Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Septipus: Tentacle Apocalypse (XBLIG): "An Epic Game With An Unusually Sinister Villain & Equally Unusual Hero"

Very rarely have I had the chance to review an indie game, or video game that has such a great production value as 'Septipus: Tentacle Apocalypse' has. Everything about this game was delivered in an epic way. The developer, 'Soulfire Software' definitely put a lot of effort into their release of this game. Everything from the game design to the music involved shows that the developer really wanted to deliver a quality product. I actually played through the game early this morning, and enjoyed every single minute of it despite the sometimes gut wrenching difficulty that was presented. After doing my playthrough I actually rated 'Septipus: Tentacle Apocalypse' through the XBL dashboard giving it a full five stars. This alone lets you know what I think about the game. It's not often that I take the time to give a game any ratings let alone a five star rating. Before I ramble on too much I will proceed with my review.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hop and Pop (XBLIG): "Classic Puzzle Gaming With a Twist"

I'm a gamer who enjoys all kinds of games. I definitely have my favorite genres, but I'm always open to new gaming experiences. This is what sets me apart from a lot of gamers, and reviewers out there. The main reason I brought this up as my introductory paragraph is that 'Geex Games' wasn't sure if I'd be interested in reviewing their action/puzzle game 'Hop and Pop', because of the info within my bio description. They didn't hesitate in giving me the review code, but I could tell they were a little worried if I would be able to give the game a fair review. To clear things up I always give every game I review a fair chance no matter what genre it may be. I always go into a game with an unbiased opinion, and only develop my opinion/s after playing it. I also try not to tear a game apart in a rude manner unless I pay a significant amount of money for it only to realize that it was a waste. These are good things to keep in mind when I ask you (the developer) for a review code, or when you request that I do a review for you.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gamestop Power Up Rewards: "BlazBlue Jubei Plushie"

I thought I would share some pictures of my latest Gamestop Power Up Reward. I thought it was a cool little item especially since it was a character from the BlazBlue fighting games. The plushie is of a character named Jubei from 'BlazBlue: Continuum Shift'. He's not a playable character in the game which is kind of unfortunate. In the game he basically mentors 'Ragna the Bloodedge' in the ways of combat, and teaches him about his replacement arm, the Azure Grimoire via the story mode. I hope you enjoy the look at this fairly cool, and kawaii little plushie! ...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fred's Fridays Ep.6: "Q & A Sessions with the Developer & Programmer"

Today for "Fred's Fridays" I thought it would be nice to do a little "Q & A" session. I came up with some questions that covered the more personal aspect of the developer's (Adam), and the programmer's (Jamie) lifestyles. I also included some questions about their XBLIG projects, 'Dawn of the Fred', and 'Night of the Fred'. I felt this 'Q & A' session was a necessary step to better connect you (the readers/gamers) with the developer, and programmer. I always find it interesting to be able to know a developer on a more personal level, and I hope you feel the same way. I hope you enjoy this look at the more personal side of the developer, and programmer behind @StickyDPadGames. Without further adieu I present to you "Fred's Fridays Ep.6"!!!

Racedrome Offroad (XBLIG): "Decent Offroad Karting For Only 80 msp!!!"

If I remember correctly I have reviewed a couple XBLIG racing titles in the past here on my blog. I can't honestly recall what they were though ... I used to be into racing games back in the Playstation, and Xbox days. I even spent some time on some Nintendo console (GC, SNES, NES ...) racing games. As time has passed I have lost almost all interest in the genre, but games like 'Racedrome Offroad' kind of rekindle that lost flame. I'm definitely glad that 'Rendercode Games' didn't give up on allowing me to review their game. I had Initially got behind in reviews, and had to turn them down. This is something I definitely don't like doing since I have great respect for XBLIG developers, and their review requests. The good news is that I've been caught up with reviews, and now I'm able to deliver to you my review of 'Racedrome Offroad'. I hope you enjoy the insight I offer on this XBLIG racing title.