) I will also give you (the reader) my thoughts as to why I think the game in question deserves a spot on my "Top 10" list. The games will range from retail Xbox 360 games to XBLIG titles. There will definitely be credit given across the Xbox 360 gaming spectrum in that respect. I hope that you gain some knowledge as to what was good & what was not this year through my list. Keep in mind though that my opinions are my own, and that opinions are like a**holes. Everybody's got one. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you reading this article! May the coming year be a blessed one for you!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Black Knight Sword (XBLA): "SUDA 51's Masterful Fairy Tale"

When it comes to vivid, and disturbing video games no one quite does it like SUDA 51. In the past this master of the macabre has given us such titles as the strange yet intriguing "Shadows of the Damned". I never in my life fathomed that this game developer would contribute to the XBLA library though. The fact that he did proves that he is out to impress the world with his talents, and in my honest opinion I think "Black Knight Sword" does exactly that. I spent hours sitting in front of the television mesmerized by the oddities, and WTF!? moments that populated the screen. Looking back I think I will definitely have a difficult time putting into words what I witnessed during my playthrough, but I will give it my best shot.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pinball FX2 (XBLA): "Zen Classics"

In the early next-gen days of gaming, before I even thought of doing gaming reviews, I was a serious PS3 gamer. Among my collection of PSN game titles there was a pinball game you may have heard of before. This pinball game was none other than "Zen Pinball". It was basically the same thing as "Pinball FX2", but unlike 'Pinball FX2' though 'Zen Pinball' came with it's own unique starter set. There were four tables included that each presented to the gamer an entirely unique pinball gaming experience. The tables included in the set were "El Dorado", "Shaman", "V12", and "Tesla". As Zen Studios would have it these four challenging tables were kept from the Xbox 360 version of the game for a while. It wasn't until recently that the pinball wizards of 'Zen Studios' decided to grant us Xbox 360 owners access to these early tables. In the end Zen Studios not only revived them for us, but also remastered them with amazingly enhanced graphics, and sounds. Today my friends I bring to you my breakdown of what each table has to offer the player as well as some basic stategies to achieve that highest score. Without further adieu, "Let the games begin!" ....

Friday, November 23, 2012

Pinball FX2/Marvel Pinball: "Civil War"

In 2006 there began an epic Marvel mini-series that was unlike anything the fans of the longstanding comic book franchise had ever seen. This series was none other than Marvel's "Civil War". The event lasted through seven epic drama filled issues that involved many of Marvels best known superheroes, and supervillains. Standing their ground at the core of the conflict was Iron Man, and Captain America. The two popular Marvel superheroes found themselves on opposing sides of a newly proposed "Super Hero Registration Act (SHRA)" which was created after a deadly clash that resulted in the loss of many innocent lives. On one hand Iron Man was all for the proposed act, and on the other hand Captain America was very much against it. What spawned from this massive civil unrest was several instances of bloodshed, and the division of the Marvel Universe as we (the readers) had come to realize it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Neocore Games Has Finally Found Their New Hero!!!

I posted an article not too long ago giving you guys & gals the opportunity to vote on Neocore Game's hero for the upcoming action RPG, "The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing". It turns out that everyone who voted felt pretty much the same way I did, and thought that the 'Mysterious Stranger' was badass enough to take on the lead role. In the end this masked monster slayer won the right through your votes to become Neocore's hero. I would like to thank everyone who voted. Be sure to keep an eye on my blog as I'm sure more screenshots, and videos will be released before the game is. I will definitely keep you informed on the latest news concerning this amazing game. Be sure to save some microsoft points as I'm sure this XBLA title will be worth it. If you'd like to wait on my review that is fine as well though. Until next time I bid you farewell ladies & gents!

- Brad (OtakuDante) -

Monday, November 5, 2012

Neocore Games is Looking For The New Hero of "The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing"!!!

