Monday, July 1, 2013

Dungeon Smash - Dark Isles (XBLIG)

The developers at  Haiku Interactive have created a game that is both simple, and somewhat complex in design. This overhead dungeon crawler known as, "Dungeon Smash - Dark Isles" mixes both RPG elements, and the simple controls of a twin-stick shooter to breathe life into a basic plot driven story mode. At the heart of the game you'll find a visually enhanced tale of 5 kingdoms that have been at war with one another for quite some time. The five different princesses of each kingdom decide that peace is long overdue, and have their champions to accompany them to the signing of a peace treaty. Unfortunately to everyone's surprise each princess is captured, and taken away by a horde of flying demons. Following in pursuit of the princesses' captors two heroes, and two heroines (Balbak, Xan, Alandro, Shayleah) venture out on a quest to rescue the damsels in distress, so that peace can finally be realized. Each hero/heroine carries with them a certain set of skills with which they'd dispatch their enemies, and must use these skills to traverse the shadowy depths of the underworld for the kingdoms' sake.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 (XBLA)

Wizards of the Coast, and the game development studio known as Stainless Games return with a fiery vengeance. In this iteration of the classic card game experience turned digital we find that the main protagonist is none other than the Planeswalker, Chandra Nalaar. In past versions of the arcade game Chandra's background was only hinted at, but the developer decided to go all out this time around, and present her in a wholly complete way. Not only will you gain an understanding of Chandra's current predicament, but you'll also be able to hear her voice (via voice acting), and see her come to life before your eyes in full motion 3D cutscenes. Everything about MTG 2014 is fleshed out in a way that brings the characters to life more than they ever have been in the world of MTG. There's definitely tons of new features to enjoy, and explore as you navigate the expansive new menu system that is made available to buyers of the full version of the game.


This morning I started up my PS3 in hopes of partaking of the Double XP offerings in Black Ops 2. Little did I know that I'd receive a message, and a gift from the developers of "Spartacus Legends". The message basically told me that the game had been fixed, and in order to gain access to this newly patched version I'd have to delete my old download, and download the game again. Also attached to the message was a single use code for 50 free gold coins for use in the game! At this point I was thinking to myself "Why not?". I decided to take them on their word, do as they said, and enjoy my $4.99 worth of gold coins. The download took long as it usually does. You can't expect less of a wait from a game with a 2,000+ MB file size, unfortunately. Upon downloading, and installing it I got into the game hoping to the Greek Gods that the developer had actually fixed the issues I found wrong with the game. To my utter dismay I once again found myself cussing out the game in rage though.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spartacus Legends (PSN): "First Impressions"

When it comes to Roman mythology, and history I'm a diehard fan. I have spent hours upon hours of my life at the schools' libraries as well as local libraries reading up on Spartan conquests, gladiators, and all the gory details associated with both. It seems to me though that as interesting as these subjects are, and have been in the past to people that the hype about them did not increase until films such as "300", and television series like "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" came into being. Speaking of which, I can't help but think of the phrase that Gerard Butler so brilliantly quoted in the film "300" ("THIS IS SPAAARTA!!!" xD) every time I hear something with the word "Sparta" in it. In fact this morning I came up with my own parody version of the quote, and it goes something like this, "THIS IS SPAAARTA-CUS!!!". As cheesy as that likely sounds I can't help, but quote it every time I get into a "Spartacus Legends" match. For those of you who are unaware of it, Spartacus Legends (a Free-to-Play) game was released today on the PSN store. This means PS3 owners get first dibs at sampling the new fighting experience. Xbox 360 owners will get their chance tomorrow.