Monday, November 19, 2012

OtakuDante's Black Ops 2 Custom Emblems!!!

When it comes to video game customization options there's nothing I like better than something that allows me to express my artistic talent. Games like the original 'Black Ops', and 'Soul Calibur V' rank among the best customizable games. In the original 'Black Ops' they introduced a truly awesome emblem customization menu that allowed the gamer to create almost anything they could imagine. The emblem designs that spawned from this customization mode ranged from the mundane to the truly awe-inspiring. The feature added a more personal touch to the less than personal gameplay. In the case of 'Soul Calibur V' the character customization was just as detailed, if not more so. You could design some amazing custom characters that were each brought to life right before your eyes. Not only that, but you were also able to use the newly created characters in offline, and online gameplay. In retrospect it's features like these that really make a good game stand out even more.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Neocore Games Has Finally Found Their New Hero!!!

I posted an article not too long ago giving you guys & gals the opportunity to vote on Neocore Game's hero for the upcoming action RPG, "The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing". It turns out that everyone who voted felt pretty much the same way I did, and thought that the 'Mysterious Stranger' was badass enough to take on the lead role. In the end this masked monster slayer won the right through your votes to become Neocore's hero. I would like to thank everyone who voted. Be sure to keep an eye on my blog as I'm sure more screenshots, and videos will be released before the game is. I will definitely keep you informed on the latest news concerning this amazing game. Be sure to save some microsoft points as I'm sure this XBLA title will be worth it. If you'd like to wait on my review that is fine as well though. Until next time I bid you farewell ladies & gents!

- Brad (OtakuDante) -

Saturday, November 10, 2012

RocketGirl (XBLIG): "Prepare Yourself For Full-on Sensory Overload!!!"

W ... T ... F!? WTF!!! ... Okay let me compose myself a bit ...

I'm not exactly sure what Software By Eugene was thinking when creating this game but it most definitely warrants a warning label. When I first laid eyes on the game I thought "Cool!!!". This is a shmup I could definitely get into. It featured a voluptuous girl riding a rocket. What's not to like there??? I have to say before I go any further though that I was dead wrong about the whole shmup (shoot 'em up) thing. This game is definitely not a shmup. Instead what we have here is one of those intense sensory overload survival games where the point is to make it to the end without crashing into objects. As you can probably guess you pilot a scantily clad girl riding a large rocket (obvious sexual innuendo!!!) through the course of these lengthy adventures. With the application of a single button press (A) you control the ascent, and descent of this buxom young lady as she flies through what could be best described as some sort of sexually drug induced fantasy trip. Often times the screen flashes with possible seizure inducing light shows, and half naked ladies flying through the air all over the place as you fly onward on the larger than life rocket that's between your legs. Logic is definitely not present here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Compromised (XBLIG) Coming To PC!!!

Earlier this year I did a review on the XBLIG shmup "Compromised". It was developed by Super Soul Studios/Games, and offered a new take on the shmup genre. While it wasn't you're traditional shmup (shoot 'em up) game it did have traditional elements, and played a little like Metroidvania style platformers. Recently Richie of Super Soul contacted me through email letting me know about his future plans for the game. On November 16th of this year a Beta PC version will be released for purchase on Desura, and IndieCity for $3.99. Richie also informed me that the changes applied to this new PC version may be implemented on the XBLIG version as well. From what I understand the graphics will be updated, and new modes made possible. Accompanying this good news is equally impressive news about the developer's work on a multiplayer beta for the XBLIG version of the game. The update is currently in the works, and will hopefully be presented soon. Before I close I should also mention that "Compromised" is currently on Steam Greenlight. I will leave a link to it in case you are interested in checking it out.

Compromised (Steam Greenlight):

Monday, November 5, 2012

Demon House: FPS (XBLIG): "Something Borrowed, Something New ..."

Photonic Games brings to the indie marketplace an FPS (First Person Shooter) title that seems to incorporate familiar gameplay features which have been used in well known FPS games throughout the years. At the heart of Demon House: FPS you'll find vague yet noticeable similarities to games like 'BioShock', 'Doom', and even 'Quake' giving the game a retrospective atmosphere. The story, or plot at the core of this game is unique however, and seems to be derived from the scfi/fantasy genre of steam-punk fiction using necromancy as it's driving factor. As the game's protagonist, an unnamed scientist you (the gamer) find that it is your duty to put an end to one of the greatest necromancers the world has ever seen. Your target, the evil scientist of the story has willingly unlocked the secrets of life, and death and has used his knowledge to raise a soul driven army of mechanical soldiers. Seeing this as a potential hazard the powers that be have summoned you to dispatch the creator, and his unholy creations through classic weapon based combat. As you venture into the domain of the dead you'll find plenty of aggressive oddities that are hellbent on your demise. With your steam-punk weaponry in hand your task is simple. Destroy the creations, set the souls free, and put a stop to the madness. Are you up for the challenge?