Friday, August 12, 2016

Dante's Two For One - State of OverWatch & No Man's Sky

Today friends I'm going to talk about two overly hyped video games, and what it is I think about each one. These two games include "OverWatch", and the recently released "No Man's Sky". Before I get into either discussion though I think it's important to talk about hype, and what it can do to a game's reputation. Hype, in general can be a good thing if, and only if a game lives up to said standards. Hype, as it were is a state of excitement over what could be. If what could be isn't factual, or reasonable then the hype will most definitely fail upon delivery. In the gaming industry studios, PR, and publishers sometimes use hype as a tool to secure day one sales or pre-order sales without merit or warrant. While using hype to promote a game can be a good business practice if utilized properly it can also come back to bite the content creator in the arse if they know what they are selling will fall short of the hype that has been built up before launch. Hype, more often than not is a dangerous thing for any content creator to rely on regardless of circumstances, and more often than not does not bode well for said hype feeders who do not truthfully disclose what their game or product is really about. Thus is the case with games like "No Man's Sky". In the end it's all about the use, or abuse of hype in the PR sector of the gaming industry. Much like it is with any entertainment industry branch.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors - Icons, Wallpapers & Banners!!!

Just got word from the Awesome guys & gals over at NISA that they have setup a special website for fans of the "Criminal Girls" PS Vita series. This website includes downloadable icons, banners, and wallpapers that fans can use to celebrate the upcoming game, and their favorite Criminal Girls gal. There's also some trailers with which you can gain a sneak peek, and understanding of what the game is all about. The easily offended need not apply. Criminal Girls is a mature JRPG, and is labeled as such. If you aren't mature enough to handle it then I suggest you pass along. That is my opinion though. An opinion that I stick by. Be sure to click the "Read More ..." button on this post if you'd like to take up NISA on their generous offer, and adorn both your social media accounts, and your PC with the "Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors" goodies!!! Enjoy, and you are welcome!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A.W.: Phoenix Festa - Part 2 (PS VITA)

After having completed the story mode, and having checked out the additional modes of play I am ready to deliver unto you my verdict, and an explanation of what else "A.W.: Phoenix Festa" has for those thinking about buying it ...

As I mentioned in the first part of my two part review this game keeps things simple while tying into the "Asterisk War" light novel mythology on a very basic level. It is centered mostly around dating sim mechanics while using a simple combat system to further build upon said relationship building. Nothing is really complicated once you get past the tutorial phase, and after a while things do become repetitive, and kind of bland outside of the dialogue that is shown within each characters' interactions. You will be basically minding optional tasks to a calendar based schedule in three month-like intervals with the tutorial playthrough, and introductions being the first month's activity regiment. After that it's all about courting one of four available girls (Julis, Saya, Claudia, Kirin) while readying your partnership for the Phoenix Festa event, and ultimately engaging in said event with your won over partner. The other modes of play include a "Battle" mode with three additional in-menu options including "VS CPU", "AD HOC BATTLE", and "SURVIVAL". Upon completing the "Story" with the already named protagonist you will also unlock an extra "Gallery" mode in which you can view all character interactions from previous playthroughs in all of their former glory.

Monday, August 1, 2016

A.W.: Phoenix Festa (PS VITA)

Bandai Namco's video game spin-off of the "Asterisk Wars" light novel series takes in account said light novel's background story, and turns it into an interactive dating sim hybrid. It combines the use of characters from the ongoing series, applies dating sim mechanics, and adds elements of 3D action based combat into the mix of it all. As a newcomer to the academy which the game utilizes as it's training grounds, and area of romantic outings you (the protagonist) will be tasked with completing optional chores/duties, and extracurricular activities to a series of collective 45 calendar days within a month-like arrangement which takes in account such things as student courting in the form of dates, stat improvement through Lux (weapon) training, duels with challenging individuals, and an end goal of competing in the annual "Phoenix Festa" event in order to obtain a single granted wish. How you manage the schedule will of course determine the outcome of your time invested. Whether or not you're prepared is entirely up to you though as you will be the one deciding what the readily named protagonist, or unnamed protagonist does with his given time.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Brad's Presidential Speech 2016

Fellow Americans, people of all nationalities. It is time for a change. Not in the sense of the current candidates' goals, but more so a personal at home change. As the late John F. Kennedy so rightfully said many years ago, "Children are the world's most valuable resource, and it's best hope for the future". It is time we as grown-ups, authority figures, and parents recognize the true problem at hand. That problem being the ill-advised raising, and outright neglect of our children's education regarding what's right, and what is wrong in a social environment. It's time the adult population is held accountable for their inaction and actions in relation to the corruption of the youth, and are made to raise the children of America in a way befitting of the country's more humble, and respectable origins. Long gone are the days of proper parenthood, and a righteous upbringing. As such we must strive even more to right the wrongs we have passed down from generation to generation. As your potential presidential candidate I aim to help you guide your children to become our brightest future.