Saturday, August 12, 2023

Zombie Soup | PS5 Review

Seems Ricky has done caught that train to Busan!!! Ricky, the hero of Astrolabe Games' latest top down twin stick shooter, definitely ended up on the wrong side of town, El Prospero Town. After a long train ride, and having missed his intended stop Ricky ends up in El Prospero, unexpectedly. A high school graduated backpacker out to see the world in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

At this current stop, a Mexican themed ghost town that harbors a dark presence, Ricky finds an adventure of a lifetime beckoning as well as a damsel in distress for the saving. The remaining residents of El Prospero each hiding inside due to a zombie outbreak brought on by an odd harbinger of death known as MC Skull. In a chance meeting with a local girl named Ashley at the initial train exit, Ricky sets off a series of events in which rescuing the survivors is his key focus. Armed with whatever weapons he finds, a sense of humor, and a liking for burritos Ricky sets forth facing the impending zombie apocalypse.

Friday, August 11, 2023

ADORE | PS5 Review

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie it's ADORE!!! Just kidding, lol! Adore is a very serious matter. It's a bold and brazen Brazilian indie in which the developers at Cadabra Games implemented their own take on the staple monster capture gimmick often times associated with gameplay experiences like those featured in Pokemon. It went from being a roguelike initially to being a story driven action RPG with monster mastering mechanics. Set in a world with two warring Gods, and a people known simply as Adorers, Adore aims to capture the gamers' heart. 

As with all storied adventures, Adore begins with a backstory. Caught up in the aftermath of the downfall of their adored God Draknar at the hands of Ixer, a lone individual among the tribe of Adorers is blessed with the last divine essence, unknowingly. Destined to be Draknar's host body, and eventual means with which to end Ixer's usurped reign. A role not to be taken lightly. Thankfully, as the chosen Adorer Lukha has the innate power to tame and use creatures to fight for him. Cannon fodder of the creature kind.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Creepy Tale: Ingrid Penance | PS5

Welcome to Hell, or should I say welcome Ingrid to Hell!!!

This Creepy Brothers creation that is, "Creepy Tale: Ingrid Penance" introduces us to a truly vile little girl destined for damnation. This little girl known as Ingrid is prideful, and selfish. Hateful to her mother, and disrespectful to her grandmother. So full of herself that she'd rather stare at her reflection in a hand mirror than pay a visit to her elders. 

As with most stories with a moral this particular tale has the wayward Ingrid facing the consequences of her actions. Her sins, if you will. After tossing what was to be her grandmother's requested order of bread into a muddied trap Ingrid falls into Hell where she is promptly greeted by the very imp who saw that she got there. Through a puzzling gauntlet of traps Ingrid must prove her worth or lack thereof to this playful imp named Molek. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Astro Flame: Starfighter | PS5

Coming from indie publisher SometimesYou, "Astro Flame: Starfighter" brings to the paying player a streamlined top-down vertical shmup that is both polished enough for the new generation of consoles, and minimalist by design. It is a campaign driven 15 stage space shooter with an implied story that is never fully fleshed out a cinematic intro. Leaving a lot to the imagination, but enough to let you know you are in a battle against a space armada. 

Filled with lucrative farming opportunities for green resources that can be spent on ship upgrades you will deck out your destroyer as you grind to perfection each stage according to a three star rating that takes in account the percentage of enemy ships you down in a given playthrough. As you fight fire with fire the soundtrack rocks in sync with the PS5 controller's haptic feedback feature. Creating an immersive experience that isn't too taxing on the nerves despite the bullet hell nature of the game.