Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dragon's Crown: "Patch 1.02 & Patch Notes"

Greetings fellow Dragon's Crown adventurers! Both veterans, and new players alike will be glad to hear that the team at ATLUS is continuing to hear your voices, and deal with any issues that may, or may not be plaguing you. In this latest update, deemed "Patch 1.02' you'll find such things as game stability fixes, online improvements, and even character changes. It's definitely nice to hear that ATLUS actually gives a damn about their game, and their audience unlike some other developers out there ... eh, Infinity Ward/Activision? Anyways, I will more than gladly share with you a copy & pasted version of this update detailing all the changes that have been made. If you find that you run into any other issues that have yet to be fixed be sure to get in contact with ATLUS as they will no doubt help you out.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

CHAOS CODE (PSN): "Secret Character Variation"

It has been my experience with fighting games over the years that some developers love to hide hidden features, or characters with the constructs of their game. Seeing that FK Digital's "Chaos Code" was inspired by such 2D fighters I decided to check out the game's roster more closely, and see if I could find any hidden characters. Surprisingly enough I have found one such character based secret, and knowing the developer there may very well be other secrets hidden for us gamers to find. As far as the character secret goes it is basically a variation of the pervy "Hikaru". Every anime fighting game with any hint of humor will always have such a character in their roster. It never fails. Even so, this new variation known as "MG Hikaru" takes perverted to the next level.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Art of the Month Update & Special Review Opportunity

In this blog update I have two new things that I need to discuss. First of all the lovely, and very talented UK artist 'Danielle Tunstall' has agreed to be this blog's official artist of the month. This means that every month, from now until the end of the blog's life span readers will be privileged to see 6 new pieces of her art. They will be located in the usual spot for ease of access. Danielle sells her art often in the form of prints, and even amazing toys called "Dunnys". Anytime I see her share info about her products on Twitter I will retweet them, so that you can make the most of her often times discounted deals. From time to time I will even provide links to her Ebay items as well as other Danielle Tunstall art related links. She's an amazing artist, and it truly is an honor to be able to share her art with you on a monthly basis.

Diablo III (PS3): "A New Playthrough"

When it comes to starting a new playthrough in 'Diablo III' there are some things I feel you should know. The first thing is that whether you choose to continue your adventure with the character you just beat the game with, or choose to go with a new character there will be some things brought over into the new playthrough that will definitely be helpful to you. For example, If you choose to continue with your previous character things like your earned gold, your blacksmith/jeweler mastery, and even your chest full of collected equipment will carry over into your next playthrough. The catch though is that if you choose to go with the character you did your first playthrough with you will have the option to go into the game with the next difficulty setting in place (Normal, Nightmare, Hell, Inferno). If you choose the latter option, and go with a completely new character you'll still be blessed with all the same perks (gold, blacksmith/jeweler mastery, equipment), but will do so in the initial difficulty setting.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Chaos Code (PSN)

I can make a total ass of myself sometimes. I really can. Last night just so happened to be one of those moments in my life. Before closing for the night last night I got into a somewhat heated conversation with Tenryo, the English community manager for "Chaos Code" through twitter. I complained about how poorly designed the characters were in comparison to some other fighters as well as certain indie games I had played in the past. While the game definitely appeared to be that way to me last night I found that when I continued with my playthrough today the game didn't look all that bad. Sure there were some slight imperfections with character designs, and some stages looked better than others, but for the most part the game wasn't all nearly as bad as I had had made it out to be, especially for a 2002 Japanese arcade release. Seeing the error of my ways I'd like to take the time to apologize to 'Tenryo', and 'Arc System Works' for my accusations earlier. I'm truly sorry, and hope the following review makes up for my mistaken claims.