Sunday, April 4, 2021

Outriders | The Cold Hard Truth As Told By Brad

Never have I ever in my history of gaming paid for a game that had such a horrible launch state, and horribly applied mechanics than Outriders. Forget what the big time journos said. This game is hot garbage. It is not worth one red cent. Let me explain ...

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Sturmfront - The Mutant War: Ubel Edition | PS4 Review

Sturmfront comes at us guns blazing in an alternate 1984 timeline where human's tampering has caused a mutant apocalypse. From the ashes, and ruins rises a mutant army hellbent on eradicating the remainder of the human species. As the lone hero, a cybernetic unit of a man named Siegfried von Hammerstein, you must gun and burn your way through waves of mutant scum with extreme prejudice. Using both a gun, and a flamethrower to dispatch anything moving back from whence it came.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Bite the Bullet | PS4 Review

Bite the Bullet has been out for quite some time now. In fact I vaguely recall requesting the game for review near the initial launch some months back. For some odd reason the PR contacted me after the release though with an embargo for the 19th of March 2021. Well after the former debut. I was puzzled at first, but as I played I realized that there seems to be some adjustments made to mechanics, and controls. Quality of life features that were obviously implemented to make the game more enjoyable than it was. The metroidvania mechanics, in particular, seem to function better than in the gameplay videos I previewed. There was also a quick select button (R1) added for weapon swapping instead of the R3 dial menu that made things a little more complicated than they should be. Having spent some time with the game, and grinding through it's missions I think it's safe to say this upgraded, or revamped version is definitely worth a try.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Explosionade DX | PS4 Review

Mommy's Best Games is an indie studio of unique pedigree. They bring to the player experiences unlike those most have ever played, or seen. Though the genres might be familiar the mechanics concepts they offer are anything but that. In the case of "Explosionade DX" I was personally surprised with what I found, once again. Not only was it totally unexpected, but surprisingly fun as well. Following a story about a naughty cadet, and his commanding officer we find a sci-fi world filled with horrific abominations known as Horronym, and a military at war with said creatures. Somewhere in the fray Atticus, the cadet and protagonist, decides to further disobey orders during a latrine focused punishment. Hopping into a prototype mech, and heading down the old crap chute (sewers) to give it a test drive. Upon entering the sewers Atticus finds lying in wait floor upon floor of Horronym. In a back and forth conversation that takes place during this ever descending adventure Atticus, and the Sarge bicker over the situation with the man in charge getting increasingly aggravated by the cadet's misbehavior, and recklessness. Thus is the story in a nutshell.