Wednesday, March 4, 2015

'DOA5: Last Round' PS4 Impressions (Patch 1.02)

Dead or Alive is, and always will be one of the more unique 3D fighters out there. It utilizes a simple button layout, and combat system that is both easy to pick up, and difficult to master. Veteran players of the series will know exactly what I speak of. From it's early beginnings to the iterations of late the series continues to try to improve upon it's in-game, and out of game offerings. You'll find an upgrade to the visuals, more characters to play as, and plenty of sexy new DLC costumes to throw your hard earned money at. DOA5: Last Round, in particular aims to be the ultimate version of a game that began as a free-to-play model on the Playstation 3, and Xbox 360 consoles earlier in 2013/2014. In "DOA5: Last Round" you'll find an all inclusive roster of characters, an entirely separate tutorial mode, and some extra costumes that weren't initially obtainable outside of a DLC purchase. While the graphics are definitely a step above what last-gen offered with the new additions included in the mix you will still find that the game suffers from some old, and newer problems ...

Friday, February 27, 2015

Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (PS VITA)

Innovation, and a new direction is what this latest Neptunia spin-off is all about. While co-developers Complie Heart, and STING do good to stay true to the roots of the series, and the characters therein they take a gamble on an almost completely new combat system. One that really pays off. Of course it goes without saying that the story is entirely different this time around though. In fact you'll find that instead of Nep-Nep being the game's protagonist that the often times second place Noire gets her turn to shine as team leader. As far as the plot goes Noire, and her share dueling friends once again find themselves mixed up in a terrible mess regarding the Gamindustry. Having bumped into a shady character while sporting a new holier than though demeanor Noire lets down her guard only to be tricked into messing up the Gamindustry shares for all of the CPU goddesses including herself. To right her wrongs Noire soldiers up, and joins her former friends to figure things out, and restore their respective Gamindustry lands.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Zen Pinball 2 - Iron & Steel Pack (PS4)

Appropriately titled, this new set of Zen Pinball 2 and Pinball FX2 tables takes the gamer on a fun loving journey involving two of Zen Studio's own unique creations. Within the set you'll find a wild west themed table starring a blonde haired female gunslinger named Cindy who has arrived in a town wrought by mischief, and mayhem. You'll also find Sir Gareth of the "Castlestorm" games doing his usual heroic duties amidst an army of vikings. Each table is decorated accordingly with the "Wild West Rampage" table looking as if it were inspired by the movie "The Quick & the Dead", and "Castlestorm" looking as if it were inspired by a knightly fairytale akin to the game of the same name. Both tables have an overabundance of scoring options including multiple back ramps, and lanes as well as themed pits for capturing the ball, and triggering various missions. You'll even be pleasantly surprised to know that these two new tables include a unique multiple skillshot setup that has never been seen on a Zen Studios pinball table before. If you like the Zen Studios brand of gaming, and you love their pinball gaming experiences I have no doubt that you'll enjoy this new set!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Preview Review - Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (PS VITA)

Before I briefly go over the details you need to know in order to make an educated decision about a possible purchase of this upcoming PS Vita exclusive I need you to understand that this is a "Preview Review". In simple terms it's more, or less a preview of my future full length review. It will not be a complete disclosure at this point for the simple fact that I got the code for the game late, and will not have the full playthrough finished before it's release. As such my purpose behind posting this micro-review is to tell you whether, or not I think the game is worth a purchase, and what the game entails this time around. I hope you enjoy this article posting for what it is, and I hope that it gives you a proper understanding of "Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart". Do enjoy!