Showing posts with label Sony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sony. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Fall of the Video Game Industry: "Things That Will Spell Certain Doom For Gaming"

Over the past few years I've witnessed a very concerning trend that has impacted the video game industry, and the potentially fun experiences that it offers. As most of you know by now hacking is all the rage these days. You see Hacktivists like Anon making headlines, and other global hackers advancing to the forefront with their thieving tomfoolery. On the sideline of this ever growing fad are the delinquent little sh*t heads who have nothing better to do than waste legitimate gamer's time with cheap gameplay, and unfair hacks. These fudge packers have ultimately become a prominent part of gaming culture, and use their hacking BS to heckle us honest gamers. As an avid gamer with years of experience under my belt I have come to loathe this situation with a burning passion. Often times I spend $60 for a new online game only to find elementary school, and middle school aged f*cktards bragging about their hacking victories in online lobbies. I report these fools religiously, and as I often as I do I still run into them online. Game developers, and console developers stand idly by letting these degenerate lowlifes dominate the world of online gaming. They could easily implement a proper reporting, and banning system, but instead are so money hungry that they could care less about fixing the problem.

Friday, January 4, 2013

We Made It!!! It's 2013!!!

Greetings to all my readers! I realize I'm a little late in delivering my new years greeting, but I figured it's the best way to let you know my plans for this year. As most of you know I mentioned back in December 2012 that I would possibly be doing PSN reviews as well as the usual Xbox 360 reviews since I got a new PS3 for Christmas. I still plan on following through with that, but at the current time there are no noteworthy PS3, or PSN games being released. In fact I'd go so far as to say the selection of new games for the PS3 pales in comparison to that of Microsoft's Xbox 360. Hopefully things will pick up soon though, because I want to try out delivering some of those PS3/PSN reviews.