Showing posts with label PQube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PQube. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2022

Super Bullet Break | PS4 Review

BeXide's "Super Bullet Break" brings to us a cute casting of funny female gamers, bubbly bullet babes, and nefarious buggo infested waifus sent out by Singulaladies to make game characters across a collection of mobile games self-aware. Through protagonists Akari, Hikaru, and Sumire we find a collective of like-minded gamer girls who have their antics playout through their mobile phones in short lived chat sessions. With Akari's contextual conversations, in particular, we are introduced to an inquisitive AI girl named Nayuta. A character, who through Akari's mobile device, contacts her telling her about an AI ploy to destroy her games and make the resident characters of each game as self-aware as the Singulaladies are. Those Singulaladies being the sentient AI who have gone rogue in an attempt to infect other characters with buggos that alter their perceptions. With the guidance of an in-game guide called Black Cat the girls of Super Bullet Break are out to win back their games. One bullet at a time ...

Friday, July 26, 2019

Kill la Kill the Game: IF (PS4)

I'm going to do something I usually don't do. I'm going to suggest that if you are on the fence about buying this game to download the demo, and play it first before reading my review. Afterwards return here to find out what I think about the game, and what features the game has to offer ...

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 DLC Upgrade (PS4)

From the start the DLC upgrade that is "Rev 2" struck me as being off. It was marketed as being a two character bundle with balance changes. The characters at normal cost, and together would have only cost the gamer $16, but the DLC upgrade was being sold at $19.99 ... When it comes to the balance changes, while they are significant, I feel the visual/structural overhaul that was included should have been a free update to the core game. By selling it as a part of the DLC Aksys Games/PQube has effectively split the GG community. I understand that you have the option to revert back to the core Revelator experience in full, but this defeats the purpose of buying the DLC upgrade in the first place. Beyond that there is something very wrong with the additional DLC being sold on the side. I personally bought Baiken's voice DLC, and color palette DLC. Both of which did not appear as optional options in-game. I was robbed. I was sold BS. That alone is enough of a reason to warrant hate on this DLC package. Along with the splitting of the community, and the matchmaking issues that are connection identifiers this DLC upgrade is an all around botched deal. Speaking of connection indicators the developer thought it wise to color favorable connections red, and unfavorable green. Who in their right mind does that?