Friday, January 4, 2013

We Made It!!! It's 2013!!!

Greetings to all my readers! I realize I'm a little late in delivering my new years greeting, but I figured it's the best way to let you know my plans for this year. As most of you know I mentioned back in December 2012 that I would possibly be doing PSN reviews as well as the usual Xbox 360 reviews since I got a new PS3 for Christmas. I still plan on following through with that, but at the current time there are no noteworthy PS3, or PSN games being released. In fact I'd go so far as to say the selection of new games for the PS3 pales in comparison to that of Microsoft's Xbox 360. Hopefully things will pick up soon though, because I want to try out delivering some of those PS3/PSN reviews.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas! & Blog Update!!!

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all my friends & followers! This morning I was blessed enough to find a very special present from my mother. Before leaving last night she left a PS3 holiday bundle under my humble Christmas tree. I unboxed it this morning, and set everything up in preparation for some long awaited PS3 gaming. I will have to wait until I download the massive amounts of PSN games & PSN Minis before I can enjoy the system properly though. This will no doubt take a full day, or more to do. In the meantime I will visit with family, and enjoy the Christmas holiday to it's fullest. Even with all this good news though there is still the looming threat of incoming severe weather, and possible tornadoes for my area today. Hopefully things will go by smoothly for me, and my family with no disasters resulting from the weather onslaught.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Holiday Greetings From Some Devs!!!

As I've been browsing Twitter, and all the other social sites today I've noticed that for the most part everyone is in good spirits. People are spreading the cheer through their tweets, and even their youtube videos. In fact this morning during my routine Youtube channel surfing I found that my good friend from overseas, Dragon had uploaded such a video. It was something that added a small amount of joy to my gloomy day. As most of you who follow me know I live in an area that's plagued by the worst sort of weather. This Christmas we are supposed to have some severe weather which could bring destruction along with it. It's a scary, and very real concern for me that my Christmas might not turn out to be so great as a result. Regardless of this dreadful future friends, followers, and game developers continue to wish me the best, and I sincerely appreciate it. I wanted to take the time, and share the three digital greeting cards that I got from "Firebase Industries (@FirebaseIND)", "NeocoreGames" & "Gentlemen Squid Studio". I hope that you all enjoy this holiday to it's fullest. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all & a Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

OtakuDante's "Top 10 Xbox 360 Games of 2012"

This year has been a virtual roller coaster ride for the video game industry. Some developers hit home runs with their games while others failed miserably at their attempts to impress the gamers. I'm here today to give much deserved praise to the games that have truly impressed me this year. With each game nominated (by me, in somewhat numerical order) I will also give you (the reader) my thoughts as to why I think the game in question deserves a spot on my "Top 10" list. The games will range from retail Xbox 360 games to XBLIG titles. There will definitely be credit given across the Xbox 360 gaming spectrum in that respect. I hope that you gain some knowledge as to what was good & what was not this year through my list. Keep in mind though that my opinions are my own, and that opinions are like a**holes. Everybody's got one. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you reading this article! May the coming year be a blessed one for you!