Saturday, July 17, 2021

Cotton Reboot! | PS4 Review

Cotton, Candy, and Colored Crystals. That's what this colorful cute 'em up is all about. That, and a fairy kingdom immersed in a plague of darkness brought on by evil forces. As fate would have it a selfish candy loving witch named Cotton finds an offer she cannot refuse. Silk, the fairy realm's representative, offers Cotton her realm's coveted Willow (candy) if she helps them bring back the light. This entails collecting seven pieces of Willow from seven otherworldly bosses. Thus Cotton, and Silk set off on their high flying adventure for two different reasons ...

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials | PS4 Review

Sounds like the name of a Saturday morning cartoon, doesn't it? This quirky fourth wall breaking Metroidvania is more than just some odd idea thrown at a wall hoping it will stick though. It's actually a very well designed, and coherent plot inclusive action adventure that could give other games in the genre a proper run for their money. Not only is it built well, and fun to play, but it also harbors an indie appearance that heightens the already quality presentation. Through pixels, and well animated sprites Batbarian comes to life in such a way as to inspire invested gamers to keep on playing. There's plenty of challenging puzzles to overcome as well as you find out the who, where, when, and why of your given dilemma ...

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Within The Blade | PS4 Review

Stealthy, stylish, and stumbling is Ratalaika's newly published ninja platformer, "Within The Blade". This pixelated indie with a simplistic narrative about a lone ninja in training overcoming an all powerful evil ruler is one with multiple features that builds upon it's base bloody combat, and tricky platforming gimmicks. Offering up a skill tree, and crafting vendor to compliment it's core mechanics it enhances what would otherwise be a basic experience. In a back and forth fashion you, the gamer, will be controlling the trained ninja protagonist Hideaki as he clears areas of enemy foot soldiers, and returns to his village to spend collected coin and use found or bought ingredients on item or weapon recipes. Additionally applying earned skill points on unlockable combat skills, crafting abilities, and improved stats or immunities. Perfection is the key to capitalizing on the game's reward system, and by ending a run in the most stealthy fashion while not taking hits you will earn a respectable rank as well as a title befitting of your efforts alongside the perks.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Procession To Calvary | PS4 Review

Blasphemy! BlaSpHeMy!! BLASPHEMY!!! Now that I have that out of the way ... What is "The Procession To Calvary" other than sacrilegious blasphemy? Well, it's a point and click adventure of Monty Python-esque proportions. A rudely applied renaissance-like take on the period of religious turmoil as seen during the Holy Wars, and the time of Christ. A darkly comedic journey through a conjoined collage of well crafted stages and settings comprised of paintings with portraits of people animated within as a part of some twisted theatrical paper thin puppet play. A deeply disturbing satire with a reflection on human history, and humanity itself through the most negative of perspectives. All while playing out to the tune of classical music, and opera from famous composers.