Sunday, September 4, 2011

TAKE ARMS (XBLIG): "Like CoD, But Not Quite ..."

If you have ever wondered what Call of Duty would look like in 2D, then Discord Games (the developer) has your answer. Their game which is titled 'Take Arms' uses everything that made the CoD series great, and combines it with level designs that look like the 'Castlevania' style games. This game features both an offline, and online multiplayer that is likely to become a strong point in XBLIG gaming when it catches on. It features three modes of play that made games like CoD shine (Deathmatch, Team DM, CTF). You also get three soldier classes to choose from with their own weapons, and two different costumes (Red, Green). If you've ever enjoyed playing a Call of Duty (CoD) game, and you like indie games as well then I do believe you'll enjoy this game.

Head Shot God (XBLIG): "Epic Lighting Smiting"

Head Shot God is the 4th installment of Silver Dollar Game's 'Head Shot' series. I didn't get a chance to play the earlier Head Shot titles, but 'Head Shot God' looked like my kind of game. The game seems to feature The famous lightning chucking Zeus, but it could also be interpreted as the Christian God. As Zeus, or whomever deity it might be, your goal is to smite certain people as the wander aimlessly across your television screen. The game features two modes of play (Normal & Sniper). Each mode has their own rules, but smiting the helpless humans is always the main goal.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chester (XBLIG): "A Totally Sweet Tribute to the Games of Old"

I like it when a developer decides to make a game that's unique. It's not often that I see a game such as 'Chester' that has it's own artistic style as well as pays tribute to classic games. Brilliant Blue-G, the developer of this artistic masterpiece brought the game to life with a style that looks as if it was inspired by the art of Tim Burton, and Dr. Seuss. I was truly impressed with the artistic touch Brilliant Blue-G applied to this game. The gameplay was also fun, and featured very involved platform game mechanics.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Rock of Ages (XBLA): "Epic Boulder Rolling Fun Spanning The Ages"

I consider myself both lucky, and blessed for having the chance to review Atlus's/ACE Team's new game, 'Rock of Ages'. I recently decided to step up my game in the reviewing business, and seek out the approval of XBLA developers. I'm always up for broadening my horizens when it comes to reviewing, and doing just XBLIG titles wasn't satisfying my desire to expand my gaming knowledge further. When I contacted ACE Team about reviewing this game they accepted my request, and were truly friendly about it. Getting to know developers such as that, even if it is only through brief messages makes what I do worth the while. To be 100% honest though, I had no clue what 'Rock of Ages' was truly about when I made the request. I had a vague idea after watching the youtube trailer, but the trailer doesn't do the game justice. It's much better than the short footage you get to see in the video. I'd go so far as to say that ACE Team, and Atlus have created one of the best games I have ever played. It was definitely a privilege to get to play through, and review this game.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kobold's Quest (XBLIG): "Invasion Of The Baby Snatchers!"

As an XBLIG/XBLA reviewer I often times take it upon myself to seek out the most unique (and sometimes odd) game titles out there for my readers. I think it's the obsucre, and newer game ideas that really make the gaming industry shine. Kobold's Quest a game that was developed by 'Sucker Free Games (SFG)' really fit that description. This game takes stealth, and the art of sneakery to a totally new level. Instead of seeking treasure, or trying to annihilate your enemies ninja style you play the role of a Kobold (a gremlin/gargoyle like creature) who must nab the villager's babies to satisfy the Kobold Commander's insatiable hunger.