Sunday, October 7, 2012

KontrolFreek (Xbox 360): "FPS Freek Havoc & FPS Freek Infinity"

Sometimes the greatest things come in the smallest packages. This is a quote that definitely applies to KontrolFreek's latest controller enhancements. When the two sets of KontrolFreeks arrived at my house I was a little surprised to see how simple they were, and how small the package was that they were in. Initially I wasn't seeing the reason for the price, but as I tested them out I soon realized that they definitely warranted the cost. After reading the postcard explaining what the "FPS HAVOC", and "FPS INFINITY" were all about I set out to give them a proper testing. For about a week I spent hours in "MW3", and "HALO REACH" trying out the various modes within each game, so I could get optimal results for my final verdict. In the following paragraphs I'll go over the technical details, and descriptions of each set of KontrolFreeks.

The Fall of the Video Gaming Industry: "Fighting Games"

There is no doubt that times are hard for most Americans, and for many people abroad. As such we find that money is tight, and budgeting is a must if we hope to stay afloat in this dwindling economy. Gamers such as myself are finding it harder, and harder to afford the hobby that we have come to love and support all these years. I've had to cut back seriously on my own spending, and I only buy games with the extra money I make doing one of my side jobs. Considering these tough times you would think that game developers would have their customers' best interest in mind, but it seems they have grown money hungry, and could care less about the products they produce. This mentality is a growing concern of mine. If companies such as those who produce video games begin to sacrifice quality for the sake of earning money, then the gaming industry (or any other entertainment industry) as we know it will ultimately fail. Who will pay the price in the end? The consumers. Those who spend their hard earned cash to support their gaming habits will eventually lose all their money to such companies, and in the end the gaming/entertainment empires will be set to last for the long haul leaving us with nothing to do but live a life of poverty.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Eclipse Magazine's "JAM Live Music Arcade" Contest!!!

Earlier this year I agreed to review an interesting XBLA music title called "JAM Live Music Arcade". The game basically gave the player control over all the various instruments that make up a band, and allowed them to control the mixes via a DJ style setup. Well, I'm back again telling you about this game, because there's a pretty awesome contest going on in relation to it. Those who enter could possibly win $1,000 worth of actual band equipment!!! If you have the XBLA title, and aren't scared to get in front of the camera and record some footage of yourself performing a mix then you have a chance at winning. I will say that the game is best played with a guitar peripheral, and that it does require some skill. I'm sure the contest holders want to hear a good mix, so if you are interested in the prizes then get practicing. I'll provide all the details below for you in case you're up to the challenge.

Worms Revolution (XBLA): "Wacky Worm Hijinks Displayed in Brilliant 2.5D!!!"

Your favorite bunch of segmented cephalopods return in all their humorous glory as a fellow British nature enthusiast guides them to their ultimate doom, or perhaps their glorious destiny. Equipped with a wide array  of one liners, and wacky weaponry these creepy crawlies and their negative narrator are prepared for a battle of the fittest. There is no doubt there will be plenty of cartoon-like casualties as the worms blast, beat, and dragon ball their way to victory. This time around the usual crew of worms are joined by some new teammates further swaying the possible outcome of the fray at hand. Through hard training, and mayhem induced puzzle solving the new recruits will be able to dish out proper demise, or at least die trying.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

MTG 2013 DLC Expansion Pack (XBLA)

Stainless Games, and Wizards of the Coast continue to bless us with more downloadable content for the "MTG: Duels of the Planeswalkers" series. While it took a while to arrive this latest expansion set is chock full of worthy additions to the core set. Straying a little from the path of the 2013 core set these new decks involve cards from an upcoming expansion release titled "Return to Ravnica". Luckily for diehard MTG (Magic the Gathering) fans these new cards can be experienced in their entirety through the 5 new decks that the DLC expansion pack offers. The new decks each feature dual color, and dual effect mana properties allowing for more in-depth strategies, and more involved gameplay. You will face five very ruthless duelists including Selesnya, Azorius, Rakdos, Izzet, and Golgari. Accompying the five new decks are 10 new campaigns, and 5 new challenges to familiarize you with the gameplay mechanics.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Double Dragon Neon (XBLA): "The 80's Reborn"

The 80's were a magical time in history when the entertainment industry was at it's best, and most original. There were all sorts of awesome movies being released, the music was arguably the coolest, and video games were truly awe-inspiring. I grew up in the 80's myself, and was able to partake of the greatness that it had offered. Those who were as lucky as me will often tell you that they miss such days, because everything seemed so much simpler. As a gamer I spent most of my spare time in the 80's playing on my family's NES with my brothers. We played what seemed like hundreds of games, and never grew tired of doing so. We would revisit some games on a constant basis while certain others we would just conquer, and move on. One game we often revisited was "Double Dragon". I remember getting in fights with my brothers over the game, but looking back we did have our fun moments as well. It's memories like these that I cherish so dearly. Being able to do a review on the latest installment of the 'Double Dragon' series gave me a trip of nostalgia that I thoroughly enjoyed.