Monday, December 26, 2016

2016, Was It Really That Bad?

The year 2016 has become synonymous with celebrity death, global calamity on a natural scale, PC culture fanaticism, SJW self-deprecation, and the looming threat of global nuclear war. The tension is high everywhere on the planet, and everyone including their mother is glued to social media waiting to chime in on the next bad happening. At least it seems that way. In light of all this the question I feel begs to be asked is whether or not this world is really worse off than it was last year, or years before? To answer that we all need to take into consideration the social media boom, and the boom of biased opinions of the mainstream media. That, and the outlets' purposeful agendas within the confines of each "boom". In all cases it could simply be said that the "bad" things in life are more socially widespread now, and more socially known due to the connectivity the internet has more than willingly provided. We are constantly being force fed information, and misinformation from all fronts with all sources bringing forth the most negative of spotlights on human activity, and negative topics of discussion. If anything it seems to a certain extent we've all jumped aboard the "2016 Apocalypse" train whether we intended to or not. We cannot escape the descent into maelstrom that we've all been plunged into in every aspect of our daily online lives.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Amazon & Ambitions

This year has been a trying year for me, and my blog. Though I posted a decent amount of reviews I posted nowhere near the amount of reviews I could have. This problem fell on mainly on the fact that it is getting increasingly more difficult to get review copies of games. For the first time in a long time I was even denied review copies by some indie developers due to their misunderstanding of my reach, and capabilities. I had hoped the decline in reviews would not happen, but it did. What I'm about to propose in regards to this unfortunate downfall could help me do more reviews for you in the coming year. I don't want you to feel pressured about it, or feel that you have to help me though. At the end of the day you could easily use what I'm about to ask for, for yourself. If however you find what I'm proposing to be worthwhile then I will welcome your assistance. Now for that proposal ...

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) (PS4)

I don't know how to say this without echoing every other review of 'Maldita Castilla', but it is definitely inspired by Capcom's "Ghouls & Ghosts/Ghosts & Goblins" games. It looks, and plays very much like those arcade-like retro gaming experiences. You have the basic platforming, the scoring setup, the simple back story, the map screen traversing, and even the weapon and item system used in those types of games. Everything from the onscreen displays to the 32bit pixel construction screams inspiration from said sources. Even the playable protagonist comes off as being inspired by Capcom's character, Arthur. While the game definitely has it's similarities it also has it's differences though. In the way of story, for example, this game takes place after the events surrounding the fall of a princess's love interest, and the unlocking of the demon realm through her tears which were turned into a magical key for the demon's loosing. Ultimately as one of the four named knights of the kingdom of Castilla you are ordered by the King to go out, and slay the demons that are bringing ruin to it's people. Thus freeing the kingdom from it's curse. Through short lived stages divided by multiple areas you must effectively fight off the demonic creatures while looting treasure chests, finding key items, and advancing to the final battle.

Friday, December 16, 2016

The True Meaning of Christmas (POEM)

The True Meaning of Christmas

Poem by ~ Brad "OtakuDante" Carver

This year's Christmas tree is gonna be the sh*t
A huge swirly turd with all the trimmings, and future presents 
tucked firmly underneath it
When old Saint Nick shimmies down the chimney with care
he'll catch a surprising whiff of the putrid smell that's been filling the air
So repulsed by the foul odor,
and disgusted with fright he'll heave & he'll ho till he's well out of sight 
No gifts will he leave, and no stockings will he fill,
but through captured surveillance footage we'll all have a laughable thrill
For the true meaning of Christmas is not commercialized goods
but is instead the friends & families who gather together in harmony 
within each neighborhood.