Wednesday, March 15, 2023

EvilUP | PS4 Review

Ratalaika's "EvilUp" is a rock solid RPG adventure presented in a board game fashion with a turn based, and roguelike focus. It features nine unique class specific heroes or heroines with distinct playstyles, and skill sets dependent upon the class archetype. Each of which have embarked on a journey across the lands to conquer dragons, and save the local townsfolk. Ultimately harvesting the winged serpents' power so that they can face off against the mother of all dragons. Through enemy clearing, looting, and survival these would be heroes, and heroines will be well suited for the challenges ahead. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Little Witch Nobeta | PS4 Review

The merger between soulsborne and anime has finally been realized! Thanks to Idea Factory, and their onboard developers, "Little Witch Nobeta" gives anime fans a reason to celebrate! This cute cat guided story about an amnesiac witch on her way to a castle's throne has the player fighting along with her to discover her identity. Along the way the little witch encounters various castle residents who are out to stop her progress. Be it deadly soul infused denizens or wicked witches. Utilizing elemental magic for attack spells, and enchantments for traversal abilities she is able to bypass these roadblocks though. Collecting the fallens' souls when the job is done, and spending said souls to grow in power. Additionally finding clues of the past through hidden items that contain lore inclusive information. Bringing the wayward witch one step closer to sorting out her identity crisis.

Monday, March 13, 2023

LEAP | PS4 Review

With poor marketing efforts, and little light shed on "LEAP" from the gaming community this futuristic FPS with a mobility twist has fallen to the wayside not far from it's launch debut. While it is innovative, creative, and harbors precision gunplay with 3 unique ways to traverse a map it does not have the current player population to support it or warrant an investment from anyone looking to jump onboard. Even with two modes of play, four exo-suit classes to choose from, and larger scale modes comparative to games like Battlefield it still struggles to gain traction. In the following paragraphs I will go over the features in an attempt to enlighten you about it's contents, and what it offers at the current price point. Letting you decide for yourself whether or not it's something you'd like to get into ...

Friday, March 10, 2023

The Last Spell | PS4 Review

Ishtar Games', "The Last Spell" is a tactical turn based roguelike RPG all about the dangers of power. It takes place in a medieval fantasy world on the brink of total destruction brought on by magic gone awry. With the source of destruction coming from a mage looking to put the fear of war into the surrounding nations in order to stop war. By willfully unleashing a devastating purple flame through spell casting the mage raises an unsuspecting kingdom from the ground. Killing off all of it's peoples in the process including that of royal lineage. In doing so creating an adversary of a surviving king who lost his own family amidst the devastation. Thus causing said king to retaliate in kind through his own mages. Forming in the wake of the events a vicious cycle of death and war amongst neighboring kingdoms. Putting at risk all life.

In the midst of the ensuing and ongoing chaos the king's band of mages search for and eventually find in that search a spell that might just save what's left of their world. That spell being "The Last Spell". The end of all magic, if it were to be cast. The problem is only a handful of heroes exist willing to protect these heroic mages as they do their required casting ritual. An undertaking that takes time, and focus. Something the people have very little of considering the nightly unleashed plague of clawers that are sent against the would be saviors ...