Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Paying Respects To My Grandmother Who Made My Journey Into Gaming Possible

My grandmother is my favorite person in the world. She's a Godly woman committed to reading the scriptures daily, and is wholly dedicated to her family. She prays for us all the time, and often says she'd take on our suffering if it would ease our pain. Throughout my life she's stuck up for me, looked after me when I was young, and encouraged me to be the best I could be. In her 80's now she suffers a lot of ailments, but still finds the occasional happy moment with me, and I with her. I remember fondly her taking me, and my siblings shopping for a Nintendo Entertainment System when we were younger, and her beaming with happiness to see us happy once she had bought the console. If it weren't for her I may not have ever gotten into gaming like I did, and for that I'll be forever grateful. Not only did she do that, but she's the reason I got a PS Vita, and why I've been able to support my hobby. I personally don't like to accept her money, but she finds happiness in my happiness, and to be quite honest she won't take no for an answer. She awaits my return from the trip to Gamestop, and always asks if I got something good, and I share with her what I bought.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

10tons Shmup "Tesla vs Lovecraft" Is An Improbable Battle Of Genius And Madness

Like the epic battles between King Kong, and Godzilla 10tons studios takes two iconic characters from the world of man, and pits them against one another in a decisive battle made somewhat plausible yet not. In this battle of science versus fiction we find famed scientist Nikola Tesla battling horror author H.P.Lovecraft. A man whom had warned Tesla in a live demonstration that he did not know the powers he was meddling with. Those powers being free electricity for all. A tale we all know too well. After being imprisoned for the theatrical disturbance Lovecraft unleashes hell on Earth Eldritch horror style causing Tesla to counteract the threat with weaponized inventions of his own. Through mechs, augmented artillery, and perks of the shmup kind Tesla faces off against fiendish foe after fiendish foe in portal spawned waves powered by Cthulhu statues. Ultimately going between planes of existence including that of Arkham, the Aether, and Eldritch Tesla dares the adverse difficulty as he faces the monstrosities of old.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

An HD Return To Damascus Gear Via Operation Osaka

Arc System Works, and A+ Games' 'Damascus Gear' series offerings continue with an updated HD port of 'Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka' for the PS4. This twenty dollar visual, and all inclusive upgrade brings to fans of the series a revamped and remastered story driven mech based RPG experience with the basic features of the first installment still intact along with some changes in focus. New to the series are missions that take the gamer through multiple floors of the Cosmopolis in order to loot new gear for their GEARS, and farm rare materials to pay of a ridiculous debt taken on, and passed down to the new pilot by his/her parents. Most of the game revolves around this debt story arch in that your progress, and ranking will afford you the gear, and monetary compensation needed to pay off the various loans. Beneath the debt driven gameplay you, your operator, and your mech will be engaging in gladiatorial Japanese mech battles via the "Arena". A 1v1 sports spectacle in which the winner leaves with a huge lump sum of money, supposing they win. You will ultimately be switching focus between doing missions to engaging in arena combat while occasionally being haunted by an enigmatic person or entity who seems to know something more about your destiny than you do.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Hobby Destroyers The Gaming Industry Dilemma As I See It

While the title of this post is broad I'd like to focus mostly on gaming, and the game industry. I'd like to talk about the key points that would turn me away from gaming should they come to fruition. I'd also like to talk a little about the direction gaming is taking, and what this possibly means for the future of gaming itself ...

In the past several years we've seen mainstay creators in the gaming industry twist, and taint the entertainment offerings thereof in a variety of concerning ways. Both for gamers, and for the developers who create the content said gamers consume. We've witnessed Microsoft, and Sony start a console war in which they each released a few different versions of their new-gen console hardware while completely ignoring how it impacted early adopters, and the fact that it made useless consoles that in previous generations would have had a much longer lifespan where games were the focus instead of the consoles themselves. This race to win over the gaming crowd has cost these companies trust among the gaming community, and lost some dedicated service subscribers that would have possibly stuck around if it weren't for the poor decisions made.