Sunday, April 20, 2014

An Open Letter to Fighting Game Developers

It has come to my attention that the fighting game genre, in general has been adopting some very bad mechanics, and character rosters that cater to the worst sorts of players. I firmly believe that fighting game developers have become so desperate for money that they are reaching out to the "CoD" community with fully exploitable features intact for the sole purpose of appeasing such gamer types. There's simply no other viable explanation. Take the latest release of "BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma", for example. The game is so broken in structure that it's damn near impossible to get into a fair fight. In the game the blocking, and recover mechanics are so severely limited, because of a special meter that it leaves you open to infinite attack strings with no way out. The character roster in BBCP is another thing that does the series a huge disservice. Most of the characters have exploitable projectiles, or have zoning attacks that make the "in & out" tomfoolery a piece of cake. Characters like "Izayoi", and "Arakune" who have the ability to phase in, and out of existence make landing combos, or hits a trying ordeal, especially when the gamer using them is playing a heavy keep away game.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Demon Gaze (PS VITA)

Demon Gaze is what you would call a minimalist's JRPG. You are given a very vague story, are introduced to only a handful of different main characters, and are thrust into the adventure with a bare minimum of tasks to take on. As you progress both the story, character interactions, and the chance encounters expand in greater detail though. It's like becoming a hero with amnesia, and trying to remember exactly what it is that you should be doing. When the game opens up, and the initial maze encounter ensues along with it's theatrical credits you will find that you have been descended from the heavens into a den of demons. Upon opening your eyes for the first time you are greeted by a frightened mercenary who tells you to RUN! Try as you might though you end up facing your first demon regardless of your attempt to flee the decrepit dungeon-like castle you happened to wind up in.

With the aid of a battle scarred female you stand your ground, and triumphantly capture your first demon with your "Demon Gaze". Little by little things are explained to you by your female savior. The "Demon Gaze" is among the many revelations that are learned during your one-on-one conversations. As the title suggests you are a chosen "Gazer" who has the inherent ability to capture demons with a special ability known as the "Demon Gaze". With this ability you can either be mankind's savior, or use your powers for evil purposes. Lorna, the retired mercenary who saved you hopes that you will aid them in their quest to rid the world of demons instead of the latter choice.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (PS VITA)

Having had no prior knowledge of the series I was quite surprised to see a strategy-JRPG drama so in-depth, and vast in nature. The developers of this innuendo rich adventure known as "Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars" included an impressively rich background history on all of the characters, and organizations involved. Like a true RPG concepts such as that of good, and evil are also explored, but in a more pseudo-religious tone. While the world outside of Alterra is rarely visited, or mentioned within the game the special heroes, and heroines involved in the fight for good are given a new home in which all of the action takes. These highly ranked young ladies, and gentlemen are each gifted, and personally chosen by the Star God to fight off the growing threat caused by otherworldly inhabitants, and the seven deadly sins. Known, as the Elite these "A-S" Rank students find solace in their social interactions as well is in joined fights, and classmating. While their daily lives are mostly geared towards fighting the good fight these chosen few still have to work on their social skills in order to be prepared for the more sexually suggestive academic activities. Even though classmating may sound bad it affords the would be parents child-like allies which will accompany them in the continuous battles that they face for the sake of the world's population. Hence the title, "Conception II".

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

PS Vita Console Review

I have been so tied up with work on game, and dvd reviews lately that I totally forgot to do a 'PS Vita' review. This is a huge oversight on my part in that I have spent most of my time gaming on the Vita since I bought it late last year. For those of you looking for a proper handheld, and are trying to decide between going for Nintendo's 3DS, or Sony's PS Vita I will try my best to give you all the necessary details to make that decision an easier one. I'm not gonna go the fanboy route, and say that the 3DS is garbage in comparison to the Vita, because the fact is I've never played a 3DS. My goal is simply to give you details on what the PS Vita offers the consumer.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Ed. (PS4/PS VITA)

Tecmo Koei's long lasting Dynasty Warriors franchise has persevered through a handful of console generations, has defied the odds regarding it's niche place in gaming history, and continues to go strong here in the new era of gaming across different continents. It's no surprise to me at all seeing as this particular game series has always offered the richest content ever seen within a single game release. Just as the battles that you face within the game are grand in scale you will also find that the in-game offerings are just as epic, if not more so. Things like a well established historical record that is fully documented, shared, and grounded in a true-to-life timeline within the game's content heavy menus are just a scratch on the surface of what you'll find when you get into the latest Dynasty Warriors adventure. There's plenty of faux historic characters to play as, plenty of weapons to collect, and plenty of extras to unlock as you face off against tyrants, or become a tyrant yourself.