Wednesday, September 30, 2020

One Finger Death Punch 2 (REVIEW)

All hail the return of the ultimate test of reflexive combat! Packing more punch than that hammer scene from Old Boy, and more martial arts prowess than the IP Man himself (dare I say it) we find the journey of a pupil in training returning for yet another barrage of badass brawls. Utilizing attacks and defense that require precision timing along with the game's single button per side mechanic that in itself harbors multiple functions the path to perfection isn't so easily earned, but once it is achieved it is the most satisfying feeling you'll ever get from a kung fu video game experience. 

Along with the return of the series' staple mechanics tied to various enemy types and threats comes new modes of play, and newly added animations not seen since the first entry. New bloody bone crunching finishers finish off foes while background combo characters pop-up in time with the players' skilled application to further add to the visually pleasing spectacle of carnage. Also included in the mix of mortal combat is a newly introduced skill list of 26 skills that can all be added to effectively dumb down the challenge at hand with what amounts to earned and unlocked cheats. cheats so underhanded it might very well undermine the entire point of the game, but I digress ... You'll find returning as well the introductory tutorial which will give you a hands-on lowdown on controls, and mechanics. All just outside of the main single player journey mode that is stretched across several themed maps. Each map with points of interest that will reward you for your efforts. You'll also find lying in wait a new gauntlet mode which is the game's newer rogue-like feature that has you, and one life's worth of health, trying to best a set route of combat based challenges which incorporate the game's enemies and their mechanics. There's that, and survival. Survival, as it were, comes in a few different varieties. Each with their own gimmick centered around the single life series of fight until you die battles that take you up the tiers of an ancient tower per kill count. Increasing the overall challenge, and score rewards for the feat. All for bragging rights, no less.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

CoD: MW | Season 6 ... Trick or Treat?

Bringing more treats than tricks Activision, and Infinity Ward's Season 6 of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare battle pass presents some noteworthy additions to the growing cosmetic collection, and arsenal. For $10 you can gain access to the 100 tier grind for what looks to be Call of Duty's coolest season of offerings yet. Somewhat themed for Halloween it includes a bat take down named Edward, several Halloween themed gun blueprints, some Halloween themed baubles (key chains, stickers, emblems), and some new character skins. The skins this time include a Nikolai skin set with a trio of Nikolai disguises. You'll even gain access to the new operator Farrah as well. Freebies are nothing to shake your fists at either. You get two new weapons for the grind including a new bolt action marksman rifle (SP-R 208), and the (AS Val) auto-rifle. Those into the vehicle cosmetics will also find some creepy new Halloween skins that include bloody patterns as well as more monstrous creature designs. There's even a magic watch with a glowing green time display that raises outside of the watch's face.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Ginga Force (PS4)

Coming at you like the hot take of a 90's anime saga, Ginga Force introduces the players to two aspiring and experienced pilots, the criminal task force they serve, and the world that they live in. Those pilots being Alex Heatburn, and Margarette Whitetail. A dynamic duo in leagues with an organization known as MSS, or Mitsurugi Security Service which calls an AI governed world known as Seventia home. Much like our people, and our world the once migratory residents of Seventia realized that over population was an issue. So much so that they made their way to new planets, colonized said planets, and did so until they no longer prioritized the birthing efforts of old. Adopting new technology, and engaging in new AI innovations including that of an AI governance system Specia the people of Seventia grew accustom to a new lifestyle. Not of colonization, but more so of building upon the utopia they've become a part of. Harnessing new power sources, and policing those that would step out of their way to disrupt civility. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Creative and disturbing are two words that perfectly describe Springloaded's indie release, GORSD. Best likened to a Splatoon-like horror game of ancient Lovecraftian proportions this single player puzzle based adventure, and it's multiplayer counterpart brings something new to the table the likes of which I've never seen. With seven hours of gameplay in the singleplayer adventure along with eight different types of fill in the line competitive challenges you'll find either frustration or satisfaction in your failure or completion of the given objectives. As you trudge along in the guise of a womb-eye borne protagonist with tiny tentacles, or a bleeding worm mercifully spared death by the gods you'll find that the colored trail you leave behind, and the single bullet you can shoot, catch, and guide are your only means to victory within the gauntlet of trials set before you. Through the trials that are setup by the GORSD gods themselves within the world's temples that you find yourself in you'll have to prove your worth, or die trying. Again, and again and again ... It is a true testament of skills against friend or AI foe that will most certainly require your ability to master the mechanics.