Showing posts with label XBLIG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XBLIG. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2012

Face-Plant Adventures (XBLIG): "The World Through The Eyes Of A Piranha Plant ... Not Really Though"

When I first laid eyes on Face-Plant Adventures a couple of thoughts came to mind. The first thing to pop into my mind was the main character looks like a mix between a Piranha Plant (Super Mario Bros.), and the man-eating venus flytrap from "Little Shop of Horrors". Secondly, as I watched the trailer I began to think of the "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game series because of the rail systems, and the checkpoints. Even with similarities such as these though it seems that the developer, oddworm games has decided to make the game like those of the "impossible game" genre. It was an odd choice to say the least, and one that could easily be this games undoing. I've complained numerous times about "impossible games" in the past, because they leave no room for error making it a frustrating experience that no one in their right mind would revisit. After choosing not to complete my playthrough due to difficulties in the HARD setting I decided to go ahead with my review.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pinball FX2: "Plants Vs. Zombies"

Who needs a George A. Romero zombie survival strategy when you have a garden full of combative plant life that would make the man-eating venus flytrap from Little Shop of Horrors green with envy. Now that I've got your attention with that college level wordplay let me shed some light on the subject of this review. Most of you, by now have either played or heard of PopCap Game's unique horror-survival strategy game, "Plants Vs. Zombies". The game's title pretty much explains it all for those who haven't though. You grow a garden of living/organic plant weapons that act as an at-home defense against the incoming brain hungry zombie invaders. The Pinball FX2 table of the same name follows this simplistic yet oddly complicated plot with it's own take on the core game title. Staying true to the "Pinball FX2", and "Plants Vs. Zombies" experience Zen Studios, and PopCap Games collaborate to bring you a pinball experience like no other.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

March to the Moon (XBLIG): "A Retro Shmup/RPG Hybrid""

I'm a reviewer, and gamer who values true creativity. Truly creative games have sadly become kind of rare in the XBLIG marketplace these days though. You'll notice games that seem to borrow ideas from other's, and near clones of games that have recently been released. As a result of this trend developers of indie games often times flock to simple gaming genres in order to make a name for themselves. You will often see me tweet, or talk about the declining situation of the gaming industry, because of things like these. Regardless of my disgust the marketplace's current creative status I'm still grateful that there are some developers out there who actually produce noteworthy games. Califer Games just so happens to be one of the handful of noteworthy indie game developers that I'm speaking of. They recently contacted me, requesting that I review their latest release of "March to the Moon". I was a little hesitant at first, but it looked interesting enough to review. After playing it for a good while I was glad that I gave it a proper chance.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Death Closet (XBLIG): "A Hardcore Meme Death Frenzy"

I know I've mentioned this before, but I'm a reviewer who likes to buy from the XBLIG marketplace from time to time. If it weren't for the XBLIG indie developers I wouldn't be where I'm at today with this blog. As such I decided to buy a 'Stegersaurus' game that was recently released called "Death Closet". The name was definitely catchy, and the ghastly little dude on the cover art was begging me to buy the game (not really ^.^), so I could not resist. I read the description as usual, and despite that it was obviously one of those "impossible" game titles I ventured forward with my purchase. After downloading the game, and sampling all that it had to offer. I found that this simple game was the first "impossible" title that I actually enjoyed playing.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blog Update 8/30/2012

Hello Everyone!!!,

I'm glad to see that people are still visiting the blog even with the lack of reviews. As you probably noticed by now I've hit a sort of dry spell. The XBLIG marketplace isn't producing anything noteworthy, and my contacts for the latest XBLA releases are busy at PAX. I should be getting "The Walking Dead ep.3" when that contact returns, so at least you'll have something to look forward too. In the meantime I've contacted a couple of websites who offer skins, and products for controllers and consoles. One of the companies is called "WraptorSkinz". They offer some really cool stick-on graphics for your Xbox 360 controllers as well as other products. I will be receiving a couple of samples from them, and will give you my reviews on the products. As usual I'll be posting photos along with the reviews.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Spyleaks (XBLIG): "A Retro Espionage Story Featuring Two Classic Game Genres"

This is one of those indie games that I would have likely passed up if it weren't for the developer (HeartBit Interactive/The Benjamin Ficus) requesting a review. After receiving the developer's request I watched the youtube trailer that was attached in hopes of better understanding what I'd be getting myself into. I was surprised to see that the game had an oddly familiar style of puzzle solving gameplay to it. It was a style of puzzle gameplay that I haven't seen in what seems like ages. If you've ever played the Nintendo game "The Adventures of Lolo" then you'll know what I'm talking about (Be sure to check out the video attached to this review for reference to that). After noticing this similarity along with the fact that there was actual shmup (shoot'em up) levels in the game I was totally hyped! Needless to say I agreed to the request, and did my playthrough so I could give you guys the inside scoop on this Espionage driven puzzle/shmup hybrid.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rock, Paper, Lazers (XBLIG): "A Whimsical Shmup With A Unique Twist"

