Showing posts with label Wii U. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wii U. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Game Developers, Half-Assed Releases & What To Do About the Issue

Okay. So, this is going to be a slight rant. It's directed solely at game developers, and content creators ...

We all know as gamers that everything from video games to patches/updates have been being botched, and released regardless of their unsatisfactory condition. This has got to stop. What it all boils down to is pure laziness, a lack of commitment to the product, and a lack of willingness to supply the funds needed to make things right. If you are going to make a game set in an online environment, or even an offline game it is imperative that you get things right from the start, and that you work out all the kinks before it hits shelves. There's no if's, and's, or butt's (I typed it that way on purpose) about it. If you are not willing to fund a team who can get such a job done then you do not need to be releasing the game, or patch in the first place. While I could point fingers, and call names all day I'm going to go a different route, and offer up a viable suggestion that will help get the development process back on the right track, and no it does not require more money to do ...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

An Open Letter To Nintendo ...

There's no doubt that Nintendo is facing some hard times. There's also no doubt that most of the blame behind these financial declines lies solely with their poor decisions. Even in the face of this looming disaster I can still see hope for the Nintendo brand of gaming though, if only they were to listen to the sound advice being shared. It's due time that Nintendo swallows their pride, and chooses to listen to their diehard fans. There's plenty of well spoken advice going around the internet as well as ideas that could dig Nintendo out of their abysmal hole, but they continue to ignore these words of wisdom, and reasoning. I'm going to share with my readers, and Nintendo some advice that I think could get them back on track with their fan base. It is after all the consumer who made them what they are, and not the developers who created the hardware, or the software. Listen to reason, and you (Nintendo) may once again reign supreme.