Friday, November 29, 2019

My First Fortnite Battle Pass Grind ... Impressions

When it comes to Fortnite I mostly avoided the first chapter, and all of it's seasons. I might have logged on a couple of times to try it out, but my early impressions weren't good. I played mostly solo during chapter one, and the matchmaking was nothing like it is now. It felt like I had no chance at all, and that I was up against the sweatiest of pro players. I couldn't make it to the top 10 no matter how hard I tried. In chapter two the matchmaking seemed to take a turn for the better though, and I actually got two first place victory royales in solo with no building. Before I decided to actually pay up for the battle pass in chapter two I had progressed through half of the battle pass unlocks. Seeing as the matchmaking was more skill based, and I was actually doing well in-game I was willing to give it a chance. Admittedly at first chapter two was fun, and for once I was really into it. I spent a good amount of time fine tuning my approach, and settings to a serious extent. I also learned about the different game modes, and nearly 100% completed the battle pass missions. Currently I'm missing only the special variations for the legendary battle pass skin, and the secret skin that you unlock for completing the series of event missions. I have stopped for the moment, and kind of feel a disconnect after having witnessed a shift in the skill based matchmaking, as well as Epic Games' choice to turn my report option red signifying they are basically ignoring my player reports.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pinball FX 3 - William's Pinball: Universal Monster Set

The guys, and gals at Zen Studios know pinball. This fact is continuously made evident with each new table set they bring to their pinball platforms. If you haven't followed them in a while you might not know that they've actually begun creating tribute tables of the William's variety as a sort of set extension to their main brand. Each pack which costs roughly around ten dollars for two to three tables comes complete with a table history via textual intro facts, and the usual embellishments that come with the Zen Studios line of original table creations. That as well as the original artistic design. For example with the 'Universal Monster Set' you get a sort of dual design option that keeps the original design in mind as well as an enhanced version complete with the added video game flair Zen Studios is more known for. Point pop-ups, animatronics, holograms, 3D models, and a side dot matrix display where table events unfold in real time along with your achieved high score. Such things as that. With a single pressing of  'CIRCLE' you can effectively switch on, and off visual enhancements as you play. Similar to the way you change the table views, but with a different button. In a way this dual branding gifts the player two different versions of the two included tables. Allowing said players to experience in a more historically accurate way or in the Zen Studios way.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mononoke Slashdown | Simple Yet Complex Hack & Slash Ninja Action

FK Digital's "Mononoke Slashdown" is a game with a plot somewhat lost in translation. Through roughly translated English text, and an equally confusing intro we find that Kagemaru is our ninja hero, and that he's out to end some evil. That evil comes in the form of Mononoke, or demons. Through several chapters filled with several stages each Kagemaru is designated to take out the demonic armies with a sword, kunai, and a certain set of skills. It is through ninja like reflexes, and the tools of the trade that Kagemaru will either prevail or fail the challenges at hand. Given your guidance or lack thereof.

Citadel: Forged With Fire | A Verdict Rewritten

I like to be upfront, and honest when I've made an unfair judgment, or shared something that does not hold true. My recent verdict for Citadel falls in line with that very situation. I had disclosed that the grind on the servers were unfairly balanced according to resources made available, and the pace at which your character levels up. While my claim holds true on some servers there exists other custom servers that allow for fast tracking leveling, and material harvesting. Each server comes labeled accordingly, and through menu toggles you can sort through the various custom lobbies within the listing. Both on the PVE, and PvP side of things. I recently got into a PVE server for my area, and leveling was quickly done as was the harvesting of needed materials. Making it an experience on par with the singleplayer I absolutely adore, but with other online players accounted for. The stress on the servers wasn't bad either though there still exists some lag, and frame rate drops.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Citadel: Forged With Fire | PVP, PVE & A Final Verdict

I've spent some serious time in all three of Citadel's modes of play. I've tried out the easy grind, and the slow and methodical grind. Both offline, and online. For the most part it's the same experience throughout. All modes incorporate the same base crafting, and building mechanics while featuring the same maps filled with the same quests, looting opportunities, and boss/creature battles. Singleplayer itself can be played alone with the tedious grind settings in check or with advanced mods turned on that will allow you to enjoy the game without the hassle of needing to really farm or grind for anything. The opposite goes for multiplayer server play where PvP, and PVE demands the tedious grind in order for you to build your created character up to a point that he/she can engage in the endgame activities. One thing holds true any way you choose to play though, and that is the fact that character leveling does not reset upon death. This allows for picking up where you left off with the ability to craft everything you've unlocked through experience gained as well as your equipped gear still intact. It goes without saying that backtracking to pick up lost loot will be required if you want to regain all you've collected.