When it comes down to reviewing XBLIG titles there are certain things that I look for. The most significant thing of all though is originality. As we all have noticed by now there are copies  upon copies of indie games plaguing the XBLIG marketplace. Very rarely do I see an entirely unique, and well developed game on there. It's a sad situation that has become more prevalent as time has passed. Thankfully all is not lost. There are some indie developers such as Cubegg who try to at least put a new spin on an old genre. With their newly released title "Rock, Paper, Lazers" they have added some spice to the dull appetizer that is the XBLIG marketplace.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Murder For Dinner (XBLIG): "A CLUE-like Murder Mystery"

Indie games seemed to have once again picked up in popularity among aspiring game developers. I'm not only seeing more unique XBLIG titles coming to light, but kickstarter programs have also spawned featuring entirely unique video game creations by never-before-known developers. Recently a new XBLIG developer called Detroit Game Studio contacted me about reviewing their latest creation, "Murder for Dinner". In their email they told me a little about the game, and described it as an Agatha Christie/Clue style murder mystery. Needless to say the idea of the game definitely caught my attention. As a reviewer I try to cover games that are truly "unique", and this game fit the bill. I set out to see what the fuss was all about, and find out why it warranted a 240 msp price tag.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Obsessive Collecting Disorder (XBLIG): "A Stylish & Challenging Indie Game With a Parody Twist"

As a reviewer I sometimes go above, and beyond the call of duty to bring you guys the latest reviews. In some instances this includes enduring extreme video game challenges that are darn near impossible to complete. This time around the developers at Super Smith Bros. kindly asked me to review their new indie game Obsessive Collecting Disorder. I actually knew what I was getting myself into when I agreed to review their game. There was something about it that screamed quality to me though. As I did my playthrough of OCD I found it somewhat fun in a "Glutton for Punishment" sort of way. In the end the game not only tried my patience in numerous ways, but it also made me laugh which is definitely a plus in my book.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ninja Exorcist Ep.1 (XBLIG): Art Contest (CLOSED)

Awesome news readers!!! I have another great contest for you. This time around the indie game that I gave so much praise to is up for grabs. All you have to do is send in your best work of art/drawing that relates to "Ninja Exorcist Episode 1". You can draw your own rendition of Daigo (the lead ninja), his unearthly wife Miya, any of the enemies/bosses, or even epic battles between Daigo and his demonic adversaries. The interpretation is up to you, but in the end there will only be 3 winners. Submit your best artistic representation, and your art may become part of the official website fan art gallery. The developer also mentioned to me that special edition of the game may be released with an in-game gallery, so it's definitely something to look forward to.

Ninja Exorcist Ep.1 (XBLIG): "Press Release"

Ninja Exorcist Ep.1 Available Now On Xbox 360 Indie Games
Ninja Exorcist sets sight on re-igniting dwindling software quality on XBLIG platform and provide XBLA style for a fraction of the price

Vancouver B.C. 2012/07/26 – Humble ninja, today marks the beginning of an epic descent into demon slaying and bloodletting, as Nebula Game Studios is excited to announce the release of the beautiful new action-stealth 2D adventure, Ninja Exorcist. Out now on the Xbox 360 Indie Games channel on Xbox live for the ridiculously low price of $1. Join us, and take control of Ninja prodigy Daigo, as he slashes, and stealth kills his way through hordes of demon enemies in the beginning of a journey inspired by Buddhist and Shinto mythology. Ninja Exorcist features hours of gameplay, 19 large stages, including awesome boss fights and many cool features.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ninja Exorcist Episode 1 (XBLIG): "An Oriental 2D Side-Scrolling Masterpiece!

It's not often that I get psyched about a game to the point that I immediately recommend it before posting my review. In this particular instance I did though . It just so happens that Nebula Game Studio's presented one heck of a game with their own original release of "Ninja Exorcist Episode 1". Immediately when starting up the game I noticed the in-depth attention to detail that the developer had incorporated into the title. Everything from the prologue to the actual gameplay screamed high quality (1080p to be exact). With that being said I did get some errors while playing the game, and had to cut my playthrough short. The good news on that situation though is that the developer has already issued a patch for the game, and it should be coming out soon. This lets me know that the developer actually cares about their product, and the consumer which is always a plus.

Dead Sea (XBLIG): "Horror-Survival At Sea"

When I got Brave Men Game's request to do a review early this morning I was very curious as to what they had in store. I think it was earlier this year that I had reviewed their game "Hell's House", so I was expecting something similar. What exactly that was going to be I wasn't sure though. For some reason I expected some sort of apocalyptic game, but I was very wrong with that guess. After viewing the teaser trailer I had some serious doubts about the game, as you too will likely have. Even so I decided to do the review. Without further adieu I give you my two cents worth on this oddly interesting indie game ...

