Monday, January 27, 2014

"Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn" on the PS4!?

Well, it seems that the development team over at Square Enix definitely wants to push old games onto consumers by offering revamped versions of them for next-gen consoles. They did it with "Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition", and now they are doing it with "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn". I know gaming journalists who oppose these kinds of practices could have a field day with the update material that I'm going to provide, but part of me wants to welcome this online Final Fantasy MMO onto my PS4. I've wanted to play the game ever since it was released on the PS3. Of course it goes without saying that I will not be paying via credit card though, because of security risks. I hope to the gaming gods that Square Enix has been paying attention to my articles, because I brought up similar points about various payment options recently. If they did then they might have just won me over, again.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up - 1/26/2014

As you probably noticed this article before you is an entirely new addition to my gaming blog. My friend @oOScottyBOo over at Twitter inspired me to make this weekly feature, and make it a mainstay here at "OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno". You might be asking yourself what the heck is a "Weekly Wrap Up"? The "Weekly Wrap Up" is basically going to be a weekly article that I'll post each Sunday containing an insight on my week's worth of gaming activities. The topics I cover can range from rants to talks about the various games that I've spent my time playing, and what I thought about them. I might also mention games that I've picked up during the week, and let you know if they are worth your time, and money. For sh*ts & giggles I might also throw in a funny gaming story, or something humorous that I encountered in that particular week. Seeing as this is the first entry in my "Weekly Wrap Up" series I'll be covering a lot of things about my gaming activities during this week in order to give the series a proper jump start. Keep in mind though that these articles will vary in length, and can be anywhere from a few paragraphs to more than 10. It all depends on how much time I choose to spend on it. I hope that you enjoy this series of sneak peeks into my personal gaming life, and that it gives you something to think, or talk about until next weekend's post. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let's Talk - DLC, Micro-Transactions & Pay-Per-Play

My stance on corporate greed is probably well known amongst the online gaming community by now. The money gouging, and money grubbing practices that have become commonplace have all but sapped out the fun that the gaming industry was once known for, and I've said so myself several times over. While a majority of these money making schemes are inexcusable forms of bullshittery there are some things that I wouldn't mind forking over my hard earned cash for. The DLC that actually rewards the gamer for their gamble on digital only items would be a prime example of such a noteworthy DLC practice. I for one bought every single piece of costume DLC made available for "Soul Calibur V", and ended up investing more money in the game than I initially sunk into it. The DLC for that game was too good to pass up.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Conception 2: Children of the Seven Stars - "Teaser Trailer & More" (3DS/PS VITA)

At this point in time I've not really done much personal research on Conception 2, but I do know that in some haphazard, and mature way it is about baby making. The title of the game itself should be a dead giveaway in regards such mature themes. While this concept (pun intended) might not thrill all gamers, or parents out there I think it might just be ATLUS's next handheld console hit. As for me personally, I'm totally excited to see what sorts of new JRPG gameplay mechanics are going to be added, and used within the game. I always like developers who think outside the box, and the developers of "Conception 2" seem to have done exactly that in this anime inspired JRPG sequel. I hope that you too will greet this new gaming experience with open arms when it hits the streets of the US on April 15th of this year.

TEKKEN Revolution: "The Fighting Game Fiasco Continues ..."

If you've been following me this year you'll know I'm very outspoken about Namco's money gouging in regards to the "Unlock Eliza" event in "Tekken Revolution". From the beginning of the event forward it has been made apparent that Namco's intentions were anything, but gamer friendly. I do realize that Namco has to make a profit somehow, but the way they've gone about it from the game's release onward is nothing less than highway robbery. Having to pay significant amounts of money for unrewarding, and less than noteworthy DLC content has paved the way for even more greedy schemes on Namco's behalf. Instead of implementing DLC as grand in scale as Tekken's character costume creation mode, or Soul Calibur V's costume based DLC they've practically turned the DLC offerings into a purely profit making business.