Thursday, July 4, 2013

100 Yen: The Japanese Arcade Experience

From TAITO's humble beginnings as the world leader in arcade innovation to the modern day Japanese arcade scene director Brad Crawford takes us on a documentary style journey that will no doubt intrigue many of the gamers of today as well as the gamers of yesteryear. For veteran arcade gamers, and at home console players alike the importance of these socially driven experiences will be explained in a manner that all can understand. You'll get to see interviews with Japanese greats such as Clover-TAC (An expert shmup gamer), Daigo "The Beast" Umehara (A Fighting game expert), and even some of our American favorites (Mike Ross, Mike Z ...) who have helped revive recognition of the declining Arcade industry. Along the way you will also gaze upon the many breathtaking sites of Japan, all of which are depicted in glorious HD. You'll even get to see hardcore Japanese gaming enthusiasts hammering out the arcade buttons in hopes of achieving the next world's record.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

MTG 2014 (XBLA): "Double Take"

I know some of you are wondering what this "Double Take" review/article is all about, so I will gladly explain. As a gaming journalist I strive to give accurate details in my reviews, and as thorough as my initial review of MTG 2014 was it ended up seeming more like a "First Impressions" type of article. I absolutely do not like doing things half-assed, and as thorough as that last review was it still seemed half-assed to me. Being the perfectionist that I am I have decided to right my wrongs, and deliver a more in-depth review of MTG 2014. A game like "Magic the Gathering" is truly complex in nature, and takes some quality time to fully understand. As such a gaming journalist like myself should not rush their work just to get the job done. I knew I needed to spend some more time with the game, but at the same time felt that I needed to rush to get the review out there to support the game. For this I apologize. As I mentioned earlier I am here to rectify that wrongdoing though. So, without further adieu, let us get into this beast of a game that is MTG 2014!!!

Flump Studios' "PESTER" Goes PC!!!

Most of you know that I have mad love for a good shmup, and this year has been an Awesome year for those types of games. Among the more recent shmups (shoot 'em ups) that I covered was an XBLIG shooter that went by the title, "PESTER". Pester, in essence was a throwback to the shmups of old, and featured some current-gen touches that were more than welcome. If I remember correctly I told you guys that the game was definitely worth picking up. Whether, or not you did so you will have yet another chance to get in on the action of this retro shooter. This time around Flump Studios has released a PC port for all the PC gamers out there. The game will only set you back a dollar, and can be found from different online sources. Currently the game is available on "IndieVania", and "IndieCity". The developer has also informed me that it will be available on Amazon's Indie Store next week. I'll leave you some links in hopes that you give this game a proper chance. For one dollar it's a heck of a deal!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us (Xbox 360) - General Zod

By now most have learned of the Xbox 360 release of Injustice's "General Zod" character. Some of you may even have tried him out in the offline, and online modes. Whether you have, or have not though I'm here to deliver my first impressions take on this Superman villain of old. I figured being the fighting game fanatic I am that I'd throw my own two cents worth out there with the rest of the community.