Thursday, August 31, 2017

ARK: Survival Evolved (FINAL REVIEW)

From a Beta to the final product Wild Card Studios', "ARK: Survival Evolved" has evolved into quite the polished product. While I did notice some lingering issues in the form of a half-done "Survival Guide" tutorial section without control explanations included, and a couple of bugs the game impressed me enough to get a recommendation in my Youtube video review. I think the developer's dedication to the project through the Beta phase, and future content scheduled for release beyond the final version is enough to make me believe that the game will continue getting the love and attention it needs to make server play last. Server play, as you might have guessed is a key selling point for ARK. It allows for online coop, and competitive clan/tribe play on hosted, or non-hosted servers. For those of you worried about a more singular experience there is a singleplayer option within the base survival mode. If you prefer server play though you can find those lobbies ready for your enjoyment. The catch is you'll get the base game at the base price, and the DLC add-ons at a more premium price. The DLC in question adds in extra server options based on new unique in-game areas.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Paragon ~ Drongo

Today Epic Games released their new Paragon character, "Drongo". Drongo is being hailed as a scavenger, and looks like someone from a post-apocalyptic wasteland. His name sounds sort of Australian, and the inclusion of an ability damage boomerang pretty much confirms this origin. His skills are very military in nature outside of the inclusion of the boomerang. He has an AOE gas grenade that's good for clearing out minions, and banking gold. He also has a radioactive bullet buff that goes along with his primary weapon which is a revolver that does not require reload. His ultimate is a cluster rocket that when launched causes Drongo to back flip out of the way. A sort of scatter blast without the blast. In the way of stats he is heavy on the basic damage, but low on durability, and the other stats. Though his mobility is fairly good as well.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Darkest Dungeon: Crimson Edition (PS4)

Darkest Dungeon is a brilliantly orchestrated video game love letter to all things Lovecraft. Taking into account H.P. Lovecraft's intertwining worlds of psychological horror, and that staple style of storytelling the developer known as Red Hook applies every possible detail in accordance to said source material to make the game's journey into delirium all the more genuine. Every choice you make in relation to your outgoing party's descent into the abysmal estate grounds that they find themselves treading underfoot is so crucial that the experience at hand becomes quite the task from the get go. From the intense battles to the trek through the growing darkness you will witness your hired characters losing their sanity as they fall victim to every physical, and metaphysical threat imaginable. Their only comfort coming from rest, and restoration at a nearby hamlet. A place where the sins of the flesh, and a visit to the sanitarium can cure all of their ills. Of course this all comes with a price, and it is through your increasingly difficult adventures that you will not only stave off the unwelcome denizens of the damned to relieve your family's curse, but also loot the residence for what it's worth. With an eerie atmosphere amplified by blood red visuals, and a dark theme filled with voice-over talent befitting of a 'Triple A' game release this challenging ordeal that awaits you will no doubt intrigue even the most wary of gamers despite any issues they might have with hardcore gaming experiences. That I believe.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Darkest Dungeon: Crimson Edition ~ Preview Review

I have begun my playthrough of the Darkest Dungeon. I am currently a few hours into my playthrough as of this evening. I think I'm up to week 3 of the weekly system that governs the game's passing of time in relation to character events. So far I'm falling in love with this game. It takes to heart every aspect of H.P. Lovecraft's literary works. The whole driven to insanity at the threat of inhuman horrors ploy is very much intact within this game. All packaged with robust mechanics and features meant to keep you invested despite the extreme difficulty the game presents from the start. The battle, and dungeon exploration system involved along with perma-death vulnerable characters makes every thing you do all the more important, and the consequences thereafter more impacting. For example, rushing blindly into battle ill-equipped, and ill-prepared can lead to negative quirk afflictions which will hinder party progress due to the characters' inability to rationalize the dire situation they find themselves in or deal with the trauma inflicted by the Lovecraftian horrors they encounter as they delve deeper into the estate's cavernous underbelly. The game's mechanics, and features, in particular play heavily on each party member's psychological well being, and their tolerance of physical afflictions. Making each character seemingly more human in the process, and more relative as a result.