Tuesday, February 26, 2019

RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore (PS4)

I like Nicalis games. I like that they are their own unique thing. I like that the art style varies from most indie developers' creations, and I like more than anything that Nicalis is brave enough to mix things up with different genres. In the case of RemiLore this holds ever more true. Complete with a cutesy Japanese anime flair, likeable characters, a simple yet engaging story, and fun combat this hack-n-slash combo centered misadventure is one that will no doubt earn the attention of those willing to take a chance, and try it out.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dead or Alive 6 Deluxe Demo

We are a not far away from the scheduled launch of DOA6 here in the US. I was excited, but in all honesty that excitement has waned a bit. The game has been delayed once before. Likely for pre-order reasons. In that delayed time period the team at Koei Tecmo has been gracious enough to give us two goes at the online beta. Having played the first time around, and this weekend with a more complete online experience, and roster I have to say that despite knowing things may supposedly change before release I'm left not wanting to buy into DOA6 right away. The game, from what I've experienced, is promising. I'll give it that much. It seems at least a little better than DOA5LR, but at the same time the online component is once again plagued by gamers who would exploit lag, and possibly even use mods to win.With online being one of the biggest reasons I buy into a fighter I'm left not wanting to buy into this one.

In my extended time with the open online beta I did note that there's gonna be some sort of quest mode, and the returning survival mode I'd hoped for (leaked in the tag listings), but it's not really enough to make me want to pass up two other games I have my sights set on in March. Though I was impressed to the point it might have been one of my game purchases for March the more I played the more obvious it became to me that other less than appreciative or considerate players were also testing the waters, and finding ways to manipulate the experience. It's a problem I've talked about many times before. The releasing of online betas to the public without screening said players. This never fares well, and ultimately leads to the release of day one mods, hacks, and exploits. There's nothing that can be done at this point though as the damage is already done.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

RYM 9000 (PS4)

If you are a fan of things like Projekt MKUltra, and Polybius you might find yourself right at home playing this latest shmup by Sonoshee. Full of deliberate visual, and audio mind f**kery this one-of-a-kind shmup aims to take you on a hardcore flight to the moon. A sensory overload in the form of a shoot 'em up. As the story goes there is a prophecy detailing a certain eclipse foreseen by the green dweller which has come to be. According to said prophecy there is a treasure to be found upon the eclipsed moon called the RYM 9000 which will gift ownership of the world, and beyond to the one who finds it. You happen to be one of those pilots, a revolutionary. With your ship you will be tasked with piloting through several stages of alien infested defenses in an attempt to claim the RYM 9000 as your own. The task might seem simple at first, but through limited ship capabilities attributed to damage taken you will need to pilot carefully lest you find yourself among the many failed attempts.

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince (PS4)

Nippon Ichi Software always seems to strike all the right chords with their artsy little indies. By "artsy indies" I simply mean their ambitious puzzle platformers that each contain a fairy tale driven lesson built into the story being told. As with other NISA releases in this particular sub-genre of puzzle platformers "The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince" weaves an interesting tale through hands-on gameplay and voiced art panel inclusive intermissions that border on being mature while pulling at your heartstrings in a nostalgic childlike manner. As if it were your own parents reading to you from your favorite children's storybook. The story at hand, as it were, is unfortunately one that if explained away in too much detail, could ruin the many surprises you'd get to enjoy by experiencing the experience for yourself. I can say, however, that it all starts with a curious prince and a gifted wolf who happens to have a beautiful singing voice. A voice that attracts the Prince, and in a twist of fate, has the two characters both leading a lie, and living one. In an accidental encounter the wolf feels morally obliged to right her wrongs against the prince, and ultimately seeks the help of a witch to restore what was lost to him. The journey that ensues due to the unfortunate circumstances and a metaphorical deal with the devil is an interesting, and endearing escort mission in which you get to control a now shape shifting wolf who can change forms from wolf into a human princess in order to maintain a lie about said wolf's identity. All due to a mutual appreciation that went awry without warning.