Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Season's Greetings From Gentleman Squid Studios!!!

Over the years that I've been reviewing for "OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno" I've made many friends with the PR staff members, and development crews who make the games that you, and I play. Both indie developers, and retail developers alike have been thankful for the critiques that I have provided, and in turn I have been thankful for their generosity. Some of them have even sent emails containing very nice "Thank You!" messages expressing their gratitude for my hard work. It is this appreciation, and earned friendship that remains part of the reason as to why I continue to do what I do. I absolutely love the people who make the gaming industry so grand, and love to play my role in spreading the word on their products as well. Game developers such as Fabian Florez of "Gentleman Squid Studios" are the epitome of what a game developer should be in regards to the appreciation of fans, and journalists. This year Fabian continued with his gracious nature by sending me yet another digital greeting card wishing me, my family, and my friends the best this holiday season. The artistic image, and well wishes definitely brought a smile to my face. It's not often that I'm gifted such a greeting from any developer a year, or even years after I've reviewed their game.

Pinball FX2: "Dr. Strange" (XBLA)

The origins of the well spoken, and all powerful mystic known as Dr. Strange are about as strange as the name he bares. His first appearance which was featured in the 1963 issue of Marvel's "Strange Tales #110" only gave a glimpse of the superhero who was inspired by an early 1930's radio show character (Chandu the Magician). It wasn't until later issues that his origin story was revealed, and that Dr. Strange earned a proper place amongst Marvel's vast mythology. Like his radio counter part Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange delved into the mysteries, and mythologies of the arcane. He used his mystic powers throughout his many different comic book appearances to thwart otherworldly threats (Nightmare, Dormamu, Shuma Gorath ...), some of which could have ended the world if he were not to have intervened. This charismatic, and all powerful character has appeared in many different forms throughout the years. He's had his own standalone series, has been a guest to other superhero's tales, and has even appeared in various form entertainment outlets as well as on merchandise related collectibles. Some of you will even know him for his appearance as one of the roster members in Capcom's fighting game "Marvel vs Capcom 3".

Monday, December 16, 2013

Super Street Fighter IV 2012 AE Version Differences, Flaws & The Reasons I'll Likely Not Buy the Ultra Version in 2014

Okay folks. I just got through playing the PS3 version of "SSFIVAE 2012", and I'm pissed. I'm pissed that I even spent a dime on the POS (Piece of Shit). I'm fit to rage, and rant all day long about it. Before I lose my cool though I'd like to go over the differences between the Xbox 360, and the PS3 versions of the game with you. I'd also like to go over the game's flaws in regards to my main character Vega as well as some in-game features that need to be fixed if the game is ever going to be worth a purchase on the PS3. Please bare with me as I may use some cuss words in this informative rant, because Capcom really screwed the pooch with this BS. I take back ever taking up for Capcom. I think that unless they can get their shit together, and create a proper gaming experience their company should belly up, and die out. As cold as that statement is I've come to the conclusion that it is a justified one. The Capcom of the 80's that produced amazing gaming experiences is no longer alive today. That's just how it is.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Let's Talk - "Youtube's Copyright Apocalypse Pt. 2"

Okay, with all conspiracy theories aside let us talk about what's really going on with Youtube, and my personal thoughts on the matter. Over the past few days I have sit through, and watched video after video of famous Youtube commentators, and content providers giving their take on what has happened as well as what is happening with the ContentID / Copyright-gate system. While Angry Joe pretty much nailed the issue on the head I'm beginning to believe that this is 90% a problem brought on by Youtube's recently applied ContentID system , 5% an issue brought on by companies with legit claims, and 5% claims made out of pure BS. Last week, even though I do not in any way monetize my videos I was hit with a copyright strike from a company that doesn't even exist. They claimed that a one second frame of the video containing the developer's logo, and a piece of the Dolby Digital logo was somehow their property. Curious, I looked the SOBs up, and could not find any company by that name on the internet.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Doctor Sleep (BOOK)

If you are into Stephen King books, and movies as I am you'll have no doubt read, or watched his older masterpiece, "The Shining". The Shining, which got it's name from one of the main character's special abilities told a horrific tale of a haunted hotel getaway in which the Torrence family lived out a truly terrifying ordeal. There were plenty of ghastly guests to keep the family of three on their toes, and the fact that Jack Torrence (The Father) was growing madder with each passing day made the otherworldly predicament all the more dire. Aside from Jack Torrence his young son Danny, and his wife Wendy also took on major roles as guests of the haunted hotel. In the end, and through many nerve racking encounters Danny's imaginary friend gave the family enough warning to enable Mrs. Torrence, and her son to make a proper getaway. It is also this imaginary friend known as Tony who allowed them both to witness the more horrific haunts contained within the confines of the massive hotel during their earlier days there. Both Daniel Torrence, and his Mother Wendy Torrence eventually make a narrow escape leaving Jack to be forever lost amongst the ghostly apparitions of the Overlook Hotel. That of course is where "The Shining" ends, and "Doctor Sleep" picks up.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Strength of the Sword 3 - The War Golem (PSN)

When I first saw the trailer to "Strength of the Sword 3" there's a couple of things that immediately popped up into my mind. One of those thoughts was "Where the heck are the first two games!?", and secondly "Why have I never heard of this game before!?". The game looked really impressive to be from an indie studio (Ivent), and definitely looked worthy of a review. The fact that the game was boasted about as being a truly hardcore experience that only skilled gamers would enjoy definitely caught my attention. I knew that if the hype were true that "Dark Souls", and "Demon's Souls" players would definitely be interested in knowing about it. Even though games with such a hard learning curve usually turn away a majority of gamers, there's actually a select group of truly hardcore gamers who love such a challenge.