Monday, October 10, 2016

Rogue Stormers (PS4)

I am super late getting to this game, but to be fair I did get it late. Regardless of my past due review what I have to say could still hold sway with what those of you who have yet to play or purchase the game think about it. Let me elaborate ...

Black Forrest Game's latest single player, and multiplayer Metroidvania style platformer brings with it an unusual combination of gameplay elements. Along with the basics of platforming utilized within the usual 2D (3D accented) environments also comes twin-stick shooter controls that are further enhanced by the use of shoulder button, and face button functions. There's that, and the fact that this is a rogue platformer. Meaning that each level is randomly generated. Everything from the contents of the chests, to the environments themselves are randomly constructed before you actually get into the gameplay. Despite it's random nature the levels which are alphabetically assigned in the loading screen sequence, and titled therein in episodic fashion are done in "Battlegate" playthroughs as well as boss battles that ultimately lead to a final boss encounter. You will make your way through each level as one of several pre-designed, and unique characters who each have unique weapons and perks with which they can combat minions of 'Hector Von Garg' that spawn forth from strategically placed Transgoop portals. It seems old Hector is about as corrupt as our own politicians, and has overthrown with the help of his orcish goons the world in which the game's heroes, and heroines live. As a dedicated hero, or heroine it is your duty to end his reign of terror, and put a stop to his goopy ways.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls (PS VITA)

Idea Factory's Neptunia series has taken on a rather odd, and seemingly non-canon plot twist this time around in which IF is the protagonist, and a Segami (an amnesiac on a mission) is trying desperately to stop the post-apocalyptic end of the world which was brought on by inner conflict among the Sega Hard Girls. When the game opens up IF is shown scouring a desolate wasteland on her motorcycle in a search for an ancient library. She eventually finds said library, and in doing so meets up with a predicament tied to the disappearance of history itself. It seems the grand library is the storehouse for all historical knowledge, and is run by the series' motherly figure, Histoire. While browsing the volumes of information IF falls victim to a surprise attack, and later realizes through Histy's inquiry about her whereabouts, and the lost tomes of knowledge that there is a history thief among them. Of course during the visit, and perhaps before that Segami is found roaming aimlessly about, and insists on tagging along with IF. Together IF, Histy, and Segami work out a deal to travel back in time from era to era to figure out what exactly happened to the missing data. Histy actually turns IF's motorcycle into a time traveling vehicle, and it is with that motorcycle that IF, Segami, and the select characters she encounters travel back and forth from library to era doing their detective work as they attempt to fix the future.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Candy Connoiseur - Runts

This October I thought I'd do something special. Something that coincides with the Halloween celebration, and spirit. That thing being candy. Yes, I said candy. While we like to watch our horror movies, and dress as ghoulies and ghosties the candies we loot have always been a staple of that all encompassing Halloween experience. Throughout my childhood, and even my early twenties I partook of said candy. Probably more than I should have. I can't name offhand how many different candies I've eaten, but I will say there are some good ones to enjoy. In fact while recently out at the local gas station I picked up some candy for this very reason. It was a candy that has been around for many years, and has surprisingly been changed to a more healthy version of itself. The candy in question being "Runts". For those of you who have not had the privilege to taste these fruit shaped hard candies you are missing out. The banana, strawberry, grape, orange, and lime flavors are truly delicious. Even with the health transition towards less sugar, and non-artificial flavoring it still tastes as good as I remember ...

