Saturday, July 9, 2011

Upcoming Review: GameStudioPhoenix's "T.E.C. 3001"

GameStudioPhoenix, the developer of the upcoming XBLIG title "T.E.C. 3001" has just informed me that they will be allowing me to do a review of their full game. I'm very excited about this news! I've seen their official trailer, and it has very impressive visuals, and gameplay. I'll be bringing that review to you as soon as the game is released. Until then please enjoy the official trailer below ...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Rainbow Runner (XBLIG): "An Intense Run 'N Gun Shooter"

In my early search for games to review I came across a very unique shmup style shooter called 'Rainbow Runner'. Being the shmup enthusiast that I am I couldn't wait to see if the developer would allow me to review the game. It ended up taking a while to acquire the code from Tristan Nishimoto (Progpixel Games) due to complications with Microsoft, but I found it to be well worth the wait. After receiving the code I spent a couple of hours, or more playing through the different game modes. I could have spent a lot more time than that, but I needed to get the review out there.

PC Game Review: "Soldiers Are Dreamers"

Recently a good friend of mine introduced me to Peter Willington, the Host/Owner of 'InRetroSpectPodcast'. He asked me about reviewing a point, and click PC game he had created. Initially I was going to pass it up, but I figured I would give it a try. I'm usually not into PC games, but given it was a special request from a friend I decided to go along with it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Xbox Indie Games Summer Uprising 2011: "The Next Evolution in Gaming"

Recently I've gotten into the business of reviewing XBLIG (Xbox Live Indie Games), and XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade Games). I was previously working for various review sites on the web, but I wanted to start my own site. The availability of XBLIG, and XBLA games made this dream possible for me. During the development of my own site I've been following many indie game developers' works, and I've had the privilege to get to know some of them. After starting my game review blog I noticed a steady increase in the the interest of Xbox 360 indie games which was definitely good. It made the Xbox 360 a more attractive venue for indie game developers.

Reviewers, and developers are quickly picking up on the fact that XBLIG titles are one of the hottest new things in Xbox 360's gaming library. Like some of the XBLIG, and XBLA reviewers out there I have been bringing up to date reviews of the latest titles available in the Xbox Live game library. My goal is to get the games the recognition they deserve, just like the Summer Uprising coordinators are trying to do. With the IGSU (Indie Game Summer Uprising) at hand I truly believe this will soon become a mainstream thing. I have a gut feeling that Xbox indie games, and indie games for other consoles will pick up very fast. If you you haven't noticed the attention it's receiving yet, you will soon enough.

XBLA IMPRESSIONS: "Deadliest Warrior Legends"

I'm a history buff, and I absolutely love shows about world history. I'm no stranger to the Deadliest Warrior television show. I love their accurate, and scientific portrayal of the imagined duels between various world warriors. When I owned my PS3 I actually tried out the first Deadliest Warrior game, and I wasn't too impressed. The combat system was a bit lacking, but the concept was very intriguing. A couple of days ago 'Deadliest Warriors Legends' was released as an XBLA title, and I was anxious to see how the developer had improved the game.