Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Sophstar | PS4 Review

Decked out, and on deck Sophstar follows the story of recruited space pilot Soph as she tries to unravel the mysteries of her origin, and make sense of the battle she is now a part of. Led by an admiral in command Soph pilots one of several ships with distinct weapon capabilities, and power levels. Following leads to distant planets, and outer space locations fighting against an adversary whose intent is to destroy Soph's fleet. Utilizing innate warp abilities combined with the firepower of future technology Soph braves the final frontier in an attempt to come to terms with her past, present, and future. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Yomawari: Lost in the Dark | PS4

NISA's "Yomawari" series is their most deeply disturbing, but morally aligned creation to date. It combines tragedies centered around suicide, depression, bullying, and other mentally taxing things in a modern Japanese setting with a chibi anime art style. Something that transitions through said tragedies into a nightmarish 'Alice in Wonderland' style experience which takes in account local folklore. It is horror survival at it's core with telling twists for audiences willing to brave it's story. 

As Yuzu, in "Yomawari: Lost in the Dark", you find yourself being brutally bullied by classmates from the start. Being told to go to Hell, and to die. Written abuse that is furthered by unrelenting physical attacks, and hurled insults. Something that appears to be so routine for the young female protagonist to the point she seemingly takes the hint, and jumps off the top of the school building to end her sorrow. While this intro detail is pointed towards that definitive direction the truth of the situation is made unclear as Yuzu awakes in a darkened, and heavily haunted version of her world. Eventually taking the advice of a mysterious girl who leads her out of the snow covered wilderness, and guides her to breaking the supposed curse cast on her in her own darkened hometown. A brief acquaintance which soon leaves Yuzu alone to tread on foot the spirit filled district with flashlight in hand in search of a series of locations with memories tied to them. Something that Yuzu is told will break her curse before the 6am deadline, so that she can be reunited with the mystery guide.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Chivalry 2 | PS4 Review

Hot off the backs of "Chivalry I", Tripewire's 'Chivalry II" brings back cannonballs to the wall medieval madness and mayhem. With several modes of play to choose from, and a highly detailed class and character customization system players' battlefield bloodlust will be satiated if they can get past some of the game's issues. Playing like a mixture of an FPS, and a fighting game Chivalry II's mechanics, and historically mirrored confrontations between four different kingdoms is realized in the most intricately detailed fashion. 

Featuring true to the period weapon based tactics, and objectives dependent upon offensive and defensive strategies these epic skirmishes play out in a truly merciless fashion. While the combat, and carnage is mostly historically accurate the developers have taken liberties with their sometimes comical voice commands that will have you both screaming like a madman as you run forth into the fray, or hurling insults as you are taunting your adversaries as they crawl around bleeding out from their mortal wounds.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Killing Floor 2 | PS4 Review

Tripwire's "Killing Floor 2" is a long running and over-the-top horror themed FPS from yesteryear with squad roles in mind. It features wave and objective based combat with players taking on perks that act as militant style classes with special perk bonuses and skills meant to aid in clearing a monster filled match. It is this fun, fulfilling, and frantic formula that has kept this game from falling to the wayside over time. To this day fans still flock to each new seasonal event, and update to get their fix and fill. 

Teeming with both online, and offline features this solo or squad based shooter offers replay value in spades. Including everything from character, and weapon customization to a wealth of interesting maps to play on as well as Easter eggs to find, Killing Floor 2 kills it in more ways than one. Not only does it up the ante of available content with added gory creature effects in tow, but it also offers unrelenting bloody action with epic boss fights as well as a hard hitting soundtrack that is itself killer. To this day you will not be hard pressed on consoles to find some sort of sadistic enjoyment from this title and it's offerings.