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Zenith (PS4)

Badland Games' "Zenith" is a self-aware, and self-loathing RPG which incorporates not only older JRPG elements, but also includes comedic rip offs of said JRPG material as well as hilarious mockery of some of the 80's to early 90's greatest cult film classics. While it does bare it's own story centered around a foul mouthed mage known as Argus Windall, and his unfortunate dealings with an ancient scepter for the sake of the empire he serves under it continuously displays all sorts of cliches with tons of fourth wall breaking moments meant to stir a reaction from the gamer who is intently playing through the oddly orchestrated adventure. Nothing in the game is overly complicated, and after having played through it myself I realized the main focus was mostly about the developers' underlying message to gamers. Their personal opinion regarding the various cliches, and tropes found within most of, if not all RPGs. It's a proper adult comedy that gamers who grew up playing RPGs can appreciate, and enjoy ... to a certain point. Unfortunately the game does have it's issues, and those issues tend to break the immersion that should have been more smoothly delivered.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Slain: Back From Hell (PS4)

Finally! Slain has made it to the PS4!!! Well, at least it did last week. I know I'm a little late to the show, but I've been waiting quite a while to get my hands on this game, and see what it's all about. Was I disappointed? Not really. Digerati Distribution, the masterminds behind this Metroidvania homage have done the genre justice. Slain may not have the deepest of stories, but the attention to detail, and the overall experience included lives up to the hype that surrounded it's initial release.

At the heart of the hardcore horror fantasy tale is a long dead hero named Bathoryn who is summoned once again by his spirit guide to fight the forces of evil led by Lord Vroll. Though stubborn at first this dude of metal morals sojourns forth braving the odds in the form of perilous landscapes, and vile enemies. As the gamer you will take control of Bathoryn, and guide him along as you face the threat of instant environmental death, death by the hands (er, claws) of minions, and even that of the dastardly larger than life boss creatures that look as if they were torn out of someone's nightmares. With your sword, spirit magic, and capabilities as a tried and true warrior you will deal with all this, or suffer the consequences of your inability to do so. It is an unapologetic, and challenging game in the light of older Metroidvania platformers much like the early Castlevanias, Chakan the Forever Man, and even Altered Beast. Along with said challenge comes a symphonic heavy metal soundtrack, tons of blood, and plenty of gory bits. If you like your Metroidvanias maturer, and hardcore you'll no doubt enjoy what Slain has to offer!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Zen Pinball 2 - Women of Power (PS4)

Up until this point Zen Studios has chosen the more well known, and older selection of MARVEL superheroes, and superhero tales to make as their focal point in pinball table design. They've chosen pivotal moments from past MARVEL histories, and timelines including that of the Hulk's exile to space, and even the 'Fear Itself' table which was about as "Metal" as I've seen a MARVEL product get. They even used single characters as the spotlight interest from time to time, and built said table around said character. Most former MARVEL fans can appreciate the attention to detail put in these older tables as they are more relative to those of us who have been with MARVEL in the past, but who have currently abandoned them for their awkward direction in both storytelling, and art. Myself included in that statement.

That having been said the "Women of Power" two table set isn't all that bad. I was intrigued by the "A-Force" table which included Black Widow, and Madame Masque as it's flagship characters. It looked, and seemed similar to a lot of the more male inclusive story spin-offs I've read through in the past. On the flip side of the same set though the "Champions" table completely lost me outside the fact that it's the one table out of the set with the easiest high scoring mechanics included. In fact today I landed a score of 143+ million in a 20+ minute playthrough. The inclusion of Ms.Marvel, Lockjaw, and the other female casting kind of turned me away from liking it regardless of this plus side. As I mentioned in my preview stream the characters, and the table felt too slapstick, or rather too comical to be considered what I think of as MARVEL. In a Scooby-Doo sort of way.

That aside both tables in their entirety look superb, and for the most part play excellently under the guide of skilled, and even amateurish control. Everything from the soundtrack to the voice-overs, and even the visual effects come together in a manner befitting of Zen Studio's advancing, and ever improving quality. For that very reason I find myself on the fence about either loving, or not liking what path Zen Studios has currently taken with their trek into MARVEL comics coverage. There's definitely an air of PC (Political Correctness) influence, and aspirations with the theme. I'm not saying it's bad to cover only super heroine inclusive MARVEL plots, but like the latest MARVEL films this too seems to be introduced for propaganda purposes by outside sources with their own agendas. God knows I favor the female characters over a lot of the male characters, because they've always looked cooler to me, but this gender divide and singular focus has got to stop in the entertainment industry. Seriously.