Monday, October 6, 2014

Rise of the King: Companions Codex II (Book)

In a fantasy world that slightly mirrors our own author R.A.Salvatore continues his tale of the dark elf named 'Drizzt Do'Urden', and those who aim to make, or break the world around him. The times, and setting of this follow-up tale continue to be darkly lit, and foreboding leaving the reader anxious to see what each page entails. The pages themselves are filled with the epic battle mongering of orcs, dwarves, and elves who are each engaged in a territorial war akin to J.R.R.Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings". Within it's pages kings are betrayed, and killed as the orc's new alliances make way for the promise of a new bloody age for orc-kind. In the not so distant background of the ongoing conflict Drizzt, and his newly found troupe of followers also find themselves drawn into the fray as they look desperately for lost comrades. Their unlikely band of wartime heroes which is comprised of an elf, a halfling, a barbarian, and a dwarf come to know true danger at the hands of their many enemies, and even from Drizzt himself.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

ATTN: RPGs, and New Review Standards

I'm going to be totally honest with you guys, and gals. I have failed you on two reviews here at "OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno". One being "Drakengard", and the other 'Pier Solar HD". I did play deep into each game, and honestly felt myself having fun during said playthroughs, but I didn't fully complete either. I "assumed (we all know what assume does, right?)" that the game would be just as good throughout in each case, but through fellow journalists I found out otherwise. It definitely makes me look like an ass, and for that I humbly apologize. At this point I can understand you looking to other sources for honest gaming critiques, but know that I stick by the rest of my reviews, and that I aim to improve upon the previously mentioned failures. For the longest time my work as a solo gaming, and adult entertainment journalist has been demanding, and overly so at times. I've found my own time limited by the full-time nature of the job, and have made a couple shortcuts (Drakengard & Pier Solar HD) to catch up. This is inexcusable, and once again I humbly apologize. From this point forward, in the light of these two learning experiences, I will never again rush an RPG review. I will play it to the end, and give my review afterwards. The same goes for any game of any genre. That is my promise to those who wish to stay.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pier Solar HD (PS4)

Following a warmhearted path of storytelling Watermelon's "Pier Solar and the Great Architects" aims to draw in the gamer with a lovable trio of friends, and their quest to escape the norm as they discover their fantastical past. Starting off on a somber note akin to another indie RPG release (A Tale of Two Brothers) we find young Hoston, the game's main protagonist in a dire situation regarding his ill father. Gathering up all the courage he can muster he defies his mother's demands, and travels along with his two friends Alina, and Edessot to a nearby cave in hopes of securing a plant that can hold off his father's sickness until a doctor can arrive. Upon entering the expressly forbidden caves the trio of friends happen upon a long forgotten garden, and stumble into a world of mystery only known by few. They not only obtain the special herb that Hoston seeks, but in trekking deeper into the cave they get drawn further into an ancient lore of Goamen, and a seemingly familiar goddess. It's this intriguing mystery that has the band of unlikely heroes abandoning their homeland, and seeking out the truth regarding the myths of their culture. They travel far, and wide as they meet up with different persons of interests, and battle the many monsters that stand in their path to knowledge. It is a heartwarming tale filled with the retro goodness of a gaming era long gone.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Review Schedule, and the Future of Gaming

Hi again all ye readers, followers, and gamers! September was a super busy month for me as a journalist, and October looks like it is going to be about the same. Juggling two different blog can really become a burden sometimes, especially when you are managing everything on your own. Thankfully though I usually tend to catch up at some point. As of now I've got two reviews pending here on the gaming side of things. One is a game, and the other is actually a hardcover book which was sent to me by a lovely lady from the 'Wizards of the Coast'. If you like RPGs you'll definitely want to keep a watch for the posting of these two reviews. As far as the game goes it is none other than the oldschool RPG indie known as, "Pier Solar HD". I actually got the PS4 version, and I'm looking forward to seeing what it will be about. As far as the book goes it is the second part of a series started by world renown D&D author, 'R.A.Salvatore', and is titled 'Rise of the King'. Without spoiling too much before the review I will say that I think that D&D fans committing to a hardcover book purchase will be happy with the slipcover that comes along with it. Top notch stuff if I do say so myself.