Sunday, July 3, 2011


Most of you probably have no idea that I was once into puzzle games. I used to play games like the classic Tetris for the NES, Dr. Mario, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo as well as many other titles in that genre. I found that my sister was actually the puzzle game champ in the family so I abandoned my hope of exceeding her talent years ago. I honestly think she is one of the top Tetris players out there. She ended up making it to ridiculous levels. I just noticed about an hour ago that a new game called 'Vizati' was realesed in the XBLIG game library. I took a peek at the details, and screen shots to see what it was about.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Ed. "The Good & The Bad"

Those of you who know me have learned that I love fighting games. It's my absolute favorite genre when it comes to video games, and I can definitely pwn some of the more hardcore online gamers. Before I made my transition over to the Xbox 360 console I was a very skilled PS3 fighting game player. In all honesty getting used to the 360's controller has not been an easy road for me, especially when it comes to pulling off ultras, and supers in SSFIV. I'm a gamer who takes full advantage of the thumb pad on a game controller, and the 360's is horrible. At times the thumb pad on it is almost unresponsive. Aside from those issues I've adapted fairly well to using the thumb stick. I can see there will be a long road of training ahead of me if I wish to become as good as I was with the PS3's controller. Now allow me to tell you the good, and bad features I discovered while playing the updated Arcade Edition ...


I've kept in contact with some of the XBLIG developers who promised me a code, and they seem to be having issues in acquiring them. Solmonus, the developer of 'When Maiden's Attack', and Tristan Nishimoto the developer of 'Rainbow Runner' haven't received their codes yet. The developer of 'Fluffy: Operation Overkill' (sosodevgames) told me they won't be getting their codes, and it's not their fault. Whatever the case is I will not be doing a review on 'Fluffy: Operation Overkill. If the other games that were promised fall through as well I'll just start doing trial reviews, and full game reviews when I can afford to at my own expense. I apologize for letting everyone down, but it was honestly not my fault. I was promised the games for review, and unfortunately it didn't work out. I still hope to bring you quality reviews even if it is only of trial versions. My goal has been, and always will be delivering my quality reviews about the things I love which includes video games.

Thanks for your support!,
Brad (@OtakuDante)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Astro Cluster (XBLIG) Code Giveaway - [CLOSED! Winner @DntMessWitRohan!!!]

Skoddle the developer of the Xbox Live Indie Game 'Astro Cluster' was kind enough to give me a second code for giveaway. Recently Skoddle, myself, and some other reviewers got into a Xbox Live session of the game, and discussed the possibility of weekend Astro Cluster game nights. This is closer to becoming reality. Skoddle informed me that this Sunday (July 3, 2011) we'll be having another Live gaming session at 8pm EDT. If you are the winner of this code, and would like to join in the fun please contact Skoddle at his Twitter account (@Skoddle), and tell him OtakuDante sent you. It's a rare opportunity to get to play an XBLIG title with a developer as kind as Skoddle. Be sure to leave your Twitter name with your answers, so I can contact you. Without further hesitance I bring you the giveaway!!!