Thursday, July 20, 2023

Diversity And Inclusivity In Gaming

Like my previous article discussing the controversy that is degeneracy in gaming this article will also touch base on a hot topic. That hot topic being diversity and inclusivity in gaming. 

As with all of the entertainment offerings these days diversity and inclusivity has seemingly become top priority, and not for the right reasons. It is more important than storytelling, and character building to everyone who champions it. As such a lot of what we get is nothing more than platforms for propaganda, and people turned into billboards for the current narrative. All as means to push divisive identity politics on anyone who dares pay for the experience. Oddly enough former president Barack Obama passed a bill prior to the boom of identity politics to allow propaganda to be used on the US population. This is a crucial piece of information that should be noted as it has had an impact on the diversity and inclusivity movements within the realm of entertainment, and media.

QUOTE: Of Influence And Motivation

"Why do we do the things we do? That's the question. Everything we've ever done was motivated by influences outside of our own state of awareness."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Degeneracy In Gaming | A Hot Topic

Since the revealing of Baldur Gate III's in-game bear shenanigans the developer has doubled down on it's included degeneracy. Noting the addition of genitalia customization within the game's character creation menu. Why I bring light to this is that the gaming industry has double standards in what it deems problematic, especially in regards to adult content. Often times we see developers forced to censor or cut out character features that attract the "male gaze". Be it nudity or partial nudity of females. At the same time certain other nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit features that cater to the LGBTQ+ community are let through with no censorship at all. This blatant hypocrisy obviously comes with a political agenda.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Music With A Message - KMFDM

We've all heard stories about older music containing hidden messages, and secretive meaning. Whether it be in reverse tracks, lyrics, or manipulated sound we've all heard tales of such tracks. I've personally grown to respect such things, what I refer to as the music that tells the future. Songs akin to George Orwell's "1984" as it aligns with today's political movements. 

While some of the bands I closely follow are niche you might have also heard of them given the time you were born. One such band that continuously produces songs that are meant to stir up the fight in the individual against the military industrial complex, and totalitarianism is none other than KMFDM. One song, in particular, stands out to me above the rest considering the declining state of America, and the Western world. The title of the song is, "New American Century", and in it's lyrics lies a warning. A warning of what complacency will do when facing tyranny. It's a very Orwellian song, and one I highly suggest you listen to if you listen to no others songs from their expansive catalogue.