Friday, September 29, 2023

Trepang2 | PS5 Review

Stealth gameplay and copious amounts of carnage are what this 2000's inspired FPS is all about. Coming from a studio named Trepang, Trepang2 takes on it's creator's namesake in a sequel that continues the sordid story of a test subject with superhuman abilities. A soldier for hire whose former allegiance with a certain taskforce pits him against a corporate entity known as Horizon. 

It is this corporation that dabbles in human and paranormal experimentation that sees protagonist 106 imprisoned and subjected to MKUltra levels of mental manipulation. Only for 106 to be later freed with the aid of Taskforce 27 in the opening of this game. Armed with weapons and paranormal abilities obtained in and prior to his escape from Horizon Blacksite-14, 106 rendezvous with Taskforce 27 to take on Horizon, and bring it down. Collecting intel, and amassing an arsenal worthy of dispatching the enemy, whomever they may be ...

QUOTE: Of Humans and Livestock

"Imagine being encouraged to behave like a feral animal to the point of losing all human decency. That's what's happening to the minorities who Democrats and Communists are supposedly helping. By enabling the worst acts humanly possible with zero repercussions it is turning these people into animals ... violent and unthinking animals. The leaders of the global government are no doubt watching it all unfold from afar laughing at the destruction of humanity they have orchestrated. Creating, in the chaos, human livestock that is reactionary, controllable through their emotions, and willing to do anything for scraps."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Blackmail In Business | Cold War 2.0

We've seen some crazy stuff in the realm of politics these past several years. World leaders championing the communist and marxist ideology. Seemingly compromised by interests outside of their respective countries. Bypassing human rights and freedoms to usher in a totalitarian form of governance inline with certain anti-freedom loving dictatorships. Rumors are some of these bad actors among us are either being bribed or blackmailed by foreign operatives. Acting against the peoples' best interest whether willingly, or by force. What if I were to tell you this growing sphere of influence might have very well infiltrated the whole of the entertainment industry including gaming as well?

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

QUOTE: About the American Dream

"You know ... it's ironic really, the "American Dream". If you think about it those two words perfectly encapsulate our reality. We've been dreaming away our lives. Living a dream unable to see the nightmarish truth that was right in front of us all along. That we are slaves to a system that was designed to keep us asleep, and unaware. Committed to chasing the dream, but never living it. Our life's work serving as the chains that bind us to a perpetual cycle of generational servitude. To masters who see us as livestock, and cannon fodder for their selfish causes."

- Brad C. (OtakuDante)