Wednesday, May 8, 2013

KontrolFreek - Shields "Ammunition" (PS3)

I think it was either late last year, or earlier this year that I reviewed my first KontrolFreek products. I was truly impressed with the craftsmanship, the overall designs, and functionality of the "FPS Freek", and "FPS Havoc" controller enhancements. In fact I still use them to this day when gaming with my brothers in "Black Ops 2". The in-game improvements that these two products offered definitely showed throughout my product testing phase, and beyond. However good that may sound it is not the reason why I'm here today. It was recently announced that KontrolFreek was releasing a new line of controller add-ons to their online store, and I felt that these new products would be another noteworthy item worth featuring here on this blog. These latest add-ons, dubbed as "shields" were said to provide the gamer with a cleaner, more protected controller. In simple terms it's KontrolFreek's own unique take on controller decals.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Injustice Lobo & Season Pass Farce

Okay. Prepare yourselves for some insane profanity pertaining to NetherRealm Studio's DLC fiasco. If Lobo were in my place I think he'd agree with what I'm about to say ...

This morning I woke up excited that Lobo, my favorite DC character of all time was going to be released as a new addition to Injustice's pathetic roster of spam fuckers. I loaded the disc in the Xbox 360 with anticipation of the justified havoc I was going to wreak upon unsuspecting online turds. When I arrived at the XBL add-on menu I noticed that there were some new skins available, and thought to myself, "Damn! This day could not get any better!". Since I bought the season pass I figured they'd include the skins like they did with MK9's season pass, but HELL NO!. Of course I'm jumping ahead of myself in mentioning that, so back to the Lobo discussion. I downloaded Lobo via the in-game menu, thinking that I may be charged for the DLC content if I didn't do it that way. Oddly enough I noticed during my downloading of Lobo that the skins were still listed for 240 msp each. I'm thinking "WTF!?". I then go about my merry fucking business continuing to watch Lobo download onto my console with the thought of "NetherRealm Studios just reamed me a new one, didn't they?" in the back of my mind.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Injustice: Gods Among Us - "Lowdown on the Showdown"

There's no doubt that a lot of us had high expectations for NetherRealm's latest fighting game, "Injustice: Gods Among Us". In fact I had so much confidence in the game I pre-ordered it, and even bought the season pass. Upon picking it up, and getting into it though my optimistic opinions of the game began to slowly diminish over time. The more I played it the more I found wrong with it. Whether, or not you are a fan of this game I think we can all agree on the fact that the game is in need of some serious patching. Certain characters need to be nerfed/buffed, and other online interactions need to be dealt with if the game is to succeed for the long run. Before I get too far ahead of myself though let me touch base on what this game offers the gamer.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blog Update: May 4, 2013

As you can likely tell by now I have slacked off a bit on reviews lately. You'll notice that I haven't been pursuing them as aggressively as I used to. There is a reason behind this. As most of you know I love to game in my spare time. As a reviewer who keeps up two blogs doing so is very difficult though. As such I have taken it upon myself to enjoy a little vacation of sorts, and catch up on some lost game time. My life is hectic for many reasons, and having free time to myself is a much needed thing. That is why I have chosen to back away from reviews just for a little while. What does this mean for you. It simply means that I won't be doing game reviews for a very short period of time. I will of course return to my usual reviewing schedule when I've had my fill of fun. I hope that you understand my decision, and that you continue to visit my blog in the near future for more critiques on the latest & greatest game releases. I'm grateful for all of your support, and will continue keeping you up to date on the gaming industry's happenings whether it be here, or through other social media outlets.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Legend of Mr.AW3S0M3 (A Creepypasta)

Back in the 1980's when gaming was at it's prime there lived a 33 year old man named Brad. Brad, at this age was what you'd call a kid at heart. He drowned his many sorrows, and worries in the offerings of a newly introduced gaming console called the NES. Like many of you he spent hours upon hours sitting in front of the television playing through the massive game collection that he had amassed. All in all though it was merely an escape from his haunting past. During his early years, life was not all that great for Brad. He had spent most of his teenage life in a local psychiatric hospital for severe schizophrenia. The doctors, and nurses pretty much kept him doped up, and restrained to a bed for a good portion of his life. Brad was left to himself for the most part, unable to express his feelings to anyone.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fighting Game Hacks: "Fact or Fiction?"

Once again I'm forced to prove that there is hacking, and cheating going on in the fighting game community. No one will listen to me, and people seem to think I'm a scrub with no knowledge on fighting games whatsoever. The following links I'm going to provide are for proof only. I absolutely DO NOT condone cheating, or hacking of any kind. You have to keep in mind when checking into this list that I was able to find these hacker sites & videos by simply "googling" the title of the game with the word "hacks" following it. It's made to be easily accessible. Anyone who doubts me after this needs wake up & smell the bullsh*t.