Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Doodle Devil (PS VITA)

Before "Doodle Devil" ever made it's jump over to the PS Vita it was actually a mobile game for such formats as iOS. The game's layout, and gameplay mechanics are of the simplest kind, and use simple point and click icon/element combinations to sway the outcome of mankind's fate. Doodle Devil itself takes in account the devil's job to end mankind, and his goal to bring about the final war. As the gamer you play as the devil, and combine various elements in order to create the things necessary to bring about the end. The elements range from your basic fire, wind, and water elements to various forms of life itself. Mankind, it's ideals, and it's inventions also play a crucial role in getting the devil what he wants. On the devil's side there's also the influence of various sins which change the eternal balance in his favor. By simply clicking on, and combining certain groups of two elements you can in essence ruin creation.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Nun Attack (PS VITA)

Being the horror fanatic that I am Frima Studio's "Nun Attack" has always captured my attention. Every time I saw it in the PSN store listings I thought to myself, "I wonder what that game's all about?". Anything dealing with church clergy, demons, and monsters is always intriguing to me, and the fact that "Nun Attack" had all that going for it made me curious as hell. The art itself reminded me of a certain type of Saturday morning cartoon that I used to love, and only made me want to play it even more. While the game has been out for quite a while I finally did get my grubby little hands on the beast. My playthrough which started off somewhat smoothly was delayed due to error codes, and crashes though. Once I figured out that the game is truly meant to be a touch screen only experience I was able to dodge any further setbacks. Now that I've spent enough time with it to understand what's what I can deliver the review that I promised. I hope you enjoy the review for what it's worth, and that it gives you the proper insight on the game, so that you can make an educated purchase oriented decision.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Basement Crawl (PS4) - "Screenshots"

If you have not watched the trailer for Bloober Game's upcoming horror hybrid game "Basement Crawl" you really need to do so. While it reveals little about the actual gameplay I can tell you that it does incorporate 'Bomberman" style arcade action and "M" rated horror themes. The mixture is definitely interesting, but seeing as it's a next-gen title I believe it will be worth a look. I recently contacted Bloober Games in hopes of securing the game for review purposes. Thankfully I'm now on the list, and will be able to provide that review for you. In the meantime I'd like to share with you a few screenshots of actual gameplay, so that you can get a proper taste of things to come. If you are a fan of horror, or multiplayer arcade style experiences I hope that you'll give this game a fair chance when it is released. You can always wait for my review if you like though.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Let's Talk - "How to Make a Proper FPS"

In the FPS (First Person Shooter) genre universe there are several different sub-genres. You have arena based shooters such as "Unreal Tournament 3", horror survival shooters such as "Doom", competitive shooters such as "Call of Duty", and even offline shooters just to name some. As a long time FPS fan it has come to my attention over the past several years that developers of these types of arcade style experiences have lost touch with what made them so great in the first place. The introduction of such things as larger maps, poorly executed spawning systems, and lag compensation have almost ruined the genre completely. Factor in the corporate greed of companies who want to take your money, and run with it while giving you a less than finished product, and you'll have a proper "coup de grace". As a gamer I want to think that there's hope for this genre, but the cold hard fact is that it's likely never going to see the golden years again. With the crowds that such games attract, and the type of developers who worm there way into the genre in order to make a killing off of doing much of nothing for the gamers I find that my feet are firmly planted in the reality that the FPS experiences of yesteryear are a long gone thing of the past.