Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III | Blackcell Season One Review

As most of you are aware by now Modern Warfare III's Blackcell battle pass is a premium edition of the standard battle pass that includes bonus Blackcell operator/weapon skins, and items not included in the standard edition. It'll run you about $30 per season, and includes 100 tiers to unlock through a meticulous grind offset by some free unlocks that give you a head start on others grinding the standard battle pass. Not only do you get free tier unlocks (upwards of 20), but you also get the harder to unlock end pass skins from the start. Letting you show off, in advance, what others will have to grind all 100 tiers to get.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Shinorubi | PS5 Review

Bursting forth like a badass bullet hell ballet filled with a clashing of neon colors this futuristic shmup about a group of ruling elite, and the alien mercenaries that seeks to topple them brings all the challenges and then some. 

Featuring 8 different pilots with their own unique backstories, and ships you face off against the Shinorubi King and his generals of the planetary BAAA empire across several unique modes of play. Your target being the group of power hungry persons of interest out to nab the universe's most powerful and mysterious resource. 

With an army of supporting generals led by the lead King's own daughter they aim to stop you in your tracks. One legend tells of the BAAA rulers' success, and another the thwarting of that success by mercenaries. The latter of which holds true story-wise in this particular game.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

QUOTE: About Knowledge

 "Unlearn what you were taught so that you can learn the truth by and for yourself ...

Did you ever wonder why Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil, and why it meant certain death if they did? Knowing of something that has any part to do with evil is susceptible to corruption. Knowledge is not pure. It is not solely good. Therefore to know is to corrupt one's self. Did you know that not knowing enriches creativity. It helps us to excel, innovate, and create with no bounds. Trying to create freely in a known reality limits the creation, and the evolution therein. Knowing is a prison for the mind for everything is certain, and in that certainty, limited." - Brad C. (OtakuDante)

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Happy Holidays From The Inferno!!!

It is that time of year. A time of celebration, of family, and of closure for our struggles within the past 365 days. We face uncertainty on many fronts as we move towards 2024, the new year. The world is more volatile than it's ever been. We're on the brink of world war III, and politics keeps on dividing and conquering us all. 

Somewhere in the midst of it all we still manage to partake of the bread and circuses as those in Rome did before their societal collapse. Distractions that only serve to momentarily stave off any worries or fears lingering in the backs of our minds. My hope is that in 2024 we don't get so distracted by the bread and circuses that we let our world fall apart any further. As Ayn Rand said, "You can ignore reality, but you cannot escape the consequences of ignoring reality".