Thursday, September 13, 2012

Download The "Double Dragon: Neon" Official Soundtrack For Free!!!

Most of you who now know me understand what sort of a music fanatic I am. I love all kinds of music, and listen to songs on a frequent basis. If you were allowed to hang with me at my place you'd likely hear an odd mixture of music ranging from classical music such as that Beethoven provides to more hardcore German Industrial bands that are anything but kid friendly. Aside from my vast, and unsual taste in music genres you'll also find that I also enjoy gaming soundtracks as well. In my collection I have a 4-Disc KOF compilation, "The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings" soundtrack, and the "Dark Souls" Artbook + Soundtrack combo. Video game music is quite frankly one of the best genres that one can find in the world. Some game soundtracks include epic symphonies befitting of royalty while others have a more hardcore sound. Video games arouse such a wide spectrum of emotions that all sort of music genres can be applied to them.

Without beating around the bush too much longer though, I'm here to let you (my readers) know about the "Double Dragon: Neon" soundtrack that is currently available for download at no cost. You heard me right. The soundtrack is free, and can be downloaded via a website which Ben has provided. If you are into 80's tunes, and want to partake of this one of a kind hand out then simply click on the link/s included in the following email.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dogfight 1942 (XBLA): "WWII Aerial Combat With A Somewhat Realistic Design"

I have played only a handful of war based aerial combat titles in my time as a gamer, and as such doing this review was in many ways a first for me. As a gamer, and person in general my knowledge of the wars is honestly limited. Being able to play a game such as "Dogfight 1942" sort of allowed me to broaden my horizons in that area though. The realistic nature of the character interactions along with the well played historical battles shed some light on the subject for me.With their latest creation City Interactive has delivered a gaming experience that is both interesting, and somewhat engaging. While I cannot confirm it, I believe that they actually went out of their way to recreate significant details with their campaign reenactments. Some of it I'm sure is probably more on the side of fiction, but at least the game is based on real events though.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Face-Plant Adventures (XBLIG): "The World Through The Eyes Of A Piranha Plant ... Not Really Though"

When I first laid eyes on Face-Plant Adventures a couple of thoughts came to mind. The first thing to pop into my mind was the main character looks like a mix between a Piranha Plant (Super Mario Bros.), and the man-eating venus flytrap from "Little Shop of Horrors". Secondly, as I watched the trailer I began to think of the "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game series because of the rail systems, and the checkpoints. Even with similarities such as these though it seems that the developer, oddworm games has decided to make the game like those of the "impossible game" genre. It was an odd choice to say the least, and one that could easily be this games undoing. I've complained numerous times about "impossible games" in the past, because they leave no room for error making it a frustrating experience that no one in their right mind would revisit. After choosing not to complete my playthrough due to difficulties in the HARD setting I decided to go ahead with my review.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mark of the Ninja (XBLA): "A Hands-On Ninja Experience"

Ninjas are one of the most revered of all assassins. Hollywood, toy makers, and even game designers have all delved into the mystical world of the ninja. Over the years I myself have enjoyed such entertainment fantasies, and even once pretended as a child that I was a ninja. When it comes to the world of gaming Ninjitsu is just as fantastical as the delusions of grandeur that a child such as myself has entertained. I've seen a wide array of game titles in my time that encompass the many aspects of the ninja genre. During the NES days I spent long hours trying my best to master all of the "Ninja Gaiden" games. As I grew up I spent even more time, and money on game releases that also surrounded the mythology including RPGs, and fighting games. As gaming has evolved so has the portrayal of these historic figures. It seems that even passing time cannot dull the god-like mystique that these shadowy death dealers have become so famous for.

WraptorSkinz (Xbox 360)

As an Xbox 360 reviewer it is my ultimate goal to become "mainstream", and start reviewing what the big time reviewers review. I know that in order to do this I need to start off covering simple products/games, and eventually work my way up to the more expensive ones. This is one of the reasons I began requesting controller add-ons earlier last month. Surprisingly in my quest to gain contributors I found a few product designers including WraptorSkinz that were willing to give my reviews a shot. I had not expected such a welcome response considering I've been turned down, or ignored for nearly every controller review request I've made. I suppose skins, and grips aren't as much of a hassle to send as controllers would be though.

Mark of the Ninja (XBLA) - Never Before Seen Trailer & Ninja Gaiden Tribute Art!!!

If you've been paying attention to my "future reviews" section then you'll know that I've had Klei Entertainment's new XBLA game "Mark of the Ninja" listed for quite some time now. As usual I've gotten the game ahead of the release date, and have been working hard at completing it so that I can deliver a proper review. My playthrough is currently still an ongoing process, but I promise that I'll deliver my review soon. Until that time I have a very special Never-Before-Seen video to share with you that showcases bonus costumes, and new ninja tools. I also have a Twitter link that shows of some "Ninja Gaiden" mash-up/tribute art. You'll find links to both below. If your interested in getting the game it will cost 1200 msp, and will be released on the XBL marketplace today. I suggest that you at least give the game a chance by sampling the trial.

Mark of the Ninja - Costume & Tool Trailer

Mark of the Ninja - Twitter Ninja Gaiden Mash-Up Art

- Brad (OtakuDante) -