Earlier this year (October I think?) I tweeted links to a poll/survey concerning Neocore Game's search for their new protagonist/hero. They offered the fans three distinct interview-like videos featuring animations of each character detailing the characters' views on why they should be the main star of the game. You had the Chevalier who was somewhat arrogant in nature, the fabled Van Helsing himself, and a mysterious masked stranger (my personal favorite) who seemed to be the most badass one of all. As of now there is only one week left to get your votes in. I will leave you a link to the videos as well as a link to the poll/survey in hopes that you will partake of this unique opportunity provided by the developer of the game. I have high hopes for this upcoming XBLA title, and if the screenshots, and gameplay videos are a direct portrayal of things to come then we are definitely in for a treat!

Link to the funny casting video:

Link to the original announcement:

Link to the voting: "CLOSED"

- Brad (OtakuDante) -

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Zombie Driver HD (XBLA): "Zombie Carnage & Vehicular Combat"

Zombies seem to be a hot topic these days. Whether it's in the form of entertainment, or rumors spreading about a possible zombie apocalypse you have no doubt probably witnessed the bloody carnage that these undead denizens can cause. While I think a zombie apocalypse is the least of our worries I do partake in the grim goodness that the zombie entertainment genre has to offer. From time to time I'll pop a zombie oriented movie into my dvd player, or even partake of the ever-popular zombie video game genre via my Xbox 360. There is honestly no lack of available content when it comes to zombie horror, and as such a horror fan like my self can be entertained until the zombie apocalypse finally arrives, if it even does.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Wars (XBLA): "Chaotic Warfare With A Comical Twist"

There is no doubt these days that war is truly one of the hottest, and most debated topics around. Often times you'll see news of the war in the middle east, and find that things in life are not always as pleasant as they seem. Even the video game industry seems to take their own stance on the subject of war with military based shooters that are all the craze these days. These more serious peeks into what is happening in the world can become somewhat disheartening at times if we dwell on it too long. Even so I'm glad to see that some game producers, and developers such as Toylogic are bringing us a lighter side of the topic of warfare.

In their latest free to play game, "Happy Wars" we find that war games do not always have to be the overly violent display that most of us have come to call normal. With a whimsical cast of customizable light, and dark armies this simplistic tower defense title comes to life with all the charm of a children's fairytale. Keeping true to the theme of war though, Toylogic pokes hints at the serious topic of warfare that is imbeded within the game. As such they bring to our attention the troubling nature that plagues all of mankind. Maybe one day we as humans will see our mistakes, and end our quarrels in a civilized manner. Until that time though when have fun games like this one to keep us entertained, and make the horrific reality that is war seem like it's only a bad dream.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Eclipse Magazine's "JAM Live Music Arcade" Contest!!!

Earlier this year I agreed to review an interesting XBLA music title called "JAM Live Music Arcade". The game basically gave the player control over all the various instruments that make up a band, and allowed them to control the mixes via a DJ style setup. Well, I'm back again telling you about this game, because there's a pretty awesome contest going on in relation to it. Those who enter could possibly win $1,000 worth of actual band equipment!!! If you have the XBLA title, and aren't scared to get in front of the camera and record some footage of yourself performing a mix then you have a chance at winning. I will say that the game is best played with a guitar peripheral, and that it does require some skill. I'm sure the contest holders want to hear a good mix, so if you are interested in the prizes then get practicing. I'll provide all the details below for you in case you're up to the challenge.

Worms Revolution (XBLA): "Wacky Worm Hijinks Displayed in Brilliant 2.5D!!!"

Your favorite bunch of segmented cephalopods return in all their humorous glory as a fellow British nature enthusiast guides them to their ultimate doom, or perhaps their glorious destiny. Equipped with a wide array  of one liners, and wacky weaponry these creepy crawlies and their negative narrator are prepared for a battle of the fittest. There is no doubt there will be plenty of cartoon-like casualties as the worms blast, beat, and dragon ball their way to victory. This time around the usual crew of worms are joined by some new teammates further swaying the possible outcome of the fray at hand. Through hard training, and mayhem induced puzzle solving the new recruits will be able to dish out proper demise, or at least die trying.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

MTG 2013 DLC Expansion Pack (XBLA)

