Showing posts with label Indies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indies. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2016

Red Game Without a Great Name (PS VITA)

When it comes to the naming of this game I think iFun4All's approach is rather innovative, and catchy. In fact I caught myself singing out the title of the game earlier today for no apparent reason. I'm crazy like that, lol! As far as the title of the game is concerned the only thing it really describes in regards to the gameplay is the colored theme you'll be seeing throughout your playthrough as well as the fact that the game is void of a proper name. Aside from those two things the game does still stand out on it's own as a uniquely challenging experience with a simple yet effective backstory. It does alright for itself by providing easy to understand content which the gamer can enjoy at home, or on the go. In retrospect it is one of those 2D side-scrolling, and finger swiping mobile types of games which you often times see as indie apps. While it is easy to pick up, and put down mastering it will require some seriously quick reactions, and interactions as you will be facing the task of delivering secret letters via a teleporting mechanical bird in a trap infested steampunk world.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Baseball Riot (PS4)

Taking inspiration from mobile game franchises like "Angry Birds" 10tons released a wacky sports trajectory game which follows closely a has-been baseball player named Gabe who was injured during a season's playoffs. Gabe (the protagonist) ended up taking a baseball to the knee (enter Skyrim joke here), and in doing so became unable to play due to his unfortunate injury. After his mishap in the major leagues, Gabe fell to the wayside as newspaper tabloid material like most famous has-beens do. He was continuously shunned by his critics while his misadventures in the real world were documented in full for readers of said newspaper to gawk at. Following his forced retirement the team which Gabe had played for was ultimately bought out by a chemical corporation known as "Explodz", and was renamed the "Electrolytes" for obvious reasons. As the team became successful a problem emerged regarding the popular Explodz beverage which was consumed by players, and fans alike. This beverage was causing the fans, and players to become enraged for some unknown reason. Stepping up to the plate (pun intended) Gabe decides to take on the role of the hero, and uses his pro league batting skills to bat the bejeezus out of those who were afflicted by the effects of the sinister soda. It is his way of getting back into the league, and reclaiming his rightful place with the team he was once a crucial part of. Whether, or not he achieves this goal is up to you!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gentleman Squid Announce Black Friday Holiday Release For Charity!!!

Recently I was contacted by 'Gentleman Squid Studio' about their latest PC game. and charity efforts. As it turns out this former XBLIG development team has gotten into the holiday spirit of giving, and have put together a limited time charity involving the holiday themed game that they have created. That game being, "Here Runs Santa Claus". The charity tied to said game will help benefit those in need at 'St. Jude's Children Research Hospital'. It will be released on Black Friday (November 27), and will only be available through December 26. The asking donation price is $5.00, but you can donate as much as you like with your purchase of the game. Just know that a percentage of each game purchase/donation will go to the previously mentioned charity.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Weekend Blog Log (Oct. 3, 2015)

It is Saturday, or rather late into Saturday of October the 3rd. I've mostly sat on my ass today tweeting to friends on Twitter via the old PC, and have spent a lot of the extra time off playing Destiny. Despite my lingering complaints about the game it is one those gaming experiences that has kept my undivided attention. I think most of that can be attributed to my friends' love for the game, and my return love for gaming with said friends. I have to admit that I do value what little time I have with my friends each evening in Destiny. It's a friendly conversational opportunity that I'm not afforded very often outside of social media text chat. Though my contribution to said conversations consists of mostly out of place exclamations, singing, and a lot of "dude" talk I still get to speak my piece about gaming, which I enjoy greatly. The one-on-one sessions with my friend 'Trouble' always gives me the opportunity to open up even more about my day, hobbies, and gaming passions. In return I also listen to her about her day, and her thoughts on things. It's a friendship that I couldn't do without, and one that I'm truly thankful for.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Project Root (PS4/PS VITA)

The guys, and gals over at 'Reverb Triple XP', and 'OPQAM' bring to us a RAIDEN style (Top-Down) free-roam shmup that is of a mixed presentation. By mixed presentation I mean that "Project Root" only partially incorporates traditional shmup style scoring, and gameplay mechanics. It also does so with a story driven plot about a war for resources, and freedom from oppression as it's main focus. Basically, as a rebel pilot of the F72-Zonda you are presented with a mission to take down various Prometheus Corporation targets, and defenses in an effort to stop their greed ridden expansion, and stock hold of energy resources. Your weaponry for the assault comes in the form of air, and ground projectiles as well as special weapon power-ups that help to clear enemies even more quickly. Utilizing all available options of attack properly for the on ground, and in the air threats is what's going to mean the difference between failure, and victory.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Aaru's Awakening "Impressions" (PS4)

While I was waiting on 'Omega Quintet' to download I figured I'd give 'Aaru's Awakening' a sample, and post my impressions of the findings for you guys. For those of you who are unaware of it this indie exclusive was released for free download to PS+ subscribers on Tuesday of this week. Lumenox Studio, for some reason decided to release it in a similar way as Roll7 did for the new OlliOlli2 game. I figure it has something to do with them getting paid upfront by Sony for each download instead of relying on PSN customers to actually pay for the game. While that's a sad way to go about it I know that not many gamers are willing to take a chance on indies, especially at a higher marked price. In that sense it may very well have been a smart business decision by Lumenox. As far as the game goes you'll find that the graphic art style, and the competitive speed run based gameplay is this title's shining features. Outside of that the story intro which was told by a child voice actor/actress did little to get me hyped for the experience ahead. Their monotonous tone throughout the narrative, made the story being told forgettable, and dull.