Monday, May 14, 2012

Interview With Matt Cannon (Zivix): "JAM Live Music Arcade"

Some of you may know that I recently decided on doing a review of the upcoming XBLA title "JAM Live Music Arcade". The game is scheduled for release this week. If you've ever played those DJ style games with instrument controllers, and liked them then this game will be something you'll want to look into. Since I have no instrument controllers of any kind I'll be playing the game with a standard controller. That is another story for another time though. Below you will find the interview between me, and Zivix producer Matt Cannon. I hope the Q & A session gives you some insight on what the game is about. I definitely tried to come up with some significant questions for the interview.

Growing Pains (XBLIG): "A Groovy Platforming Challenge"

I absolutely believe in trying different things. It's a philosophy that I not only apply to gaming, but to life as well. Limiting one's self to particular things in life only keeps one from experiencing everything else that is available. If you don't try other things you could miss out on something great. With that being said I often times try things/games out that I'm not particularly fond of. It doesn't mean that the said things are bad, but simply that they're not to my liking. In the case of 'Growing Pains' I found myself rather frustrated by the difficulty that the game presented. It's what I like to call an "Impossible Game". If you don't know what I mean let me explain. There are is a sub-genre of platformers in the XBLIG library that exceed in the hardcore difficulty category. These games feature frustrating puzzles/requirements that will have you repeating levels/stages over, and over again. Most gamers end up ragequitting on such games, and in turn never finish them. I have been guilty of this in the past, and once again I find myself repeating that reaction. I will be able to give you the usual game description, and details, so you don't have to worry about that.

Blog Update May 14, 2012

Hi Guys & Girls! I know you're probably wondering if I'm going to post some more reviews. The answer to that is "Definitely". I'm just on a little break/vacation between reviews. I'm currently waiting on my 'JAM Live Music Arcade' review code as well as my review copy of 'Akai Katana'. I have been searching for new games to review in the meantime, but haven't found anything I'm really interested in. When it comes to reviewing I like to cover the games that have substance to them, not clones or games that have been reviewed several times over. You likely noticed that I removed 'Fez' from my "Future Reviews" section. I've decided I won't be reviewing it simply because there are already a lot of reviews, and playthroughs of the game out there already. I don't think it's necessary for me to tell you what you've already heard about the game. With that being said 'Fez' is definitely worth buying. As far as the glitches that were found in the game go I have no clue if they have been patched yet or not. If the glitches are still present that could make the game a little less worth buying, but hopefully the developer has sorted things out by now.

Well, that is my update for now. Hopefully I'll be able to acquire a lot more game titles for review this month, and possibly pick up some worthy indie titles in the process as well. I still support XBLIG titles, but lately there has been a lot of similar, and not-so-impressive games released in that marketplace. I seriously hope things pick up soon. I have great respect for indie game developers who bring something that's new, exciting, fun,  and innovative to the table.

- Brad (OtakuDante) -

Monday, May 7, 2012

Awesomenauts (XBLA): "Like The Saturday Morning Cartoons Of Old"

In the video game marketplace of today there are clones of games, sequels, prequels, and blatant knock offs. Finding something as original as 'Awesomenauts' is gradually becoming a rare occurrence. It's a truly sad situation to say the least, and one that needs to be remedied if the video game marketplace is to survive the long haul. The good news though is that there are still developers out there like 'Ronimo Games (Awesomenauts)' who strive to bring something new to the table. It's definitely a good thing ...

By now most of you have either watched the trailer of 'Awesomenauts', or purchased the game. I was a little late getting in on the action, and getting my review posted though. I have to say that my first impressions of 'Awesomenauts' were a little mixed. I didn't want to dive head first into a game that I knew little about, but the game had a fun look to it that I couldn't shake off. When I had first watched the 'Awesomenauts' trailer I was like "WOW!". It reminded me of the Saturday morning cartoons I used to watch back in the 90's. The cartoonish style, and the catchy theme song really caught, and held my attention. To be honest though I did not know what to expect from the game. After viewing the trailer It looked like some sort of adventure platformer with co-op features. When I finally got around to doing my playthrough I found out otherwise. As you will find out with my following review this is definitely not a bad thing.

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Walking Dead Ep.1: "A Point & Click Comic Book Adventure"

When it comes to video games I rarely ever see one that takes place in the state I live in. My state, Georgia has really scored big recently with both the television, and video game series of "The Walking Dead". In fact some of you may not be aware of this, but one or two of the television episodes were filmed here in Georgia. It's definitely cool that the state I live in is getting the spotlight from such an amazing series. While I have never read one comic book in the series, or even watched the television show I've only heard great things about it. I was glad to find out that 'Telltale Games (The Developer)' decided to go along with the comic book series. I don't think copying the tv series would have been a smart move.

I know I've been promising you this review for a long time, and I apologize for the delay. I was able to do my playthrough of the first episode in one sitting today though, so now I'll be able to finally deliver on that promise. I will tell you now that I will give away no spoilers. I will just give you the basics of the story since I don't want to spoil the game for anyone. It's definitely a game that's best experienced hands-on. I'll also give you insight on the quality of the game as I usually do. Without further adieu ladies & gentlemen lets get this thing rollin'!