Stainless Games, and Wizards of the Coast continue to bless us with more downloadable content for the "MTG: Duels of the Planeswalkers" series. While it took a while to arrive this latest expansion set is chock full of worthy additions to the core set. Straying a little from the path of the 2013 core set these new decks involve cards from an upcoming expansion release titled "Return to Ravnica". Luckily for diehard MTG (Magic the Gathering) fans these new cards can be experienced in their entirety through the 5 new decks that the DLC expansion pack offers. The new decks each feature dual color, and dual effect mana properties allowing for more in-depth strategies, and more involved gameplay. You will face five very ruthless duelists including Selesnya, Azorius, Rakdos, Izzet, and Golgari. Accompying the five new decks are 10 new campaigns, and 5 new challenges to familiarize you with the gameplay mechanics.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Double Dragon Neon (XBLA): "The 80's Reborn"

The 80's were a magical time in history when the entertainment industry was at it's best, and most original. There were all sorts of awesome movies being released, the music was arguably the coolest, and video games were truly awe-inspiring. I grew up in the 80's myself, and was able to partake of the greatness that it had offered. Those who were as lucky as me will often tell you that they miss such days, because everything seemed so much simpler. As a gamer I spent most of my spare time in the 80's playing on my family's NES with my brothers. We played what seemed like hundreds of games, and never grew tired of doing so. We would revisit some games on a constant basis while certain others we would just conquer, and move on. One game we often revisited was "Double Dragon". I remember getting in fights with my brothers over the game, but looking back we did have our fun moments as well. It's memories like these that I cherish so dearly. Being able to do a review on the latest installment of the 'Double Dragon' series gave me a trip of nostalgia that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Download The "Double Dragon: Neon" Official Soundtrack For Free!!!

Most of you who now know me understand what sort of a music fanatic I am. I love all kinds of music, and listen to songs on a frequent basis. If you were allowed to hang with me at my place you'd likely hear an odd mixture of music ranging from classical music such as that Beethoven provides to more hardcore German Industrial bands that are anything but kid friendly. Aside from my vast, and unsual taste in music genres you'll also find that I also enjoy gaming soundtracks as well. In my collection I have a 4-Disc KOF compilation, "The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings" soundtrack, and the "Dark Souls" Artbook + Soundtrack combo. Video game music is quite frankly one of the best genres that one can find in the world. Some game soundtracks include epic symphonies befitting of royalty while others have a more hardcore sound. Video games arouse such a wide spectrum of emotions that all sort of music genres can be applied to them.

Without beating around the bush too much longer though, I'm here to let you (my readers) know about the "Double Dragon: Neon" soundtrack that is currently available for download at no cost. You heard me right. The soundtrack is free, and can be downloaded via a website which Ben has provided. If you are into 80's tunes, and want to partake of this one of a kind hand out then simply click on the link/s included in the following email.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dogfight 1942 (XBLA): "WWII Aerial Combat With A Somewhat Realistic Design"

I have played only a handful of war based aerial combat titles in my time as a gamer, and as such doing this review was in many ways a first for me. As a gamer, and person in general my knowledge of the wars is honestly limited. Being able to play a game such as "Dogfight 1942" sort of allowed me to broaden my horizons in that area though. The realistic nature of the character interactions along with the well played historical battles shed some light on the subject for me.With their latest creation City Interactive has delivered a gaming experience that is both interesting, and somewhat engaging. While I cannot confirm it, I believe that they actually went out of their way to recreate significant details with their campaign reenactments. Some of it I'm sure is probably more on the side of fiction, but at least the game is based on real events though.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mark of the Ninja (XBLA): "A Hands-On Ninja Experience"

Ninjas are one of the most revered of all assassins. Hollywood, toy makers, and even game designers have all delved into the mystical world of the ninja. Over the years I myself have enjoyed such entertainment fantasies, and even once pretended as a child that I was a ninja. When it comes to the world of gaming Ninjitsu is just as fantastical as the delusions of grandeur that a child such as myself has entertained. I've seen a wide array of game titles in my time that encompass the many aspects of the ninja genre. During the NES days I spent long hours trying my best to master all of the "Ninja Gaiden" games. As I grew up I spent even more time, and money on game releases that also surrounded the mythology including RPGs, and fighting games. As gaming has evolved so has the portrayal of these historic figures. It seems that even passing time cannot dull the god-like mystique that these shadowy death dealers have become so famous for.