Pro Basketball Shooter (XBLIG): "A Single Button Arcade Style Basketball Simulation Game"

When I was a young fellow growing up video games had not really overtaken my life. I would often times play outside sports with my brothers, and sisters such as baseball, basketball, and even some tennis. It may be hard to believe, but I was actually a fairly active person back then. As I grew up though priorities changed, and I found myself enthralled by the world of gaming. I became so obsessed with the interactive technology that I spent many hours of my life playing video games, and continue to do so to this day. I eventually ended up becoming the video game journalist I am today as a result of my choices. With that being said it is nice to be able to play sports games even if it is just a simulator like the one I'm reviewing here. It brings back memories, and actually makes me want to get back outside and play. Maybe one day I will ...

Blog Update 7/23/2012

Hi Guys & Gals!,

I know things have quieted down recently here on "The Oni Xpress", but I assure you they'll pick back up very soon. I got caught up on a backlog of dvd reviews on my other blog which complicated things a good bit. The good news is though that I just picked up two XBLIG titles for review. One of them is an arcade style basketball shooter called "Pro Basketball Shooter". It was created by 'Rendercode Games' who are known for their previous XBLIG racing titles. The other game "Dead Sea" is by "Hell's House" creator 'Brave Men Games'. It features some CG animation, and a horror/survival tale that will most likely feature some intense gameplay. I only saw the teaser trailer though, so I don't really know much about it yet.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sushi Castle (XBLIG): "Milkstone's Answer To 'The Binding of Isaac'"

Milkstone has answered my gaming prayers! Ever since I laid eyes on gameplay footage of 'The Binding of Isaac' I have longed to play the game. This was unfortunately impossible for me since my outdated PC can't handle even the simplest of Steam game titles. I was extremely psyched when I happened upon a tweet recently where @milkstone discussed what this game was all about. I replied by tweeting a message to the developer saying they could count me in for a review. I know that Milkstone has a good reputation for releasing some of the best quality titles on the XBLIG platform, so I knew "Sushi Castle" had huge potential. Needless to say the game did not disappoint. As I did my routine playthrough of the game I found nothing, but pure enjoyment from the experience.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Go Gimbal Go (XBLIG): "A challenging 2D platformer fit for all ages"

When I first saw 'Go Gimbal Go' I didn't know what to expect. I passed up the opportunity to request it for review on many occasions simply, because I thought it was some childish game that wouldn't be fit for my audience of readers. I'm glad that the developer (Gimbal Lock Studios) decided to contact me though, because otherwise I would have missed out on this interesting title. In the email I received from the developer he told me what the game was all about, and from his descriptions I could tell a lot of thought went into the making of this game. While I did not see the game comparisons he saw (Super Mario Sunshine ...) I did notice some similarities to other classic video games. After spending significant time with the game I decided to post my review, and this here is that review.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A-Band (XBLIG): "An Artistic Jam Session With New Rock Bands"

Sometimes I get myself in some of the worst situations when it comes to reviews. Either I'm juggling a bunch of reviews on my two blogs at one time, or I'm doing reviews on games/dvds that I'm not really into. Sadly this is the case with the game I'm about to review here. Against my better judgement I promised the developer (Flammable Games) I'd do a review on their game knowing ahead of time that the game was better played with the drum peripheral/controller. It's the kind of circumstance that makes me want to beat my head against the wall. Regardless of my struggle I was able to play enough of the game to give you guys a decent review.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pig & Bullet (XBLIG) Poetry Contest Winner!!!

I have to say that I'm disappointed with the result of this contest. I try my best to do contests that are both fun, and easy. The sad thing is I had three codes to giveaway, and only got one entry within a one week span of time. I tried my best to get people to join in, but in the end was unable to do so. As a result I will not be holding another contest/giveaway for a while. This is not the first time I've had a contest with little to no entries. Moving on though ...

I'm glad to say that at least one person was willing to submit a poem. This person was none other than DJ SBZ from ( I actually checked out their site this morning, and I have to say their music looks pretty interesting. You may want to take a look for yourself. DJ SBZ submitted a Haiku which was one of the methods you could have chosen to use to enter this contest. Since he was the only one to enter he wins a code. As for the other codes I may give one to my nieces & nephews, and giveaway the other code to a person of my choosing.


If you meet a pig
Don't try to feed him bacon
That is just plain rude

by SBZ

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pig & Bullet Contest FTW!!! - Compliments of Spiceworx & GHXYK2 [CLOSED!!!]

I have some very awesome news readers!!! After doing my review on 'Pig & Bullet' I was able to get some extra codes for giveaway purposes from the developer (Spiceworx). In fact the developer was so generous that they ended up giving me a total of three codes! This means there will be three winners for my contest!!!

Now it's time to get down to business. I'm sure you guys, and gals have been wondering what type of contest I dreamed up with this time, well the answer is that it's a fun one! In the past I have done some first come first serve giveaways, and even a highscore giveaway. This time around I thought I'd do something a little more interesting though. After thinking about it during the night last night I thought to myself "Why don't I have a poetry contest?". I'm a published poet myself, and enjoy writing my own poetry so I figured it would be nice to see some other peoples' poetic talents for a change. With that being said there are some rules that must be followed. Those rules are as follows: